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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vickums

  1. A co-worker, pal of mine is thinking about getting the band (I was originally going to get it but our choices in Alaska are limited and I didn't want to travel). She's looking at getting it in Mexico. She was looking at the website for Dr. Joya but was unsure because it seems so easy and doesn't know much about him. Obviously his website is all sunshine and roses, but... well, you know how that goes. :cool: So what do people know about him? Is he good? What about his facility? We'd appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thanks muchly!
  2. Terri I'm a RN, too. L&D and Mother Baby -- as is my co-worker. I'll definitely let her know your experiences, and I know she was going to contact Dr. Jones about fills as well. I'm glad it went so well!
  3. Thanks for the info. I directed her toward a couple of different places and last I saw her she had a bunch of reading material she'd printed out and was plowing through. Thanks, you guys are awesome as usual. To answer your question, though, nope I didn't get banded. I opted to have gastric bypass surgery (proximal) and it's gone very well. I have no side effects, and I don't even dump very much. There are very few foods I can't eat, I just eat smaller amounts, and I've lost 130 pounds since April of 2005. I just didn't trust the one doc here who does bands to do it and I had the other WLS doc in town do my bypass and he did a stellar job. I'm feeling good, working hard at work (L&D and mother baby nursing), and have no regrets, other than doing it sooner. I'll have to see how everyone here is doing. I wish you all the very best.
  4. Vickums

    Today is My One Year Bandiversary

    Congratulations, Lisa. You've sure had a rough time of it, but you've been a real inspiration. I'm just awestruck by your positive attitude and strength in the face of what would make most of us crumble. Enjoy those frosting licks, Lisa. And sorry I'm late to this; unfortunately, I'm an infrequent visitor these days, but you're still in my thoughts. Keep up the fabulous work!!!
  5. Vickums

    What's going on with belighter???

    Uhhhh. Sure, okay. Whatever. I just think it's highly unethical to post such personal details about someone in a public forum. Knowing nothing else about you, Ann Marie, by doing that you've shown that you know absolutely nothing about professionalism. And why are you posting the same message under different names? This thing just gets weirder and weirder...
  6. Vickums

    Band Sabateurs

    Hey, speaking of PMS, you might want to get this installed in your home. I know I'm sure thinking about it: http://www.imgag.com/product/preview/flash/wsShell.swf?ihost=http://www.imgag.com&brand=/product/preview/flash/wsag&cardNum=/product/full/ap/3066708/graphic1&mtype=0&&NameFirstFrom=&NameFirstTo
  7. Vickums

    Is there anything I?ve forgotten?

    Vinesqueen, Wow, you sure are thorough. I've had many of the same internal discussions but wasn't able to articulate them as well as you have. I think examining one's relationship with food is important prior to surgery to minimize the nasty surprises. I'm sure there will still be things that surprise us, and there will be a mourning period as far as food goes (and its comfort). But knowing that ahead of time prevents us at least from being blindsided by it. Like you, I still am not a believer that the band (or any WLS for that matter) will help me. I've tried so many things, over and over, with little or no success. And it's not as though I eat vast quantities of food; my intake is fairly modest. It's just that in order for me to lose, I have to extremely decrease my intake (down to 900 cals a day or so), which is very painful with a normal sized stomach. It's hard for me to believe that the band (or bypass, which I'm considering because of insurance/aftercare issues) could actually work for me. But what I do know is this: what I'm doing now clearly is NOT working. I'm continuing to gain weight so obviously I must do something. And my options are pretty limited. I'm definitely with ya about any reason to visit Seattle. I left there in 1998 and have missed it terribly since. I haven't made it back since, something I hope to remedy someday. Isn't it a lovely place? Best of luck with your journey.
  8. Vickums

    Flu season

    My daughter had some sort of bizarre flu bug last week. Within less than 24 hours she became severely dehydrated -- even though she only vomited twice and had no other symptoms except malaise, a sore throat and cough and a headache. She just couldn't bring herself to drink. I ended up coming home from the Night from Hell working as a pediatric nurse, dropped into bed for an hour, only to be awakened by my 14 year old crying in pain that her belly hurt. (She's a total stoic so this is very unlike her). She looked awful, clearly very "dry". So back to the hospital we went, with me totally bleary eyed, my husband driving because I was in such bad shape. They gave her two bags of Fluid and some phenergan and the difference was phenomenal. She came home with a scrip for more, and only had to take two over that day, then she was fine. (Now I think I'm coming down with it so I'm being very careful to drink a LOT). That phenergan stuff is magic. I highly recommend keeping it onhand. But I'm not sure if it would help with the vomiting from coughing, though. I have a lot of experience -- unfortunately -- with coughing that hard because of my Sarcoidosis. In fact, that probably happens to me a couple times a month. I think the key with that is getting the *cough* under control. And yes, true influenza doesn't usually involve the stomach. "Stomach flus" are more often some sort of intestinal virus or food poisoning, which is a whole other thing. OTOH, you can become so dehydrated from influenza that it can throw your electrolytes off to the point where you become nauseous; I think that's what happened to my daughter. It's a vicious cycle at that point because you need to drink, but can't because you're nauseous, which makes it worse. The only real way to get around that is getting fluids in SOMEHOW. IV fluids are probably the best way. I've treated a few kids who came in vomiting whose nausea went away just from the fluids; we didn't even have to use phenergan. Weird, I know, but that's the human body for ya.
  9. Vickums

    I should have asked sooner...

