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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ElaineB

  1. Lipstick and Pickens. I'm glad you feel like me. I wish these positive thoughts and joy for everyone.
  2. Barbarah, I can totally relate. I was not that excited before, strangely, but now I feel like I have hope that I just never could have had without this surgery. Some people would say, you just need to try XYZ. I knew it was hopeless. I'd already tried and given it everything I had to give, on nervous occasions. And failed. Now, I can feel the change in me. This was exactly what I needed to get back in the drivers seat and I am so grateful and relieved.
  3. Twinsmama, I don't think reaching goal will feel like an ending. It will be a wonderful beginning. Maybe like having a baby. You may miss being pregnant, but actually being handed that baby burrito trumps that:)
  4. PJ, you are about to change your life. You're going to love it. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers for a great surgery and easy recovery. Next year we are going to be looking and feeling amazing please keep me posted on how everything goes. Your date is my middle son's birthday, so you picked a blessed day;) Chimera and Ballermom, thanks for giving me something else to look forward to. My life feels like Christmas. Every day I wake up excited to see what that day brings.
  5. If you spend time with people who are smoking, you are smoking with them.
  6. You guys rock. I'm in awe. Love this sleeve. We really are so blessed!!!
  7. ElaineB

    Cant get protien or fluid in!

    Yes, gorgeous, I had the stomach of steel prior to this. I ate healthy foods, junk foods and everything in between with no problem. Now lactose and whey tear me up. And, just to make it fun, I had my gallbladder out too, so if I eat something with fat it in, that will upset my stomach too. However, now that I've figured out what the problems are, and ditched the guilt over not following my doctors plan (which for me was, just suffer), I am doing better. I feel so much better now that I'm not trying to force the whey down. I am not hitting my protein goals, but I'm working on it. Plus, to tell you the truth, I just want to be healthy more than anything else. I'm losing weight, I'm eating tiny amounts of healthy foods that agree with me, like fish and steamed spinach. Even with the deficits in protein and low caloric intake, I still feel better today than I have in 20 years. I was poisoning myself with food, so this is a sort of detox fast I guess:). I really need(Ed) to learn to listen to my body and this is just part of my journey. Listening to what my body was telling me and standing up for myself has been empowering. So, it has been a little difficult, but I wouldn't trade my experience. This sleeve has turned me into a rah, rah, you go girl. I'm my own cheerleader!! I should have done his years ago. I love my sleeve and I love my forties;)
  8. ElaineB

    Syntrax Nectar

    That is so weird!! Eat the powder plain? Sounds fun if you can do it. All the whey just tears up my stomach right now. Maybe in a few more weeks.
  9. ElaineB

    What Do You Tell People?

    I have told a select handful of people. As far as I'm concerned, this is not an integrity or an honesty issue. I don't feel I owe anyone anything. It is my protected health information. To me this is no different than any other deeply personal, private information about my body. If I want to tell about WLS, my sex life, my last GYN appointment, or my financials, I will. If I don't, I won't. I don't think there is a wrong approach because this information is mine to divulge or not as I see fit. I personally have felt more inclined to share with people I know have had it, or who are struggling with the same issues. I have not told my boss, but she knows I've had WLS (long story). I refuse to give her the satisfaction of making a "confession". It's none of her business and I don't want to discuss it with her. Period. A co-worker who had bypass 5 days prior to my sleeve found out boss lady was talking about it and called her at work and reprimanded her for it. Lol. So do what you want. I support you all!! Usually not such a diplomat.
  10. You are so welcome. You will do great. Keep me posted. I really want to know how everything goes. Elaine
  11. My surgeon/office is a bariatric center of excellence. The only one is Orlando, and he is a very smart guy. I have had GERD and been on prescription meds for 9 years. He had me do manometry before he would agree to the sleeve. If that upper esophageal sphincter is weak, you are going to have problems because the new tummy is tight and you have increased pressure on it. My sphincter was fine, so he agreed to the sleeve. In my case, even in 3 weeks post, I can tell my reflux is better. Bypass should cure your reflux and is always the surgery he does for anyone with problems. He has had to do revisions for this reason and reports excellent outcomes. I know it sucks to have another surgery, but what a relief to be done with this. Reflux is not only painful, but can have some really bad outcomes if you don't get it under control. As a speech pathologist is a nursing home I see these effects first hand. You can develop terrible swallowing problems (dysphagia), you can aspirate the reflux, especially at night, resulting in an infection that will just eat your lungs up, and you can develop esophageal ulcerations, Barret's Esophagus, and ultimately esophageal cancer. It's a terrible way to go. So, as much as you hate this, you absolutely need it, your doctor is giving you correct and clinically sound advice Nd it should completely cute your problems. Once you aren't having the lining of your upper digestive tract burned off, you should have a MUCH easier time getting in your vitamins, proteins, and all the good nutrition you need. You are going to be a new woman after this. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
  12. ElaineB

