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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Joisey01

  1. I was sleeved 4 days ago. I was one of the unusual ones. I was very calm, very ready for the surgery. My blood pressure was perfectly normal, oddly enough! It hadn't been normal for 3 years.

    Do as the medical team tells you and do it to the best of your ability. Not everyone has a great experience after surgery. Walking the first time is going to feel like they are asking you to climb Mount Rushmore and kiss Lincoln's nose. In two hours, it'll be easier.

    Manage your pain first. If you don't, everything else will be harder. Don't try to suck it up and think you can do it on your own. It will only make it harder.

    One day at a time. It's all you can do. You will do well! Just remember, this is my opinion and my experience. Every single sleeve is different.

    Hang in there and take a deep breath.

  2. Cindimca4 has a very good point all, Not everyone has a smooth sailing surgical experience. I don't want any of you to think I didn't have any kind of pain or anything, because I still do have pain.

    I was stressing more than anything that I did not have nausea and vomiting. That was one of my biggest fears. My pain level does increase and decrease throughout the day. I'm getting out there and walking. Of course, this early in the game, the pain increases significantly.

    My large wound stopped weeping. I have no pain at the 5 other incision sites like I do with the large one. The large wound has 6 staples and is significantly bruised. It's to be expected since it's the wound where my stomach came out of. All of my sites are nice and pink and clean looking.

    Walking, drinking your liquids and managing your pain is very important. If you don't manage your pain, you won't want to walk or anything. I'm pushing myself to walk through the pain. I feel better after even though the pain level increases after walking. I'm slow moving, but I'm walking.

    I thought I would have a problem with sipping vs gulping. It seems that it's an instinct to sip vs gulp now. I just ate about 5 baby spoons of Jello. The last bite gave me a bit of pain. I put it away. I'll try it again later.

    Please don't assume you will go through the surgery and recovery without pain and nausea. Assume the worst and be surprised when it isn't so bad. Please read, do research and ask any question that comes to mind. No question is stupid if you don't know the answer.

    I hope this helps. Good luck. You can always PM me if you'd like.

  3. I've about decided that I think I'm a success story already. I was sleeved yesterday. I went in very calm, rested and so ready. Even the doc was surprised at my calmness. He said he doesn't see that very often. I felt bad since the girl next to me in the pre-op room was having a meltdown.

    I was the first surgery of the day. I was back in my own room by 09:00. When I was really with it, the first thing I wanted to do was walk. My hubbs was the GREATEST.

    I'm not sure how it happened (probably because I was up and at 'em first) but at the 2 in the morning walk, I met up with a handful of VSG patients. I was whipping around the floor pretty quickly. I'd stop nearly everyone and gave them words of encouragement, helpful hints.

    By morning I was considered the floor's head cheerleader. My reputation preceded me, I guess. It was so cool to see everyone out there getting their groove on!


    I can't remember who told me this, but after surgery, may people can't pee. I was one those people. If you have trouble peeing, (I am NOT joking) put your tongue to the roof of your mouth and push. I swear! It works. Once you take your tongue from the roof of your mouth, your stream stops! This trick alone allowed me to finally pee. It's crazy, I know!!

    I've also decided that the hospital is no place for sick or recovering people! I didn't sleep a wink last night. I would no more and fall into never never land then someone would come in to poke, prod, take temps and all that. It wasn't horrible or anything, but I didn't sleep at all. Why does the internist find it necessary to do a basic exam at 03:00? Really? That couldn't have waited until morning?

    My largest incision gave me some grief. It was very weepy. That bandage had to be changed several times. By the time I was discharged today, it was under control.

    Every single person I came in contact with from admission to discharge was THE BEST! I strongly believe that if you go in with a positive attitude, your outcome will be positive. By this afternoon, I had not only hospital personnel stopping by, but I had fellow patients stopping by to say hi and just chat. It was THE BEST experience!

    Now that I'm home, I took a 3 hour nap. I'm finding that when I finally settle into a comfy position, I'm apparently not moving from that position. I'm waking up very, very stiff. But once I get moving, it gets better. The liquid Tylenol definitely helps. I'm not waiting for the pain to get out of hand. I'm trying to nip it in the bud. Hopefully tomorrow I'll need the pain meds even less.

    My surgery was a complete success. I did have a tiny hernia that Dr. Kim repaired while he was in there. I don't feel any worse for the wear from it. One stop shopping! Can't beat it!

    Water is going down nicely. I have had no nausea at all. I'm going to re-incorporate my diluted Crystal Light tomorrow to get the variety back in my liquids. I'm on liquids until my post-op visit next Friday. Sipping is VERY important! Constant sipping. It was very rough not having anything by mouth yesterday after surgery. I don't think my mouth has ever been so dry in my life.

    The leak test was interesting. The liquid you have to drink is probably the worst thing I've ever had in my mouth. After that swallow, I was so afraid I'd throw it up. Luckily I didn't. I passed the leak test and was able to start sipping one ounce at 15 minute intervals for 4 hours. I passed that with flying colors, too.

    I'm tired, for sure.

  4. I have my surgery as well tomorrow morning. I have to be @ the hospital @ 5:00am & surgery is scheduled for 8am. I have a question for u Joisey r u a patient of Dr.Kim? I ask this because last Fri I saw a woman who looked like u while I was waiting to have my EDG done. BTW I am a patient of Dr.Kim:-)

    I am a patient of Dr. Kim, Scorpio. I did have my EGD done in Trophy Club last Friday morning as well! I just got a call from TC telling me to be there at 05:00 for a 07:00-07:30 surgery instead of an 08:30 arrival.

    If you see me tomorrow morning, introduce yourself. We can walk the halls together as we pass gas and get our bearings!

    Good luck to you tomorrow!

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