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Posts posted by kelliecalgary

  1. So I have been working out more lately, and not only is my sports bra not cutting it, but my tummy is bouncing all over the darn place. It makes me not want to work out because I am self conscious about it.

    Is it okay to wear shapers while working out? Will they make you itchy?

    Do they make work out gear just for big girls that will keep things in place? If they do WHERE CAN I GET THEM?

    So far all I can find is regular sports bras and Shapewear at AdditionElle and Penningtons here in Canada.

    looking forward to hearing how yall other ladies keep the wobbly bits in place!


  2. Thanks for the encouragement yall. It is a dream that I never even allowed myself because of my weight. Right out of High School I wanted to join the military but there was no possible way since I was so obese the wouldn't even talk to me.

    Now that I have a daughter I don't think the military would fit my lifestyle but if I could get into the police that would just be so awesome. I am going to keep going and work out as much as possible working on weight resistance and cardio workouts. Will keep yall updated.

  3. After having surgery last month I am on track after having a big stall and a bit of adjustment to my new lifestyle.

    I have been thinking in the past few weeks that I really want to become a police officer. But am I hoping for too much? Is it even possible to go from where I am now, 356 lbs already down from a year ago when I was 420 lbs, to a weight where I would even be accepted into the police department?

    The only thing I can think of is to keep on with my good eating habits and maybe start going to a personal trainer to get me in shape. I know it will be at least a year before I could even think about trying out for the police force.....

    But am I hoping for too much? Is this dream even obtainable?

    Advice anyone?

  4. I am not afraid of not being known as the fat girl anymore, that is for sure!

    But I feel like I am losing the part of my identity that goes along with food. I have always been the kind of person that will go out to dinner at the drop of a hat with friends or family, will hit up the buffet and try all sorts of new and unique food. I know that these behaviors are the thing that helped me get the size that I was, but part of me is sad to give up all of these things that I used to do. I eat a lot healthier now, and in far smaller quantities as well.

    We went to the Taste of Calgary festival this past weekend, and I chose the healthier options there, and would eat a bit or two and give the rest to my hubby. I was offered so many deserts but had no inclination to even have any. I should be happy that I don't want those things anymore, but I just feel like I kind of don't know myself anymore. I feel as though I have lost a part of me on the inside.

    Does anyone else feel anything similar to this?

  5. At first when I thought that I might be pregnant I was scared as hell and thought there was no way this can be happening to me after years of wanting surgery and finally getting it. Then my hubby and I started to get excited about the thought of it and even started talking about names. Shortly after that we found out that I am not pregnant. I still have not started my period but have had the blood work and everything so it is most likely my cycle is all out of whack. I am back on birth control, and have hope that when the time comes to have a baby the PCOS will not hold us back. Thank you everyone here, this issue has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for us emotionally but we just keep on trucking! And it makes it a bit easier that I am starting to lose weight again.....

  6. I lived in Houston my whole life----all 28 years of it--- until I moved to Canada 2 years ago because of my husband...I miss my friends and family but I don't miss the heat!!! AT ALL!

    as for exercise I am all about the swimming!!! low impact, but gets my heart pumping....

    btw...can you give me an idea of what you eat in a day so I can figure out where I am going wrong on my weight loss?

  7. I am almost 4 weeks post-op and I am so scared right now I might be pregnant.

    A week before surgery they had me stop my birth control because it adds to the risk of blood clots after surgery. I am supposed to start my birth control next Monday but now I am scared I might already be pregnant.

    My husband and I have had sex since the day after I got home from the hospital. I have been diagnosed with PCOS so I figured that I can't get pregnant without assistance such as Chlomid or IVF or whatever.

    I am starting to have some of the early symptoms of pregnancy such as very light brown spotting, that they say is implantation spotting and really bad fatigue.

    It is still too early to take a home pregnancy test but I am seriously afraid that I am pregnant. We have a 6 year old daughter and of course want another baby. In fact one of the reasons that I got the surgery is to help with the PCOS so that we can have another child but I don't want one right now! I can't believe I did this.I am worried that I am not going to be able to lose weight if I am pregnant.

    Any advice? Words of encouragement?

  8. I am going to make an appointment with a nutritionist, and while waiting for an appointment I am going to do what I did before I started the pre-op diet.

    I ate right when I woke up, ate every 2-3 hours small meals, and drank plenty of Water.< /p>

    Ex of lunch was 1/2 a turkey and mustard sandwich on whole grain wheat and 1/2 cup of strawberries

    Plus I am going to try to add at least 1 hour of exercise. Even though I do walk more now than I did before the surgery I know that I should be doing more. I think I got comfortable sitting down and "recovering" even though I moved on quite quickly after the surgery to soft foods and then solids. Going to step up my game, get some advice from the NUT and give it some time.

    I figure if I am still at a stall in 3 or 4 months I will have another little breakdown!

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