    Joanie, I like how you think.
  10. Lisa, I think that's what Penni was saying, that erosion can happen from the outside in, or from the inside out, which is caused by ulceration. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain, honey. Here's hoping that Dr. Billy fixed you up good so you've seen the worst of it. And yay for less packing material. I've done my share of wound packing (unlike some here, I hate it but it's a necessary evil) and it's always a good sign when you need less gauze. So yay for Bloody Mary's excellent packing skills.
  11. Vickums

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    Yep, even the best surgeon isn't much help after the fact when they're thousands of miles away and you can't GET to them. Damn laws of physics! If only we lived in the Star Trek universe and we could transport ourselves magically into their office for a look see.
  12. Vickums


    Deleted by author
  13. Vickums

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    Lisa, it's those very concerns about aftercare which have me rethinking what surgery I'll have. There is, quite literally, nobody up here who could help me if I had a problem. It's very scary. I just have to decide if bypass surgery with good aftercare (and an excellent surgeon) is more or less scary than banding with no aftercare at all. ::gulp:: Hope you're well on your way to recovery, m'dear. You back home now?
  14. Vickums

    CAN you swallow?

    Aw, Penni, sorry I missed the thread. It sounds like it was a lot of fun; OTOH, I don't get offended, 'cept by people trying to be cruel or mean or nasty or stuff like that. But unintended sexual innuendo? Bring it on, baybee! As for the topic, I read somewhere that even asthma symptoms can be the result of acid reflux. Who'd have thought, you know? It makes me wonder sometimes how much of the coughing I do after a meal is my Sarcoidosis, and how much is potentially acid reflux. I guess I'll know after I get WLS, eh? Penni, thanks for taking such good care of our Lisa. She's lucky to have such a wonderful friend/sister as you. This place is marvelous, and you guys are the best.
  15. Vickums

    The "swallow" thread...

    Damn. A naughty thread and I MISSED it?????? :sobbing: Glad you guys had fun with it, though.
  16. Oh sweetie. So sorry about this whole mess. I'm just glad you finally got some answers and it sounds like you received excellent, thorough care. (I'm still a little stumped that they didn't culture your fluids because I thought that was the status quo with non healing wounds). Best of luck, m'dear. Here's hoping this is the end of your port issues. BTW, maybe it's because I've been up for 32 hours (don't ask) but will you get another port?
  17. Hi guys, As y'all know, I'm still in the planning stages of getting the band. It's somewhat complicated by the fact that I'm switching jobs (I landed a sweet job as a labor and delivery nurse) which means new insurance. The good news is that my insurance is BC/BS, which means that as long as I go to a Providence network hospital (which are, like, everywhere), I should be able to get WLS covered. I still refuse to have the lone band doc up here do the surgery because he's only done 15 band surgeries (and I have concerns about him otherwise, too). But here's the thing. I've been thinking a lot lately about postop complications of late. Like, what do I do if I suspect erosion or slippage? I know I can get fills up here (there's a local family practice doc who does them) but what about diagnosis and treatment of complications??? Those of you who had surgery done out of state, how have you handled it? Do you have to go back to the place you had your surgery? It being Alaska, that would require a plane trip of at least $500 and several hours of travel time. Has anyone had luck getting local GI docs to treat you? Or at least diagnose a potential problem? I tell you, I'm almost thinking about getting the bypass (I know, I know...) because there is one good WLS doc here who does good, conservative bypasses. Then at least if I had complications I could get treated. My other concern is that because of the Sarcoidosis, I might either a) reject the band (I have a history of sensitivity to metals but so far nothing else) or cough it (or the port, or both) out of place. Suggestions????
  18. Vickums

    Question about aftercare

    Emmy and Nancy, Thanks so much for your support. And you're right, this isn't something I take lightly, or am going into wihtout a LOT of thought. Emmy, I do have good news on the husband front. He and I have talked, and he's now supportive of whatever it is I decide. He's obviously concerned for me, but as he said, "I know you well enough to know that you're not going to jump into something without researching it." He also knows that I hate surgery enough -- I put off having my gall bladder removed for NINE miserable months until I had no choice -- that I'm not going to jump into this with my eyes closed. Thanks again for your support. I'm still hoping a miracle will happen and I can get the band, but it seems like each possible door to that end is closing. And I won't get the band without after care lined up, just as Leatha suggested. You guys are the best. No wonder I love it here so much.
  19. Vickums

