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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TamaraS

  1. TamaraS

    Salsa Scrambled Eggs With Peppers And Onions

    Yum!! I will have to try it, thanks!
  2. Excellent article on Emotional hunger Vs. Physical hunger http://www.livestrong.com/article/14885-emotional-vs-physical-hunger/ Am I hungry? important questions to ask- http://amihungry.com/whatisamihungry.shtml Recognizing hunger signals - http://www.myfooddiary.com/resources/ask_the_expert/hunger_signals.asp Head Hunger- http://myfoodmaps.com/head-hunger/ 3 steps to take to become aware of head hunger http://www.livestrong.com/article/512246-how-to-tell-the-difference-between-real-hunger-emotional-hunger/?utm_source=popslideshow&utm_medium=a1 head hunger - http://www.palmyrasurgical.com/adjustable-gastric-band-guide/living-with-your-gastric-band/dealing-with-hunger-after-surgery
  3. TamaraS

    6 Weeks Today

    Wonderful Job!!! Did you lose any of the 60lbs on a pre op diet? If so how much? Im on the pre op diet right now
  4. TamaraS

    Less Than 10Hrs Away

    Thinking about all of you today as you are being sleeved! I hope everyone of you will update us when you get a chance! Sending out lots of positive energy (((hugs)))
  5. TamaraS

    Article About Woman Having Surgery

    nyxa, that does suck :/ His loss though. I guess thats a good lesson for all of us to be careful of what we say when we dont know people or their background. Although I doubt many of us wo uld be so harsh being that we have experienced discrimination first hand because of our size.
  6. TamaraS

    Article About Woman Having Surgery

    I didnt realize people had such negative and limited understanding of weightloss surgery. thats too bad. Maybe I should have told fewer people I was getting surgery!!!
  7. TamaraS

    Getting To The Other Side...

    SO very exciting Chimera! I am very inspired by your journey, keep up the great work and enjoy every moment of it!!
  8. Here it goes... I wont miss pulling muscles trying to put on my socks and shoes. I wont miss dreading showers and getting dressed because its physicaly exhausting. I wont miss avoiding meeting my husbands co workers, other parents, teachers, or anyone new. I wont miss wondering if the only reason my husband is still with me is because of our 6 year old son. I wont miss torturing myself with negativity and hatefull thoughts because of how I look.
  9. I really want to thank everyone for sharing such personal details. Brought lots of tears to my eyes knowing that others understand and have felt the same. These discussion boards are priceless and I get so much out of everyone of your posts <3
  10. These are the EXACT same things that plague me on a daily basis. I cant wait until after surgery...
  11. TamaraS

    Less Than 10Hrs Away

    good luck!! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way Please update us after surgery is over!
  12. TamaraS


    It's not crazy and your not crazy!! Totally reasonable fear. The thing is people who havent gone through this process just cant relate as well as those who have I wish you lots of strength tomorrow. Ive read lots of favorite foods before the surgery never taste as good afterwards. Not sure if its true or not but its a nice thought!!! (((hug)))
  13. There is an entire new diet theory coming out which is based on tricking your body by alternating between low calorie and high calorie days.VERY interesting stuff!!! I have read a lot of posts about people getting so upset about their lack of weightloss during a stall that they have a cheat day or two and voila, weightloss resumes! I love reading these posts, it totally validates what I have been reading about needing to switch things up. I also have read the same theory applies to exercise!
  14. Ssriley, great job and thank you for including that chart! I will have to remember the small ups and downs after surgery so I dont freak out
  15. What wonderful numbers, Great job to all of you!!! You all must feel so much better not lugging that extra weight around. Thanks for the responses Very encouraging!!
  16. TamaraS

    Getting To The Other Side...

    WOW, what an experience Its great to see they fixed you up and 3 and a 1/2 months later you are half way to goal! Im really glad it ended up working out for you
  17. I am doing a high protien diet while I wait to find out if I have been approved by my insurance for surgery and I was wondering what is the best online tracker of calories consumed with a complete run down of the nutrients consumed also? I really appreciate your suggestions!
  18. alex&zsmom, If you try the collagen please let us know how it works!! Fun size, I totally agree about learning so much from the people here! its been such a help and inspiration The thing that brought skin brushing back to the front of my mind was reading a post from a fellow sleever on here about his 6 month weightloss. He dry brushed every night and applied lotion and had NO excess skin and I believe he was in the late 300's before starting his journey! So motivational. If you would like to read it his post it is called "6 Months Post Op 110 Pounds Lost 4Ever !"
  19. This is my plan of attack, http://www.jashbotanicals.com/articles/skin_brushing.html I have read for years how helpful it is. It isnt a cure all, we still could have lose skin but the benefits are many I read a study on the effectiveness of nivea firming cream and I plan on trying it. The study wasnt conducted by nivea so I tend to believe that it is somewhat effective in improving the skin. I plan on using the skin brushing and nivea together! As long as we dont have unreasonable expectations I think we will be pleased with the results!
  20. That is so VERY exciting to hear! Im going to start dry brushing immediately!! Cant wait to see your 9 month pics. Keep up the great work and thanks for the motivation!!!
  21. Congrats!!! Do you think the dry brushing and lotion nightly worked on firming your skin??
  22. TamaraS

    Best Calorie And Nutrition Tracker?

    I will have to check Lose It out, thanks!!
  23. TamaraS


    SO very sad to hear your having these issues Please keep us updated, sending out lots of positive thoughts your way (((hugs)))
  24. TamaraS


    This is going to be good for you, dont let the bosses negativity discourage you. only a little over two weeks til your surgey which is so exciting!!! Best of luck to you

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