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Boston George

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Boston George

  1. going under for VGS surgery

    complications with VGS and/or hiatal hernia

    breaking up with food (we've had a life long relationship that has not been all bad)

    post op eating (I love to cook and try new things' date=' I dont want that to change)

    having surgery to get off meds-high blood pressure, high cholesteral, angina-what if that doesn't happen

    not being successful at losing the weight and dissappointing myself and my family

    As you can see I am scared ( but also very excited ) about my 12/26/2012 VSG surgery date. Any support would be appreciated. I know just reading some of the other forums have been helpful but also a bit scary too.[/quote']

    If you look at posts I made you can tell how's scared I was. I never had surgery before this. I was a nervous wreck and couldn't stop thinking about the negatives. I worried for nothing, you go in, they give you medicine through your IV to help relax, the next thing you know you wake up in recovery. When I woke up, I wasn't in pain, just sore. But they give you medicine for that too. There's a little adjustment period after surgery , but everyday gets easier. Nothing you can't handle. Remember that statistically, this surgery is as safe as having your gallbladder out. You will do great!

  2. So' date=' I went to a Christmas party tonight. There was so much food, and everything smelled so good. I wanted to eat so badly. I brought a Protein shake with me, and I was satisfied with it; but honesly I longed for 'real food'

    Am I being to hard on myself?

    I am invited out to Christmas dinner next week, but now I am doubting if I should go. I'm afraid the temptation will be too great.[/quote']

    Honestly, the head hunger was the hardest part for me. I was so addicted to eating the wrong foods and the smell made it so much worse! It will get easier I promise. Now, at 5 weeks post op, I have to remind myself to eat.

  3. I drank at maybe 10 days out and it wasn't just a few sips either' date=' I had a fair few double vodka's (I'm gonna get slammed for this) and was perfectly fine. It doesn't sound to me that you want to go out and get wasted so ignore all the harsh comments you have received and have a Happy, Happy Birthday!!![/quote']

    Ha! I like to hear that! Makes me feel better

  4. I understand that some people have had a terrible experience with this surgery. I read your story and truly feel for you. That said your attitude with people and the ugliness you spew at a simple question is uncalled for and despicable. Perhaps you need a new outlet for your rage. This is certainly not the place for it.

    I couldn't agree more..It's gets so tiring to see the same people with the same negative responses, over and over again..

  5. And to some others. I am not taking any medicine what so ever. I also didn't know there was a way to look things up. I am on my phone. Thanks for giving me advice and my doctor never said no alcohol. Thats why i am asking. I do not drink only havr maybe 2 times in my life. Thanks for the info though

    Happy 21st! What a present you gave yourself. Just be careful. You don't want to risk all the hard work you've put in. It must be tough to be 1 week post op during your 21st bday. Have fun either way! I would double check with your doc. Explain the situation. Maybe they can come up with an idea for you.

  6. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we met when I was at my biggest (288lbs) I have since lost almost 90 pounds. He was always jealous since the day I met him' date=' and was insecure as he always thought he would lose me (I dont know why) He's been supportive with my weight loss and I know he loves me whether im big or small. Only issue is that hes insecure and jealous. He does not like to party or go out. Hes boring! We always argue about this. When I was bigger, I would go out sometimes but didnt go out much just to make him happy and it didnt bother me as much as I didnt have much outfits. But now, sexy clothes fit me. I want to go out more, I want to live life, im 24! Im not trying to buy beautiful dresses so they can hang in my closet! lol...He doesnt like to go out so I go out with my girls. All of a sudden its a big issue. He claims that I have changed and that I think that Im all that, and thats why im going out. And I feared this the most as I dont want to come across as a person who changes after weight loss surgury. I havent changed, im still the same person just look better and have more confidence.I enjoy all the compliments I get, I know he hatesss seeing other men comment or like my pictures on Facebook. He always tries to make a point like "They didnt like you back then, but now they do. I was there when nobody wanted you". He will say stupid stuff like that and my response would be "You act like I was ugly or something lol I dated before you, men always liked me. Just so happened I dated you for the longest, and yeah most men do find me more attractive now, but that does not mean that Im going to leave u for them!" We fight almost every damn day. To the point where I ask myself what the hell am I still doing with him??? He makes me want to date other men.One time he just completely ignored me for 2 weeks. I kept calling and texting him but he wouldnt respond. So I said screw him, by the 4th day I went out to party. Within a week I started meeting new people trying to move on. I never took anyone serious but I def loved going out on dates. Then he just magically shows up after 2 weeks crying because Im having a great time. what does he think would happen when u ignore me without letting me know what i did wrong or even to verbally tell me that ur breaking up with me. And how do I know what hes doing? He just wants me to sit home and cry for 2 weeks like I dont have a life...

