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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mom_24

  1. I was sleeved yesterday. Day two in hospital and I thought it would be way worse, the gas in my belly is just starting to come out so it's uncomfortable but manageable. My experience here at Endobariatric with Dr. alvarez has been great. I feel safe and everyone has been nice and my sleeve buddy is super interesting and we talked the whole car ride across the boarder and had our last Soup supper together before our surgeries the next morning and now we are walking the halls together. We both came alone without our husbands and it has been great. Nap time.

    Before I go I want to thank everyone who had an encouraging word or hello or answering my questions it made this whole experience for me and I can't believe i am sleeved! Best thing ever! Take care and better believe I will do before and afters soon enough.

  2. I haven't been here in a while. I am 5 wks post op and I must say my road was not as easy as I thought it would be. I have lost 31 lbs in 1 month, but must say I am not as happy about it as I thought I would be. For the first 3 wks I really couldn't tolerate anything due to the most horrible nausea you could imagine. I also should have taken more time off from work, as 2 wks was not enough, especially since I didn't bank on having the nausea complication. I returned to work 2 wks ago, and I am still not able to take in the amt of Fluid I should be, and the semi solids are not going too well. I look like I lost wt due to sickness, not from diet- my face actually looks a bit gaunt, and my butt is losing it's air, going a bit flat ;(.

    I feel really tired, and when I get home from work, I am wiped out. Pretty much because I have a very hands on job with lifting, pulling, on my feet and I'm not really getting in liquids or food, or not nearly the amt I should. And the Protein, ahhh the protein- not happening... I am cranky and very irritable ( almost like a non stop PMS). I really wish I could have stayed home longer, to be able to take time to try the fluids more and experiment with foods to see what works, it's kinda hard to do this in 30 mins with people calling you back early from break, if you are lucky enough to get one. I try, and will continue to try, as I hear it gets better.

    I just wish I felt better, but even with all of this, I don't regret my decision.

    Dr Alvarez and his team were excellent. I travelled alone and felt very comfortable.

    I just wish I could have continued to feel as good as I felt when I was there.

    I welcome suggestions and comments.

    It sounds like you have a very challenging job. I am sorry you are going through this. With regard to diet and liquids, don't be too hard on yourself, just do the best you can. Also, are you taking all of your recommended Vitamins? I find that makes a big difference for me.

  3. Hello, I just joined this site today. I am scheduled to have the gastric sleeve with Dr. Alvarez in towards the end of October. I need to send my deposit for surgery this week and I am a little aprehensive about going to Mexico still. I have several issues I would like to have some help with from those of you who have already been to see Dr. Alvarez:

    1. Is it really safe to go over the border? There is a posted red alert travel warning from the US for all citizens crossing the boarder in the area. I read the travel warnings too, and then further read that most of the violence occurs further away from the border. The area where we went felt very safe and really like parts of any American city.

    2. What type of security, if any, did the doctor provide/and-or the hospital. Rosie, Dr. A's shuttle driver and cousin, picks you up at the hotel and takes you across. She tells you what to expect and is a pleasure to chit-chat with. The drive was pleasant and I enjoy seeing new places anyway, so I really enjoyed it.

    3. Since I live in Houston I was planning on driving down with my mother which is about a 6-7 hour drive. How difficult is it to ride in the car post surgery and would it be realistic to think I could endure that long of a car ride on my way back. I live in Houston, too, and drove over with my mom as well. The drive back actually felt like it went faster for us, because the last leg of the drive going to Eagle Pass is long and nothing is out there. So with that as the first leg, once we got back to San Antonio, the rest of the drive was a breeze. Just try to plan, in both directions, to avoid San Antonio rush hour. It took us about 5 hours, not including stops, to and from Katy. I was not at all uncomfortable driving back. I used the pillow Dr. A gives you to hold my seat belt off of my abdomen and that worked great.

    4. The concern of finding a phyician here to follow up with for check ups or god forbid an emergency situation related to the surgery. I have been told by several medical professionals that I would practically have to be coding (i.e. seriously bad medical status) to find someone to help me due to liability reasons. I think that is just meant to scare you. If you showed up at the ER with abdominal pain, they would be negligent to ignore that, regardless of the reason, so that just doesn't make sense. You are having a widely accepted procedure done with an internationally renowned surgeon. Most likely they are just resentful that you are considering going somewhere other than the U.S. for your procedure. I can tell you , that my experience with Dr. A and his team is BY FAR the BEST healthcare experience I have EVER had. Less than a week after my surgery, my mom broke her shoulder and I had to take her to the local ER. The treatment was terrible. They ignored her needs, refused to send a doctor to see her in a timely manner, didn't respond to the call button. It was awful, and I realized that U.S. hospitals need to take a lesson from the hospital I went to in Mexico. I can't speak for the other Mexico hospitals, because I haven't been, but the one where Dr. A practices is top notch, in terms of care.

