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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by enigmachik

  1. I get terrible motion sickness so I was really worried about this too. Make sure to discuss it with your anesthesiologist so they give you something for nausea. I was fine the night of my surgery, but the following day I was pretty nauseous and dizzy. I never actually threw up though and by the third day I felt much better. Overall doctors are much more aware of the risk of nausea with surgery than they were 20 or even 10 years ago so they have better meds (patch behind ear etc) to deal with it. Good luck!

  2. So I threw up for the first time since being sleeved today. I have no one to blame but myself. I was eating salmon and got that restriction feeling. It was subtle, but it was there. I only had a couple of tiny bites left on the plate so I finished them. BAD IDEA! It is so hard mentally to get used to the idea of wasting food or not "cleaning" the plate. I started salivating like crazy and before I knew it I grabbed a trash barrel and started throwing up the entire contents of my little tummy. As I'm staring down the barrel, the only thought going through my mind was, "damn, there goes all that protein." lol. Anyway, I share this as a warning to all newly sleeved and soon to be sleevers, when you get that restricted feeling, DO NOT IGNORE IT! Do not take another bite, not even one.

  3. Written from the point of view of the food we used to eat that made and kept us fat. The first couple verses are alright, but the chorus at the end made me lol. Here is Junkfood's Lament:

    Now and then I think of when we were together


    Like when you said you were so happy I was fried

    You told yourself I satisfied your need

    Then felt so bloated in my company

    Now acid reflux is an ache you still remember

    You had been addicted to a certain kind of dining

    But now the HoHos and the fries are coming to an end

    So when you found that fat could not make sense

    And you said that you need healthy trends

    I'll admit that I was sure you'd still need doughnuts.

    (All together now)

    But you didn't have to cut me out

    Make out like you look right past me when I'm on the menu

    Now I can't even pass your lips, you treat yourself with fruit now

    and I feel so used

    No, you didn't have to feel so good

    Have new friends support your weigh-ins

    And then cheer your victories

    I guess that I don't fill your needs

    Now you're just some body that I used to feed.

    Some body.

    Now you're just some body that I used to feed.

  4. Hang in there, It's common for some people to not be able to tolerate cold foods (and liquids) this early out. You will enjoy them again in time, but for now your new tummy needs to heal and it's telling you it isn't ready for cold stuff yet. Give it time, you will heal and you will grow to love your sleeve in time. The healing process is long, longer than most of us realized even when we read up and researched it...being in the situation suddenly makes it seem longer, but it will happen. Hang in there.

  5. So the acid reflux is no joke. I take a PPI everyday, plus a zantac with every meal, and then mylanta or tums for immediate relief. I still deal with breakthrough reflux and it's no fun. This seriously concerns me because long term use of these drugs has known side effects such as deteriorating bone health, kidney stones, mal-absorption of Vitamins and minerals etc...

    The doctor says the acid reflux/heartburn will get better on it's own in a few months. So my question is for all post-ops that had this problem, did it ever go away and at what point did it actually get better?

    • I confess that this journey is both harder and easier than I thought it would be.
    • I confess that in public situations I finagle things to make it look like I've eaten more than I have.
    • I confess that it makes me sad that I might never be able to consume a large sandwich with big ol' slices of homemade bread again (like I need it).
    • I confess that I occasionally use a straw.
    • I confess that I haven't told anyone about my sleeve and I don't plan on it. I don't need your negativity or opinions.

  6. I can't wait for my mother to stop saying " you just hab to hab a self control" she says it just like that too she's a Crazy Asian Lady lol.... Really though it is especially annoying because my mom is one of those people who eats tons knows nothing about dieting and weighs 108 pounds soaking wet.... I obviously inherited my metabolism from my father.

    I totally get you. I'm not biologically asian, but my family is Chinese. I love them to death, but they are not at all shy about talking about people's weight and letting you know when you've put on a few pounds. I've been told I need to watch my diet (while they are shoving food in my face) many times. I've had a child loudly ask me in a room full of people why I'm so fat while her parents sat and listened. She went on and on about how I just needed to eat less meat and I'm the fattest person she's ever met etc...on and on. Most Americans would tell their children that this kind of thing hurts people's feelings, but Asians are so open about talking about weight that they just let this child humiliate me in front of everyone. Another time an adorable little Chinese girl told me (again in front of a lot of people) that my back is as big and squishy as my tummy. Again nothing was said. I'm mostly used to it because it's part of the culture, but it still stings a little.

  7. I'm five weeks post op and I can't seem to figure out how eat or drink (or sometimes even breathe) without swallowing air. I'm forever trying to burp up this excess air because it is so uncomfortable. I totally understand being a little gassy a few days out from surgery, but I'm five weeks out and this doesn't really seem like gas...it's just extra air. Oh, and gasex makes me feel more uncomfortable, not less. Any else having this problem? Anyone have any suggestions?

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