    Untolerable foods

    I'm 3 weeks out, plus gallbladder removal. I can't eat whey, (yes, that's right. No shakes or powders), dairy, or high fat. All 3 give me physical pain in my stomach, severe nausea and diarrhea. Oh, I can't do scrambled eggs either. A dime sized amount felt like I'd swallowed a very large brick. On the plus side, I have never slimed or vomited.
  13. I ate out a ton before sleeve and thought I would quit post. But, I'm about 3 weeks out and have eaten out several times with no problems. I had a cup of vegetable beef soup at Denny's that was excellent. I just left the corn and Lima beans in the bowl. I tried a cup of vegetable soup at Cracker Barrel and it didn't work out as well. It had too many vegetables, too many fibrous vegetables, so I had less than a quarter of the cup. I did the 2 for 20 at chilis. I let my sons choose the app, they ordered one meal they both liked, I ordered grilled fish, gave them my sides and gave them 3/4 of my fish. I tried chili at steak and shake, but couldn't eat it because it was too greasy and spicy. I think it's trial and error, but usually easy to find something I can enjoy. I have never been a huge fish lover, but surprisingly, it's become my favorite. Grilled fish can be found almost anywhere. I've eaten out with my kids, who don't know I had this surgery, friends and family and no one has made me feel strange or awkward. I don't make a big deal of it and I don't think anyone has noticed. My strategy has been to order a cup of soup or chili, share a meal or take it home. Even when it hasn't worked, like the bomb at steak and shake, it wasn't a problem. I still enjoyed being out, the people I was with still enjoyed it and I just ate something later at home. I'm learning to enjoy these events for the people I'm with and the socialization and not look on it like a last meal:). Every time I can go and make a healthy choice and turn away from an unhealthy one, I feel great about myself. Love this sleeve.
  14. ElaineB

    Advice ?

    I'm 3 weeks out tomorrow and I understand some of your frustration. My surgeons office has had me talk to their dietician about 7 or 8 times. If it makes you feel any better, it was no help at all. Each time we reviewed the same handout. That's helpful. I told them the protein was making me sick and the nurse practitioner said, basically, too bad. Suck it up. I think surgeons like cutting things out and that's the extent of it. It's now up to us to figure it all out. I quit following my doctors plan (because it was causing stomach pain, severe nausea and diarrhea, so no haters please). I am trying to learn what my body wants. I tried a scrambled egg a week ago and I ate less than a quarter of it and it felt like I had swallowed a brick. Today I tried again with an over medium egg at our annual first day of school breakfast out and I ate 80 percent and that went down amazing and I loved it. I am drinking lots of iced tea from McDonald's (unsweet, full caffeine). I love it, it goes down great and I'm finally able to get in all my fluids. In other words, I have no solid advice, but keep trying things you like and that aren't unsafe. I'm not getting all my protein in, but I have a few tablespoons of high protein choices I like. Some I don't like now, some disagree with me, but sometimes I find a surprise hit. Some I have loved are Hormel turkey chili, panera tomato soup strained, chicken pot pie, vegetable soup, tilapia, peanut butter on a saltine or ritz. I can't get much down, so if I have a few crackers, I'm not sweating it. Crackers help my nausea the best. Anyway. I'm rambling. Sorry you are suffering. Change is hard in perfect circumstances and we have to add in that our stomachs are pissed:)
  15. ElaineB

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    I'm almost 3 weeks post op and 3 days broken up with the boyfriend. That didn't take long:). I'm not even sad. I am 43 and I've had more personal growth in my forties than in the 2 decades prior. I stayed 18 years with my ex husband. This has only been less than stellar for a few months. I'm learning faster and raising my standards. I've realized I can feel sorry for myself, but ultimately, no one can treat you poorly if you don't let them. I'm feeling empowered and feisty. I guess I will be single indefinitely. . I love this thread, by the way.
  16. ElaineB

    Hello from Kentucky!

