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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kelliecalgary

  1. I thought the same exact thing. It took me a long time to realize that some people don't see themselves the same way I do. My mother in law thinks that she is overweight, and I think she is skinny as a rail. Same with both my sisters who are size 0 and size 2!!

    Personally I think you are an ideal size! One that I am striving to get to. You have curves!

    But I wish you the best with your journey and hope that you are able to get to where you want to be....

  2. After having the sleeve have any of yall went to a nice restaurant and ordered a small meal or an appetizer and of course you can't finish it all and ask for a doggy bag?

    I feel guilty because the chef actually asked me if everything was okay when we went out to dinner the other day. I am sure that he assumed that I am a big girl and can EAT! I think he thought that I didn't like the food, it was very tasty but as we all know, I couldn't finish it.

    Has anyone else has this feeling of guilt?

    If so, how do you handle the situation? Do you let them know that you've had surgery and that there is no way that you can eat it all?

  3. I really don't mind that he is eating healthy food, but he has other options for healthy food like the fruit that I buy because he says he wants it and then never eats it and it goes bad. Then he will stop by 7-11 on the way home and buy a huge Slurpee and danishes and donuts and all that sugary stuff I can't have. I am not going to buy anymore Ensure shakes, instead I am going to make my own Protein Shakes and I will buy other convenient healthy foods for him that are not so expensive like yogurt and cheese stix.

  4. I feel your pain about being a military family. My brother is deployed right now and will miss the birth of his daughter in October. He has not been there for his other 2 sons births either because he was on deployment.

    It will be rough to juggle your kids and surgery and everything else, but just remember to take help where you can get it and do what you can, don't over do it.

    I actually hired someone to come and clean my house for me while I was recovering.

    Everything will work out okay, just try and stay positive....best wishes!

  5. Growing up my father was very physically abusive. He was also mentally abusive, pitting us kids against each other as well as against my mother and visa versa.

    When I was in Kindergarten my mom sent me to live with my grandparents in another state for almost 2 years, and I rarely got to see my family including my 3 other siblings. It was when I was living with my grandparents that my grandma would make me food to make me feel better about being there alone without my family. When I went home at the end of 2nd grade it was quite an adjustment and I continued to use food to make myself feel better. My father and mother were both upset that I had come home a lot more "fluffy" than when I left and I would be punished severely for eating too much. Once my father choked me until I almost passed out for eating too much chocolate. This only made the problem worse as I used food to comfort myself, so I started sneaking food at night, and knowing that I had to be quick about it I would eat extremely fast, and then hide the evidence of my binging in the outside trash. The abuse continued and when I was in the 5th grade my dad beat my brother severely and I went to school the next day and told on him. Nothing was done for about a month and when the school finally contacted him, he threatened to send me away if I ever said anything to anyone again about what went on in our home.

    He used to punish us sometimes by making us do sometimes up to 500 of an exercise like push-ups or sit-ups or up to 3 hours on the Nordic Track. He would also give us the options sometimes of us being able to take beatings for our other siblings. By the time I was in middle school I had 2 new brothers making it 6 kids in our family. I had 3 little brothers that I would often take their punishment for them so that they would not get hurt, and to numb the pain on being beat and helpless I would shove down the pain by eating anything and everything.

    Twice while in high school I showed up with swollen black eyes, and bruised ribs and Child Protective Services got involved kicking my dad out of the house, and my mom would let him back in a few days later. At 18, my dad was finally arrested after I pressed charges after he held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me and split my head open after hitting me in the head so hard.

    Over the years I have worked on forgiveness of both him and my mom, and tried to get past all of it, but sometimes it still hurts. I still struggle with emotional eating, and it's a daily struggle.

    I wish you all here the best. I just try to remember that "FOOD IS FUEL NOT THERAPY". It doesn't always work but I keep trying.

  6. I had my surgery July 9th and I did not tell my family that I was going in for WLS. I told them I was getting a hernia repaired. My husband and in-laws and best friend are the only ones that know about what surgery I was having.

    My mom was always big until about 10 years ago when she started working out 3 hours a day and only eating veggies and taking weight loss pills. She has never understood about my binge eating disorder and has always pressured me to lose weight while sending me home with leftovers.

    Don't worry about what other people say, just do what is right for you!

  7. I was supposed to have 4 Ensure High Protein Shakes a day for 4 weeks before my surgery. I tried to do it, and only got a day and a half before I cheated, then did not do it again until 3 days before surgery and then I stuck to it. I was so scared that I was going to wake up from surgery only to have the surgeon tell me that they were unable to do it because my liver was too big. When I woke up from surgery that was the first thing I asked, "did they do it?"

    The surgeon said that my liver was fine!

    I know that some people have cheated and had trouble with the surgery but from what I have seen the majority of people don't follow the pre-op diet as instructed and it goes okay.

  8. I bought a fitbit at the beginning of starting the Calgary Weight Management Program. We needed a simple pedometer but I wanted something that would track my sleep as well. It was a little over 100 dollars but I used it everyday and I liked that it kept track of everything for me, that I could go back and look at months later if I wanted to.

    I have noticed that I have not used it at all since I got the surgery 2 weeks ago. If you think you will use it everyday then it is worth it.

  9. It is not that I mind him eating healthy food, but I have my stuff in smaller portions, and where I will eat 1 cheese stick a day he will eat 4 or 5. There is block of cheese he can cut bigger pieces from, but instead he eats the stuff that is portioned out for me.

    Ensure shakes aren't cheap, and he will have one for Breakfast and a muffin and whatever else. I wouldn't mind if it was because he wanted to eat more healthy but it is just because it is easy for him.

    Maybe this is a more deep seeded issue for me. I have always been very protective of my food, but this time it feels more personal for some reason.

  10. My hubby who is 6ft 4in and not overweight keeps eating my food that is meant for my weight loss. It started when I was drinking Ensure High Protein during my pre-op diet. He would take one every morning and drink it on his way to work. Now he has started eating my string cheese, and my Greek yogurt cups, my crystal light. I know it shouldn't bother me but it really does. There are so few things that I am supposed to eat, and I have to get a certain amount of protein in, and he keeps eating it!!!!

    I know that he doesn't do it to get under my skin, but he does it because he grazes and he likes convenient foods. He is the kind of guy that would rather have juice boxes in the fridge rather than make juice from frozen.

    I am not too sure what to do about this, and I was wondering if anyone else has had an issue with this and how they have handled it!


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