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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Shayyt

  1. Shayyt

    How Long Until You Felt Normal Again

    I had my surgery on Monday the 23rd of July and I am also a Dr. Kim patient. I was feeling pretty good by that Friday but the heat would take it out of me pretty quick. My post op appointment was Tuesday and I was supossed to go back to work Wednesday but his PA Nieves wasn't having it and wouldn't let me go back till Monday. I have a desk job also so I was pretty disappointed and she even wanted me to go half a days at first but I was able to convince her I would be fine full days. So Monday it is for me which in all honesty is probably better cause I have been going to class which is 4 hours and I am usually worn out by the time I am done. Good luck to you.
  2. Amen!! We spend so much time caught up on that stupid thing!!! It's the devil!! LOL
  3. If you haven't seen a doctor I would start there but if you have and it is an ongoing issue there are several things to try depending on your pain. I have bad knees and have had surgery on one so far and have been trying to put off the other as long as possible. Bad knees and hips, sadly, run in the family. For me, if the pain is real bad I bust out the ice and tylenol. I have a bad habit of going out to dance and paying for it the next day so I will bust out the ice machine thingy they sent me home with from surgery. It is like an ace bandage you wrap around your knee that is attached to a cooler you fill with ice, plug in and it circulates the icey cold goodness around your knee. You might try a bag of ice to start and if that helps check a medical supply store for the machine cooler thing like I have. Also, I have found for working out Vibram 5 finger toe shoes ROCK!!! Took me a while to get some because of my skeptisism (sp?) but after a lot of research and words from people I worked out with I decided to give them a whirl and wow let me tell you they are awesome!! They are a minamalist shoe that forces your body so to speak to run, walk, etc the natural way basically barefoot. They take a little getting use to and will cause your calves to hurt until you are use to them but what a difference they have made for me. It has gotten to the point where I rarely wear heels anymore. I wear flats and my Vibrams and heels on special occassions and outting type nights. Good luck to you and hope you find something to help ease the pain.
  4. I can relate to this completely. I lost a total of about 70lbs with my lapband and never really felt that I was thin.All my friends and coworkers would tell me how great I looked but I just didn't feel it. I knew I lost the weight but always still saw myself as a big girl. I have several friends who also have had WLS and feel the same way. I guess it is our mental image of ourselves and much like our issues with food it is a hard habit to break so to speak.
  5. Shayyt

    Wow! I Definetely Have A Sleeve!

    I am glad you posted this; I am still on liquids and the soup is just not cutting it and it is making me wonder if/when I am going to have that full feeling.
  6. Shayyt

    Post-Op Liquid Diet

    I had my surgery Monday and I have the same issue though it is getting a little better. I am also finding that cold is what gets me the worst and warm soup feels great going down. I have chewed gum to help with my need for something to chew and the dessert flavored sugar free gum really helped me get past my intense sweet craving I was having. Hang in there I am sure it will get better.
  7. Shayyt

    Has The Band Failed Me Or Have I Failed The Band?

    Sadly, I understand exactly what you mean. I dealt with the EXACT same issues with my band and funny I did the same thing you did with scoping out menu's ahead of time. Food for me was always so hit or miss and I swear all I ever thought about. The worst for me was having to go to a business meeting over lunch and not being able to eat and having to explain why you were suddenly having to dart for the girls room or you could only eat two bites. Soooo frustrating!!! For me the straw thatbroke the camels back was a business lunch where I had to excuse myself and ended up throwing up blood. This led me to testing that revealed I had something called Hpylori. After some major antibiotics it was cleared up and things got much better but I could never seem to get back right or get into the right groove. Some habits are hard to break I guess and I went through all those issues for 3 years. My surgeon suggested revision to sleeve and after careful consideration I ended up doing. I had my surgery the 23rd and so far so good and I am hoping a much better experience all around. Hope things get better for you hunny I know they can be very frustrating.
  8. Shayyt

    Protein Coffee Creamer

    How does it taste?
  9. Shayyt

    Help I'm Miserable

    I had my surgery Monday and it is slowly but surely getting better. I have found warm broth and room temp water and isopure clear to be better than ice cold water. Keep your head up and hang in there, it will get better!!!
  10. Hi Teresa! I just had my band removed and the sleeve done Monday and I can say I was expecting a rough recovery but so far it hasn't been. When I had my band surgery I felt like there was a sumo wrestler sitting on my chest for a few days no matter how much I walked or took gas x. That hasn't been the case with this. The worst part of this so far has been the 24hrs after when you can't drink ANYTHING (Damp wash cloth to wipe your mouth out will be your best friend) and I have a pain on my left side that the nurse is telling me is common as that is the side where they do the most work. Hope this helps and good luck to you.
  11. Shayyt

    Post Surgery Pain

    Just thought I would pass this along in case anyone else has a similar issue. I spoke with the nurse at the doctors today who informed me my pain is common. She says this is where the doctor does the majority of the work ie, stomach removal, liver biopsy, port removal. She said that muscle damage is common and he uses a mesh in that area. She said the pain is common and is usually under the rib cage, above the biggest incision on the left and often times radiates to the back. She said if for whatever reason it becomes hot to the touch, fever occurs, or the incision starts oozing then I need to come in asap. She said it is common to last in some patients as far out as 6 weeks after surgery.
  12. I had my surgery Monday going from a lapband to the sleeve. I have to say this surgery was much easier than the band which I am greatful for but I am having a major pain on my side. It is almost under my rib cage. Not sure if it is trapped gas or what but it hurts. I have tried walking, patting my chest and side where it hurts, and gas x but no relief. It hurs most when I stand up and when I breath too deeply. Just wondering if anyone else may have had a similiar experience??
  13. Shayyt

    Post Surgery Pain

    Gosh I hadn't heard of that before. I sure hope it goes away for you real fast I am sure it is no fun.
  14. Shayyt

    Post Surgery Pain

    I don't have a drain and I have been using my spirometer. I haven't tried the coughing thing so I guess I will give that a whirl and if not will be calling the doc in the am. Thanks for the advice.
  15. I am not sure if anyone mentioned Biotene to keep your mouth moist or not but Biotene is my suggestion. I read that on another thread and went right out and got myself some. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