    I love Kentucky. I moved from Lexington to Florida a little over 2 years ago. I had my surgery July 23. Coming up on 3 weeks. Just wanted to send love to the Kentuckians!!
  17. ElaineB

    Cant get protien or fluid in!

    I will be 3 weeks out on Tuesday and I can get the liquids in but I am not getting the protein in. I'm sensitive to lactose and whey now. My doctors office had no suggestion on how to help me so I moved myself up to solids and I'm doing the best I can. That's really all you can do. Some sleeves are cooperative from day one it seems, and others aren't. I feel like my surgeon threw me to the wolves. Seems like you have to figure it out on your own. I was all panicked at first, and then I just figured, I've been preparing for the famine for 20 years and its finally here. Our bodies are made for this. In an ideal world we could all meet all these goals right off that bat, but I can't and I'm not going to die. Just know you aren't alone. You can private message me anytime you need encouragement. Hang in there. Hopefully your sleeve will get it together soon (and mine too;)).
  18. My reason for being and most important job is mother to three amazing sons. They are 13, 9 and 4. My other full time job is as a speech pathologist in a nursing home. I've worked with geriatric patients for 18 years and I see the effects of obesity in the later years. Later being relative. We've had a recent run of people in their 40's and 50's who have had strokes related to weight, high blood pressure and diabetes. It's not pretty and I plan to do whatever it takes to avoid it. Nothing depresses me more than seeing a young person that I know for sure is going I be living in the nursing home starting in their 50's. That is a horrible sentence. I commend all of us on here who are fighting the good fight and trying to improve our odds. It's worth it.
  19. ElaineB

    Pre OP testing

    I was terrified, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds. It's no big deal. My blood pressure was in the near fatal range before hand:).
  20. ElaineB

    Pre OP testing

    Manometry. Darn auto correct.
  21. ElaineB

    Pre OP testing

    I had a sleep study, an EGD (they put you to sleep very briefly and run a scope into your stomach), labs, psych eval, manometer (in the office they run a thin catheter up your nose into your stomach to assess the upper esophageal sphincter strength), pulmonary clearance and cardiac clearance. Yeah!! My process took 8 months and 10 days. But who's counting?
  22. ElaineB

    October 1st!

    Congratulations!! October will be here before you know it. You are so smart to do this now while you are young. Surgery is scary, but so many people do it. Your biggest problem will be getting a dress to fit!! You will get fitted and by the time the dress comes in you will have shrunk. That's a good problem to have:).
  23. ElaineB

    OMG! What am I thinking!

    I had a lot of the same thoughts. I even thought, well, I've lost a few on this pre-op thing, why don't I just keep doing this? What if It doesn't go well, what if I die, what if I regret it, what if I can never eat again? You know. I'm only 17 days out. I've lost 15 pounds since surgery. It's already so much easier and I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner. It's my one regret. It has already changed my life in some really positive ways. I feel strong, determined and like I have made some hard, but good decisions for myself for a change. You are worth this and I don't think you will be sorry. Keep me posted. Love and prayers for a safe surgery and quick recovery. It's no picnic, but it sounds like you have a child. If you can birth a human, this is nothin;)
  24. ElaineB

    July 2013 Sleevers

    Cherbear, just clarifying, but you've "only" lost 21 pounds in 3 weeks!! Poor girl. Lol. You may have some unrealistic expectations. This isn't magic!!! I'm teasing you, but I think you are doing frigging amazing!! Had there been any other time you have lost that much in that amount of time? I'd have to have cut off a leg to lose 21 pounds pre-sleeve. You are doing the right things. The weight loss will catch up. If you are losing any faster, you would die in a lean winter;). I think of it like this. How much do you want to lose? If its a 100 pounds, you are already 21 percent of the way there. ALREADY!!! You rock girl. Give yourself some props!!

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