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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MrsG

  1. I'm 4 months out and I hear ya, it comes back! I try to do all Protein first then veggies or something. I'm not allowed grains til 6 months. Try cutting your carbs and see if that helps. I eat every 2-3 hrs and its mostly protein. Good luck!
  2. Yep! It's the only way I can fit in all my Protein for the day.
  3. MrsG

    I am worried

    I had hunger from the beginning. A few things to try....don't wait too long between eating, not sure what eating phase you are on but I try to eat a little something every 2-3 hours. Also, sometimes you can be thirsty and confuse that for hunger. Try drinking something first and see if that helps. It usually works for me, never did before surgery. Also, are you on a ppi like nexium, protonix, Pepcid? Sometimes acid can feel like hunger in the beginning. I was on protonix for the first few months. If you aren't check with your dr, they can prescribe something for you and it helps. I'm like you tho, I had hunger. I can't relate to those that have absolutely no hunger. I have to say that a lot of it was head hunger but until you figure that out (im still workin on it) it feels like real hunger. I'm almost 4 months out now and I still get hungry but for me it has calmed down a bit. Once you start eating solid Protein, that helps a lot too. Good luck!
  4. MrsG

    Hello Insomnia :(

    Here is what my sleep dr told me (I used to have sleep apnea) when I started to have insomnia issues. 1) the bedroom is for sex and sleep only. No tv, no computer, music, electronics, reading etc. 2) no playing on my iPad or computer 2 hrs before bed. Something about the light from the iPad and computer decreases our own natural melatonin we produce that makes us tired. 3) if you lay down and toss and turn, get up and walk around for a few mins and then try again. He said you cannot make yourself go to sleep. If you stay in bed tossing and turning and getting frustrated you start to subconsciously develope an anxiety about falling asleep which in turn makes it harder each time you try and causes the insomnia. 4) he had me start taking 3mg of melatonin (its over the counter and all natural, by the vitamins) each night 30 minutes before bed and that has helped me a lot. He told me I had bad sleep hygiene cuz I would read in bed, watch tv, etc and that's actually what was causing the insomnia. I did everything he told me and my insomnia went away. Now I have no trouble getting to sleep. Hope this helps. Try it, if it doesn't work at least you tried and maybe it's something more! good luck!
  5. Congratulations!! I'm jealous! I'll give a shout out to my wonderful husband! He's been my greatest support and continues to be there helping me along my journey! I love him! Also, I went down a dress size! Woo hoo! Love my sleeve!
  6. I'm 4 months out next week and I'm eating between 800-1000 a day.
  7. There was a lady Howard Stern interviewed who weighed 650lbs and her goal was to weigh 1000lbs. She did these videos too, her name is Debbie. She said she made a ton of money doing it too. She said guys would give her credit card numbers to be able to buy food and watch her eat it online. She has 2 kids and a husband. I don't get it.....
  8. Yep. The only difference is that I have yet to puke. I'm almost 4 months out and I hate when I try to push it and I don't know why I do that! I end up feeling sick and have to lay down for a hour. It seems to happen at dinner for me and I'm wondering if its because I'm eating with my husband. Breakfast and lunch I'm alone.
  9. MrsG

    Help Please

    Nope. I took it in the hospital with Water only.
  10. Me too. I loved tuna, heck it was my last meal before surgery. After surgery it tasted horrible, even the very smell of it would make me gag. I also could smell everything! It sucked but it only lasted a few months for me too.
  11. I agree. I take fiber gummies at night but m checking out flax seeds too. I don't want to become dependent on a laxative either. It has gotten better since I've been able to eat more fiber and veggies etc.
  12. MrsG

    I want to cry...

    I love your responses! I agree!
  13. MrsG

    Help Please

    Poor thing! You just had surgery 2 days ago, your body is trying to heal and push out all that trapped air. You are going to have pain, if it gets too bad and what you are taking isn't helping call your dr. He can prescribe something else. Just take it easy, keep your positive attitude, it helps a lot and just tell yourself this is only for a time. You will feel better in a few weeks, it just takes time. We want everything fast, quick recovery etc. but your body will do what it's gonna do, just let it heal, be kind to yourself. Try every day with the fluids, that is important and make sure you're walking to get the air out. This was my surgery too, it does get better! Good luck and congratulations!
  14. Ugh.....stalls.....I'm 4 months out and having one right now. I know what you mean tho, years and years of dieting messes with your head so you automatically assume you are doing something wrong. The fact is, stalls happen. Just keep doing what you are doing and have faith this will work, it's not like before. Try to keep positive and focused. Don't get down, that's the worst, I'm fighting that now. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, play with increasing calories or Protein and exercise and just keep going. Chin up, it's not like before. It will come off if we keep on it!
  15. Me too! I thought the sun would be good for them but it made them dark! Lol! I'm at 4 months now and they have started to lighten!
  16. Ok, so my husband runs & bikes marathons and I always go with him for support and wait at the finish line for him. At the finish line at all the marathons we have been to they have tents everywhere with free samples! They have all kinds of ready made protein drinks and protein bars. I've tried many different kinds, heck it's where I found the protein bar Quest that I have since bought. You do not have to be in the marathon to go to the finish line and check out all the samples but its kinda fun to do and it motivates you to see all the athletes! I love going! I always get inspired by the runners, they work so hard! Anyway, if you are looking for protein ideas but don't want to spend a lot on taking a chance on something you might not like, I suggest checking out a marathon and free samples!!
  17. MrsG

    Hair :(

  18. MrsG

    10 months out

    That is incredible! You look so amazing! Be proud, you've done great!
  19. MrsG

    Hair :(

    Nope! I was the voice if doom on that post too! Hahaha!!
  20. MrsG

    Hair :(

    It's FINE....EVERYTHING IS FINE!! Lol!! You know what they say about the word fine......it's the other "F" word!!

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