    I do love him, he's my best friend, but damn, hes immature and he's making it seem like im the issue, when clearly he is.(Hes 23) If he would just go out with me, this wouldnt be an issue. He does dinner, movies, parks those type of things. But sometimes I just want to go to a lounge or a party and wear a dress, u know? I've spoken to him about this many times, We actually just went to dinner 2 hours ago and spoke about things. I invited him to a party on sat bc I brought a black dress that I want to wear as I am going to hit 199 in a few days!!! Im very excited about this, he is too but he still does not want to party! I suggested we go to the city to do something else then, anything just as long as I wear my dress. But in his head, he thinks that I have some sort of plan. He cursed me out and told me to go do what I want to do and that hes tired of this. This is sooo frustraing. Has anybody dealt with annoying bf/husband/gf/wife who cant handle your weightloss? And please give me ur opinions..thanks[/quote']

    Because I went through the same with a insecure, possessive girl a few years back. I'll make it short. You are way too young to be dealing with this.Take my advice, your early 20's go by way too fast. We are only young once. Enjoy every second of it you can. Go out as much as you can, meet as many new people as you can. And more importantly have as much fun as you can. Im not saying break up with your boyfriend. But don't let anybody cause you drama and hold you back. Don't settle. I wish somebody told me this when I was 24. Let him know, this is what makes me happy now. Your going to do it, you would love him to come, but your going either way.

  7. Ok everyone... I was sleeved on Nov 12th' date=' and weighed 240.

    My first week I lost 10 pds and my second another 10... Which was Awesome!!!

    But since then "0" WTFudge is going on! :-(

    This is my sample menu:

    B: 1 EGG OR 5OZ Protein shake

    L: 4 SHRIMP OR 2OZ tuna

    D: 2OZ SALMON OR 1/4 CRAB meat

    SNACK: cheese STICK OR 5OZ Protein shake

    I'm tracking my calories and I am under 300 - 350 max.

    What is wrong???

    Anyone else struggling???

    Is this normal???[/quote']

    Just be patient and give it a little more time. Make sure your getting your fluids in, especially Water. That's so important. My 4th week I was stalking, I called my NUT, showed her a sample of my diet. She said I wasn't eating or drinking enough. My diet looked alot like yours. So I added 1 more small meal and 12 more oz's of Water. Last week I dropped 5lbs. Maybe something to think about? Either way you will lose weight, I promise. Good luck :-)

  8. ok, good, neither of those symptons....Thank you, JanaLee...

    In addition to the rapid heart rate and fever that JanaLee mentioned, my doc said the pain would be really bad and I would be throwing up..I think your good ;-) Every little pain and discomfort I got, I was convinced it was a leak....I stayed with my mom for a week after surgery and I drove her crazy haha..It's normal to be cautious, you had a big surgery..Try to relax make sure to eat and drink very slowly..Each day that passes you will feel better and better..Good luck

  9. Anytime George.... You deserve the same encouragement you give everyone else on here! BTW..... If you eat out somewhere that has some WLS friendly foods will you let me know where? I'm starting to feel like going out but don't know where! Ill do the same if you want the info too! There are so many restaurants in the greater boston area there has to be somewhere right?!?

    Sorry for the delayed response..I appreciate your encouragement ;-) I actually went out to eat with friends last night. We went to a sushi / chinese restaurant in Stoneham..(Sato)..My friends got 3 pu pu platters, rice,lo mein, all the calorie / fat bombs. I got steamed shrimp with lemon-giner sauce on the side..

    I dipped my fork in the sauce and lightly grazed the shrimp..It was delicious..I cut the shrimp into tiny pieces and it took 30-40 minutes to eat 3-4, but It was very good. After my friends guzzled beers and chinese food for 2 hours they were all complaining, "Im so full, my stomach hurts" I thought, for once, I don't feel like that..And it felt great! I also knew I was not going to be hung over today, while they were on their couch all day I was out excercising..Granted they are all thin, (for now). That was one of my only eating out experiences..Went pretty good. I didn't feel deprived, or unsatisfied..I didn't crave any of the fatty, fried food..I have to admit I did want a cold beer, but I know we can't have that so I of course passed..I also went out for breakfastlast week and I had 1 egg white, 1 regular egg scrambled..It was a little boring but it went down fine..

  10. It's tough to adjust to and can be draining physically and mentally. Eventually you'll be able to eat anything and everything, and go back to the "open the door, nothing looks good, close the door. Open the door again like something delicious appeared, still nothing. Go to the cabinet, nothing. Back to the fridge!" Lol hard because you knowwwww you have to eat for Protein and whatnot, but you're not really hungry. Oi vey!

    LOL I know exactly what you mean about opening and closing the fridge! It it becoming a challenge, I'm trying to find more choices of high protein food..I can't even look at a shake right now, and I have enough yogurt for an Alaskan winter! Oh well, this is what we signed up for, right? Have to just do it for now ;-)

  11. Thank you George! I'm down from that now too and can eat just about everything under the sun. 157#' date=' size 10/Medium now! Don't mind the glasses. I was being a dork with my sisters hipster hello kitty glasses lol[/quote']

    That's great! You look so good. You were pulling the glasses look off :-) Im still on the soft Protein /mushy stage. Still adjusting to everything. 4 weeks post op. It's been a smooth ride so far. Hope to have the same success as you!

  12. That must be so frustrating!!!! I just want to encourage you to continue.... Your weight loss so far has been so incredible and I am 100% positive it will continue. Keep up the good work George!! I look forward to hearing about how you overcome this stall!!!

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it :-) Im not going to let it get me down. Just keeping chipping away :-)

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