    I would appreciate some input on these subjects from the community. I feel really solid about Dr. Alvarez and his expertise just a little worried about the above mentioned factors which are making me question whether I should just have the surgery done in Houston. Thanks. My surgery was August 13 and my recovery has been a piece of cake. Just be sure and follow Dr. A's post-op instructions to the T and you will do great. Feel free to message me directly if you have any other questions.

  4. I sent Susan an email yesterday, so I can arrange to send my deposit off. I was planning to Western Union wire it to them....then found out it was going to cost me an extra $100 fee to Western Union!!!

    Anyone that has had their surgery: How did you do your down payment? I don't want to ask a dumb question, but they said I could do a bank check, money order, or wire transfer. If I do the bank check (which will be free from my bank to get), how is it getting to them??? Like I said, I know it is a dumb question, but am I seriously mailing this thing to Mexico? I just want to make sure they get my $1000 with No Issues! :-)

    I think the mailing address is in Eagle Pass, TX, so mailing it is not a problem. There happened to be a bank branch in my town, so I was able to deposit a check directly into their account. I brought a cashier's check for the balance. You will not regret your decision to go with Dr. A. The whole experience was AMAZING! Less than a week after my surgery, my mom fell off of a chair and broker her shoulder. We went to the hospital in town (Houston area) and I was APPALLED at the treatment there for my mom. It's a long story, but needless to say Dr. A spoiled me to good service in a hospital. U.S. hospitals and doctors need to take a lesson from Dr. A and his Mexican hospital!

  5. Hi,

    I will be sleeved by Dr. Alvarez on Sept 5, 2012.

    I am giving myself a 40th birthday present, that will surely be the best one I've given myself for years to come....

    I am happy to have found this forum... Very informative

    For me the choice of Dr. Alvarez was also based on his experience, yes his price is a tad more than others, but I think I am worth the investment. :wub:

    You most definitely are worth it!!! ;)

  6. Sorry I haven't updated sooner. The wifi in my room has been sluggish. I had my surgery yesterday with Dr. Alvarez. I went second. Went in around 11-ish am. Apparently I said the same thing to Jessica as everyone else, "Did he do the surgery?" I woke up in no pain, just groggy. I am resting, walking, melting ice chps in my mouth. Who knew they could be so good. I will post more later. Everything went exactly as all you veterans have said.

  7. OK....so I hit a bump in the road...I'm still in the hospital. I had a pin hole leak...n had to go back in surgery Wednesday.... the day I should've went home. I am feeling a lot better n should be home by Sunday. At least it was found before I went home....out of the thousands of surgeries he has performed.. I am his first leak.

    So glad they found it before you went home and were able to take care of it! Blessings to you!

  8. Here is our list for tomorrow Aug 10th Sleevers, May you have blessings with you and your journey we a safe and fast healing one. {hugs}

    8.10.12-thetruedream- Dr Almanza MX

    Kesha Richardson Bozeman AKA findingme2012dr kelly Tijuana

    Judie Oleen AKA Jaoleen Dr verboonen MX

    charmichelle NC

    bethL dr richardson New orleans.

    smithpy dr james davidson

    *TrAcY* Dr Garcia TJ mx

    Dennis-n Brooke Murphy AKA its time Dr. Hata Hickory, NC

    Daddyfat2thin Dr Alvarez Mx


    Will be praying for each of you tomorrow! Be well!

  9. HEY everyone!! I am so sorry I have been off the boards for awhile. First things first I want to wish everyone with an upcoming surgery the best, and I also want to wish everyone who has already had their surgeries a super easy recovery. This process is truly remarkable.

    As some may know I had my surgery August 6th with Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. My surgery went very well, and hardly any pain. Healing is going great. I have been off the boards due to pain that is not related to my surgery. While In Mexico I decided to get my lower teeth tended to. I thought it would be a simple process of pulling 10 teeth. Little did I know that it would have been so much more complicated. Here I thought it was my gums that were separating from my teeth, but what they discovered is my bone had been deteriorating, making my teeth loose. Just pulling them was no an option, they had to bone graft/scrape to make even smooth bone lines. This just happened to be a very painful healing. My jaw line is bruised and swollen, I am not talking much due to pain when opening and closing mouth, and I find that sleep is best for the pain.

