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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Joisey01

  1. This journey for some of us takes on a path that is unexpected. But then, all things happen for a reason, Deb. I am sorry the road has taken this turn, but of course, you need a good ticker before anything else can be taken care of. Start with your heart. Without it, a VSG and a hysterectomy won't do you any good. One step and one day at a time! Keeping you in my prayers!

  2. To me the greasy look to it would be the culprit. I'm only 10 days out, but have found that just the smell of things tend to turn my stomach such as french fries and fried chicken strips. I didn't eat it, but watched my husband. Just the smell started to piss my sleeve off. Hopefully that's a good indication that I won't be eating that stuff. I'm sorry you were so disappointed in something you were so looking forward to!

  3. Pass as gas as possible. :) Seriously walk, walk and walk some more. Walking really helps to get rid of the painful gas you are dealing with now. It usually gets better for folks after week 2 and then gone by week 4.

    Not to dash your hopes, but i found gas substantially increases after switching to solid food. I don't even try and be discrete about it any longer when at home, even the dog is jealous of my ability to fill the room. Sorry, I am in a weird mood where everything seems funny. Must be because it is Friday.

    LOLOLOLOL...Andy!! I have said the same thing! I'm not bashful about it. Rather proud, actually!!!

  4. I had my post op visit today. This incision was one of my concerns as well. I'm not sure how your surgeon did it, but mine puts mesh under the incision and stitches the incision under the top skin line and then staples close.

    I have pain in that area as well as in my back. It's going to take 6-8 weeks for it to go away. It gets better. He promised me!

  5. I have never been a sweet person. Ever. ESPECIALLY Crystal Light. The artificial sweeteners are horrible.

    For my pre-op diet, I read that artificial sweeteners are 600 more times sweeter than sugar. It got me to thinking. I ended up taking any flavor of Crystal Light and diluting it by 1/2. If one envelope makes a 1/2 gallon, I made it into a gallon instead. It was pretty much flavored Water to me. It wasn't sweet. It just gave me a variety.

    It sure helped me!

  6. Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Some of our friends are newly sleeved and are coming up on their surgery dates. Ohhhhh those nerves! Just remember one day at a time and sometimes just one sip at a time.

    Please remember that this is my experience. There is no way of knowing if you will experience what I have or not.

    There needs to be something done about that leak test. That gastrogafin drink needs a very serious overhaul. That is one thing that, as far as I'm concerned, is cruel and unusual punishment. ESPECIALLY for patients that are nauseated! You can't tell me there is something that can be done with the taste of that stuff after all these years of the sleeve/by-pass surgeries have been performed.

    It seems it's been longer than a week since I've been sleeved, honestly. Not that it's been a horrible week at all. I think it's because I'm not used to being off work and really taking care of myself. I have always rushed through my healing process. I'm not doing that this time and it's paying off!

    I had my 8 day post op visit today. First of all, there is nothing better than having those staples GONE! Boy, they were really bothersome! I really didn't have any concerns to discuss other than that left side where the largest incision was and where the surgeon removed my stomach. It has been pretty painful the entire week. Not only at the incision site but also on my back. Little did I know that it is quite normal. The doc said that it could be painful for 6-8 weeks. Hey, if that's all I have to worry about, then I think I'm doing pretty good!

    I was so excited to be moved up to Phase 2 foods. All I could think about was Tomato soup! (...and cream of wheat. That is a Phase 3 food.) Well, I was thinking about it until I realized that I'm still not hungry. At all. Again, normal.

    For a few days I realized that I had to re-learn what my stomach was telling me. After 45 years, I had it down pretty well. Give me a new stomach and I'm lost! I didn't know if what I was feeling was hunger, pain, acid or gas. I just realized I'm going to have to play "process of elimination". Turns out it was gas. I am taking Nexium every morning and Tums as needed. Once I figured out that little bit of info, my sleeve hasn't been so mad at me.

    I did learn pretty quick that my sleeve got pretty pissed off over coffee. I won't be trying that again any time soon. I did find a caffeine free hot tea that I like. I've never been a tea drinker. I have found that it is nice and soothing at the end of the day and before bed. It makes my sleeve pretty happy and I fall asleep a lot quicker and easier.

    I've been walking, walking, walking. It has done so many good things for me. I just feel so much better getting out of the house and doing something productive. I have gone to the store and done this and that, but have called it quits a lot faster than I ever have. For me, it also helps with the gas a lot. Don't be shy of that gas, either. Get rid of it! You will feel so much better!!! My husband has been by my side every step of the way. I really don't know what I would have done without him.

    The fluids are very important, too. I've been very lucky that I've been able to tolerate all kinds of clear fluids from Water to Chrystal Light (diluted by 1/2) to Isopure. It takes a very long time for me to get my Protein shakes down now. One shake equals about 2 hours. I fill very quickly. Sipping works well.

    I'm down a total of 24 lbs. Slow and steady. I'm wanting to heal from surgery first before dropping a ton of weight right off the bat.

    I had my barium swallow to be sure that what I'm drinking is going down and through. I was amazed at the size of my sleeve. It's only about an inch wide. You can see where the liquid goes through the top of the sleeve, through the sleeve and into the small intestine! I was FASCINATED! It's the little things! I got the thumbs up.

    I've gotten the ok for going to the gym and taking it easy on the treadmill. I think I just may do that tomorrow. A nice steady walk for a while.

    I hope you all have a good evening and a nice and healthy healing!

  7. I'm a week post op. I am still on my liquid diet. I hope that will change tomorrow at my post op visit. I'll tell you, I am not a sweet eater at all. I did have a problem with the sweetness of EVERYTHING in the pre-op diet. NOTHING is savory. Maybe we need to do something about that. My Protein Shake tonight was really rough to take. I drank a lot of Water to counter-balance the sweetness of the shakes and crystal light. I did dilute the crystal light by 1/2, though. That sure helped.

  8. Bubble Guts. Good description. I'm 6 days out. The best way I can explain what I feel in my stomach is as if I'm pregnant and am feeling the baby moving. It's not a delicate type of movement. I can FEEL my stomach moving. Rumbling and grumbling? Yes. I have NEVER felt my stomach move. It doesn't hurt. It's just very odd when it happens. At times it even feels like a contraction. Very, very odd.

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