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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gwhite

  1. I'd be a bit annoyed and a bit miffed if I was started to feel like I was getting sick and the doc wouldn't give me anything. Does your PCP not realize that your stomach is still healing from the surgery and you could do damage vomiting???? My surgeon gave me meds for nausea after my banding did yours give you any? I'm keeping my fingers crossed you don't get sick.
  2. gwhite

    Ok - getting super scared!!

    Hi ehmo, Welcome to the board. I completely understand where you are coming from when it comes to being scared about the surgery. This is a MAJOR life decision and it shouldn't be taken lightly. I came here before I got banded too and read the complications and it made be a bit nervous but it also gives you empowerment. You'll know now what to ask your doctor about and what to look for so that you don't have a complication. Complications are very rare with the band but they can happen. My surgeon told me that I had a better chance of getting hit by a car than I did having the surgery. I also knew that if I didn't do anything and just stayed at the weight that I was then I wouldn't be around into my 60's and well that scared me more than the surgery. As for people not losing well I can't really address that because I'm still losing. Just remember the band isn't a "fix it all" it is a tool. I didn't fully understand that prior to getting it. But after I realized that I had to change the way I was eating and thought about food and start exercising for the band to be effective....if I hadn't done any of that then the band probably wouldn't be working for me. I wish you much luck on your journey.
  3. Hi All, I'm leaving for Vegas in a few hours and I'm freaking out. This is the first time I am flying alone in an extremely long time. Its also the first time flying while banded. I'm know there are threads about flying but I just can't seem to find them. Could someone reassure me that being banded and flying isn't a big deal??? I get anxious about flying as it is...my doc gave me some xanax just in case... thanks!
  4. One more qucik question...when you fly to you feel pressure in your chest where the band is??? or do you feel like you did before the band??
  5. Thanks!! You guys ROCK!! I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for the tips they are things I hadn't really thought of. My flight is 5 hours long as I live on the east coast so the thought of spending the trip with something stuck really doesn't thrill me. So far I've had and egg and english muffin for Breakfast and potato soup for lunch so I think I'll be ok. My flight isn't until 8pm. I'm hoping for a bit of restriction since I really don't have any now. Thanks again for the support.
  6. gwhite

    First Fill Didn't Work!!!

    I had my first fill on Oct 12 and it didn't do anything either but then again I didn't really expect it too. I've read that a lot of people don't hit their "sweet spot" until the 3rd fill or so... Don't give up remember its a journey not a sprint!
  7. gwhite

    Someone noticed!!!!

    :clap2::clap2: OH YEAH doesn't that feel the greatest!!!! Specially if its someone you don't know but see everyday and they even notice! CONGRATS!!!! keep it up!
  8. I went to have my first fill today and my doc had trouble finding the port..even under Fluoro. He said it had moved about an inch way from where he said it should have been. I joked that the next time I go for a fill it'll be in my big toe :biggrin1:...but now I've got to thinking..has anyone else's port moved? What did your doc say about it? The fill went fine after he found the port. He put in 1cc in my lil ole 4cc band. Now the sucky part 2 days of liquids and a day of mushie..I guess it could be worse I could be on 2 weeks of liquids..ugh!
  9. gwhite

    The amazing moving Port!

    lainee...my doc just kinda shrugged it off...I thought was odd but he's not overly worried...but if we go in and its moved again I'm going to freak!
  10. gwhite

    Fills: What to expect

    I had my first fill this moring under fluoro...and it wasn't bad at all. My doc numbed the injection area and that was the only pain. He put in 1cc, which I thought was a lot considering I have the small band but he's the expert so we'll see what happens. He has me on liquids for 2 days mushies for 1 and then back to normal food...yeah I'm not thrilled about the liquids but at least it's not for 2 freakin weeks like before!!
  11. gwhite


    I am 12 weeks post-op and I wasn't able to do crunches until about week 9. Don't rush it...you'll be able to crunch soon.
  12. My surgeon charged $500 program fee but its used for the support groups the mandatory pre-op banding class that I had to go too and the "banding bible" they gave us at the class and then it also goes towards the cost of meeting with the nutritionist. I've met with her 4 times and haven't paid any more... I plan on getting my money's worth!!
  13. gwhite

    Sweet ideas

    Frozen Cool Whip ROOOOOOCKS!!! of course I could eat an entire tub and not think twice about it....ok I used to be able too...now I settle for a small spoon full....but to answer your question yes it does freeze quite nicely
  14. gwhite

    banded 4th oct toilet trouble

    I was having sorta that trouble but not for as many days and I read a post on here to drink Gerber's baby prune/pear juice. It comes in small 8 oz bottles and actually doesn't taste bad....anyway it worked for me after the first bottle....
  15. gwhite

    Sweet ideas

    this might just sound a little crazy but have you tried dried plums? They are naturally sweet and good for you. I like them chilled out of the fridge.
  16. gwhite

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome and WLS

    I have IBS and have now been banded for 12 weeks. I wish I had gotten banded sooner...it has helped control the IBS symptoms that has plagued me for yeeeears.
  17. gwhite

    How long can you go w/o a fill?