    Anal Odor

    Yeah I think any time you have undigested foods -- or foods that are broken down through putrefaction, not through the proper means of being broken down by the good 'gut bugs' in our intestines which usually do the work -- you're going to have more stinky poops. (Can you tell I've been working in pediatrics for the last 9 months?) But I'm unclear why anyone would have an odor emanating from them unless they're passing gas or not cleaning themselves well enough. I mean, I've cared for pt's with various kinds of ostomies, g-tubes, and the like. I never noticed any kind of smell (except when changing bags for them). Sometimes, though, certain chemical changes going on in the body can cause certain smells (like how ketosis causes really bad breath). I wonder if maybe there's something going on more systemically in that case that causes the smell? Weirdness. Here's hoping you can have your band in for a nice, long time.
  20. Vickums

    Question about aftercare

    Kathy, we don't own a house. Not everybody can afford one.
  21. Vickums

    Question about aftercare

    Hey Jack, Thanks for your concern. I'm a nurse, so I'm well aware of what they're talking about, and what's involved in bypass versus the band versus DS; I've talked to several nurses at my work who've had the surgery and have been able to ask really detailed questions that the average WLS consumer might not think of. I have a list of 25 things I plan to ask the doctor during my consult. Apparently, the smaller the amount bypassed, and the earlier in the digestive process it takes place, the less malabsorption there is. (This "jibes" with everything I learned in nursing school, and has been verified by my husband who has a BS in Biology and who's counseled people on nutritional counseling). Obviously, ANY malabsorption is a problem, especially for someone with an autoimmune disease as I have. I need all the help I can get to keep my inflammatory condition at bay, which is why I take roughly 25 vitamins, mineral, and other various supplements a day. So that's an enormous concern. OTOH, not having anyone able to follow me after banding is a huge concern as well. Even the one doc up here who does fills is difficult to get in with and is talking about not doing them anymore; and he wont' actually touch the band, just do the odd fill. Yikes. There is literally no one within 2500 miles who would follow me and help me if I had a complication; I'm not sure people who don't live in Alaska quite understand how isolated we are up here, and how limited our health care choices are. It's really quite frustrating how limited we are. The lack of follow up care is scary for me, and why I'm reconsidering banding. The safest operation in the world becomes dangerous without proper follow up care. The money situation with us is enormously difficult. Without going into details that I'm uncomfortable sharing, there is no way I can have my surgery financed. I have to go through my insurance company or it will not happen. We've figuratively cut the fat out of our budget in order to support a family of FIVE on two health care worker's incomes (we're not doctors, just a nurse and dental assistant) in one of the most expensive states in the US. So it's not as though I'm not motivated; there is literally no way to do it (and I'm a persistent one). I can always wait until we move to Washington or Oregon sometime in the next 5 years, but how much weight will I have gained by then? (I don't wanna know). So it's frustrating right now. My insurance would cover me going to Texas for the band, but I'd have no follow up care. My new insurance (as of April 1) won't cover WLS at all. So if I'm going to do something, I have to do it now or else possibly wait several years. In the meantime, my mobility is failing, my comorbidities are getting worse, and my Sarcoidosis is getting worse as well, in part because of my inability to exercise and the stress of my weight on my lungs. (I was in the ER the other night because of a flare up, which led to a panic attack). Sucks to be me, doesn't it?
  22. Vickums

    Anal Odor

    Hey Lisa, I've heard the same rumors but mostly with regard to the Duodenal Switch, which has more extreme malabsorption than the (proximal) bypass. According to folks I know online -- never met in person, tho' -- this is a total lie and not true at all. ::shrug:: Who knows? I do know several people who've had RNY and they don't smell at all. They say their poo stinks a little more than it did before, but then who among us can say ours doesn't? Anyway, like you, I may have to resort to bypass -- due to fears of rejection for the same reasons you are and lack of follow up care in my community. I'm not pleased about it but both my time and options are running out. Best of luck with your port problems, m'dear. If wishes could make your port problems disappear, you'd be one happy camper right now since we're all wishing you an uncomplicated recovery with lots of years of banding ahead of you.
  23. Vickums

    Murphy's law for fills?

    A 13 year old???? Holy crapcakes, Batman. That seems awfully young to me...
  24. Vickums

    Leg Cramps

    It's not terribly well known, but leg cramps ("charlie horses" as we called them as kids) are also caused by either a Calcium or magnesium deficiency. Sadly, I can't think of any liquid ways to get magnesium into you when you're doing liquids (the pills I take daily in addition to the foods I try to eat that are high in magnesium are freakin' HORSE pills) but hopefully the V8 juice will help since I'm sure it has at least some minerals. Hope you're feeling better soon; I know that those puppies can HURT.
  25. Vickums

    Whippledaddy, We're Here For You!

    Oh, Ryan and Patti, I hurt for you both. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts and send you nice, warm, tingly healing vibes from the Frozen North. Here's hoping they can place the catheter nice and easy as you please, so Patti can get some good pain relief. Ryan, I know Patti needs you right now, but try not to neglect your own needs for food and rest too much, okay? She needs you strong and healthy. Okay, lecture over. Vibes comin' your way... <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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