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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by enigmachik

  1. During the surgery the surgeon removes the stretchy part of the stomach which is also where the majority of the hunger hormone is produced. However, the part of the stomach that is left still produces this hormone, just in smaller amounts. You will likely still feel hunger, but it will be significantly less than it was pre-op.

  2. First let me congratulate you on finding a church home. That's fantastic. Secondly, I think you will be able to do the Daniel fast. Is it a three week fast? I know when we do ours it's usually three weeks. Are you allowed to have Beans? Beans are very high in Protein and also have the added benefit that they are quite filling. In addition avocado, broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, corn, asparagus, cauliflower, and chick peas are all excellent sources of protein. As long as you eat plenty of veggies (which on a Daniel fast you naturally will) you shouldn't have a problem getting adequate protein. God Bless!

  3. It's also possible that you are having spotting because of the hormonal changes from surgery or due to hormonal changes from stopping your birth control...so don't freak out just yet. If you are pregnant, it's not ideal, but others have gotten through a pregnancy while still in their first year post-op. Still, I'd be willing to bet the spotting is not because of a pregnancy, but because of all the hormonal stuff going on in your body right now. My thoughts are with you.

  4. I hate to break this to you, but zero calorie spray butter is NOT zero calories! What you are dealing with is the ugly truth of the federal government and lobbyists. In truth anything that has .5g or less per serving can be listed as zero calories. That is why the serving size is only 1-5 sprays. The sad reality is that the entire bottle contains 900+ calories and 90 grams of fat!

  5. I've heard tripping and falling is pretty common the first 18 months post op because losing so much weight messes with our center of gravity and we have to learn our bodies all over again. So, the good news is this problem should work itself out. You can help it along by doing core exercises. Try doing planks. Also pilates helps.

  6. You look amazing! If you feel comfortable please don't let anyone else get in your head and try to tell you that you aren't where you should be. You know your body better than any doctor or specialist. Also, you have lost EIGHTY pounds! That is a fantastic accomplishment and an amazing success. Do not let anything make you feel like a failure. I'm proud of you and you should be too!

  7. For me it was less about the number and more about how things suddenly started getting really hard to do. I was having trouble tying my shoes, bending down to pick up dropped items, and even..uh..having trouble wiping myself thoroughly. lol. TMI, I know, but that was the big one. That was when I knew I had to make a serious change asap!

  8. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, it sounds really scary. I'm glad you're back on the mend and looking into why it happened. I have not heard of this happening with any other sleevers, but anything is possible. Keep your head up, you're on a journey that can only go up from here! xoxo

  9. Wow, I just read through this whole thread. I want to tell you I am so impressed with your attitude. You have been going through sheer hell and have managed to keep yourself respectable and pleasant. That says a lot!! I'm so sorry you've been having so many troubles. Just keep looking ahead to the day when this is all behind you. hugs.

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