    I'm about 3 months out and haven't had a fill yet either. However, I met with my doc yesterday and we've scheduled the first fill for Oct 12th so that'll be about week 13. So far I've continued to lose weight after the first 2 weeks after the surgery.
  18. gwhite

    From a 28 to a 20 -- BEFORE SURGERY!!

    :whoo::clap2::whoo:Congrats on your success!! I went shopping in my own closet last week and put on clothes that I haven't had on in over a year and a half...what a great feeling...makes ya wanna go out there and do more more more!! Congrats again!!
  19. I just walked into the bathroom at work and there is a giant mirror...I glanced at myself quickly and when WHOOOOOO its working!! :whoo:I got banded 11 weeks ago and I've dropped just about 30 lbs but I haven't seen it. I've had other people tell me that they can tell but I haven't seen it until just then. I guess I should be able too cause I'm wearing jeans that I haven't been able to get my fat butt into in over a year.... Man I feel like going to the gym to celebrate!! I know sounds odd but hey if 30 pounds down makes me happy I can only imagine what getting to goal is going to do to me!!!!:clap2::banana:Banane10:
  20. gwhite

    I can't really feel it?

    I don't feel the band at all. I asked the nurse during one of my pre-op visits about feeling it and she said that there aren't any nerves on the outside of the stomach and that why you don't feel it. Dont know how true that is. I do feel pressure when I lay on my stomach on a firm bed but other than that I don't feel anything!! Sometimes I forget I have it.
  21. gwhite

    Big Medicine

    I love that show too. I watch it for inspiration. Even though RNY has never been an option for me (too chicken). I know its going to take me a bit longer to get it off then the bypass people but I know if they can do it...darn it so can I!! I also like that fact that the docs seem so sincere and concerned about all aspects of their patients...physically and mentally. The 20 years that I've been battling my weight I've seen way too many doctors that have told me that its all in my head and if I wanted to lose weight all I had to do was stop eating. Thank goodness I have now found docs like Drs. Davis (Robert and Garth) that are compassionate and are helping get rid of this weight!!
  22. gwhite

    so disappointed!

    Hi sweetpea, I could have written your post for you. I went to my 6 week appointment a few weeks ago thinking that I was going to get a fill too and just like you my doctor said NO. I lost 18 pounds the first 2 weeks after surgery and then I was down to a pound a week after that..needless to say I could eat probably as much as I did before surgery but I choose not too. Isn't part of getting the banding is to change what we did in the past. Anyway, I'm slowly losing and I have another appointment October 1st and I'm hoping for a fill but who knows! Hang in there sweetpea I'm right where you are! Gail
  23. gwhite

    Surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland?

    Hi Lea, So far I've had a good experience with Dr. von Ruden's office. I'm down about 27 lbs in about 8 weeks. They have been very patient with me. I one of those "impatient" people that wishes that I could drop the weight in 5 days!! But all in all everything is going well. The day of surgery went smoothly. The nurses and the docs were great. I had a lot of jitters about getting knocked out. But like I said it went really smoothly for me. I was in and out in the same day. I do have to say one thing that Dr. von Ruden's goal isn't to get you in and out the same day if you're having problems. I know another guy got banded the same day I did and he had to stay in over night because he was having problems with the anesthesia. GBMC also offers a support group just for banded people. It meets once a month. I have 100% NO regrets doing this. I wish I had done it sooner! Please feel free to e-mail me gwhite6573@yahoo.com if you'd like to chat more. Have they given you a surgery date? ~Gail
  24. gwhite

    need fill in annapolis, md.

    Have you tried calling GBMC, Hopkins, or St. Agnes? I know they do the lap-band surgery so I'd assume they would do fills. I go to GBMC and if my old memory is serving me I believe I read a sign there about them doing fills for people who didn't have their surgery with them. Good luck.
  25. I've been looking for a low cal, high protien suppliment (other than those crappy powders) and everything that I find has Splenda in it. Am I the only weirdo that is allergic to Splenda? I break out into a bad rash and turn red...its not pretty...I'm like a giant tomato. If anyone has suggestions on what other hi Protein low or no cal options please let me know.... thanks.

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