    Anyway, back to my surgery, things are awesome. I am still learning to understand my new tummy signals. I have no idea sometimes what its trying to tell me. I do have the hunger pain down tho, That almost feels like a spasm/gurgle then rolls into a small rumble. When I get that sensation, and drink alil, everything is all better.

    The full sensations I have not experienced yet, atleast I don't think so. I am sure that will come with time when we start to move into thicker fluids and solids. I did however have a feeling that I swallowed too much, or maybe too fast last night. It was not as painful as I expected, but it did cause some discomfort in my chest till things went down. The incisions are healing very nicely and only my left side bothers when I over-extend or stretch too much. (The side they took the stomach out of)

    To any of those who are very worried about upcoming surgeries. Try to relax and put your faith in whatever you believe in. Things will truly go wonderfully. I cannot guarantee you to be pain free, as each and everyone of us reacts differently to pain, but I can honestly sit here and say that It shouldn't be anything like having teeth pulled as I have just went through both. LOL.

    Best of luck to each and everyone of you. This journey is a very special marker in our lives. I may not have been able to stand tall and proud before my surgery, but marker (landmark) of my surgery is standing tall for me, reminding me of the journey that I have just taken, and wonderful future that lies ahead.

    So good to hear from you Jenn. I am glad your sleeve is working well for you. I am sorry you are in so much pain with your teeth. My mom has had a lot of teeth issues, and it is one of those parts of the body that if it hurts, everything hurts. Praying of a quick recovery for you. Blessings!

  10. I have always really enjoyed the Atkins and Slimfast Low Carb chocolate shakes, but I thought I would try the Premier. I have to say, not my favorite. Not sure I can put my finger on why though. I also bought the Muscle Milk Light, also not my favorite, but I think I like them better than the Premier. I have heard that tastes can change after surgery though, so we will see. I think it makes sense to try different ones. Also, I am only referring to the RTD's. I haven't even tried the powdered options yet.

    Has anyone tried the unjury powdered Protein? What did you think?

    Okay, so I was unfairly "dis-ing" the Premier RTD's. I was drinking them insufficiently chilled. Now that I have had one really cold, I realize they are pretty good after all. Plus I like that you can get a lot of Protein bang-for-your-buck. Once I am sleeved and will be able to consume less quantity, this will be very important.

  11. Sending warm fuzzies to all NINETEEN of our group!! Wow...that's alot of stomachs coming off. positive energy, positive healing thoughts are the requirements for each one of you. I want our August group to be the one group that surpasses the statistics and has no complications....so, no cheating, no jumping ahead on the food intake, no dehydration hospitalizations, nothing but feeling good, feeling determined, and on our way to a whole new us!!

    them's the orders, folks!!! ;)

    YES MA'AM! :D

  12. we actually have a few added to that today....19 is up for tomorrow now


    Zabrina Serran AKA Aug62012-Dr Brengman Richmond VA

    Arukind-Dr. Ross Seattle WA

    JENNIFER AKA Stormwarning-Dr Alvarez Mx

    epihEMMY84 Dr Alvarez MX

    Pdog Dr. Halmi in Fairfax,Va.


    sleevealicious dr nain woodbridge va


    dreamnslim2012 Dr david Kim tx

    thickiest2thick dr david suh

    ReeTee Dr S. Killeen TX

    Wendy Lynn AKA aznurse4u Dr Monash Tucson AZ

    kaykay20 Dr Kim

    pebbles99-Dr. Amit Tivedi

    Prada -Mexico

    Tai James AKA TaiDyed Dr. Braverman


    Shannon Giddens AKA Shan1201 Dr. B. Cantor Silver Spring MD


    You will all be in my prayers tomorrow. Please update us when you are able. Happy Surgery Day all!

  13. My surgery is 3 days away and I can't sleep at all. I'm very nervous and starting to have second thoughts... I keep asking myself: How am I Christian if this is considered self mutilation? What if I have complications? What if I can do this on my own? What example am I setting for my 12 year old sister by doing this? I'm also thinking... I have no self control and don't know how it got me to such an extreme.

    Any support would be greatly appreciated.

    In my opinion, it is just fear and guilt affecting you, and we know that God loves us as individuals far more than we can ever even imagine, and His love is not about fear, and He is not an accuser. I think it is perfectly normal to have second thoughts,because all of us want to be able to do this without assistance. One thing I think God wants us to learn is that we can't overcome obstacles all alone, and every single person has his or her own set of issues and needs help and support for them. food and how it affects our bodies just happen to be ours. As far as self-mutilation is concerned, I am fairly confident He is referring the ancient practice of marking oneself to identify with a pagan deity, which I am fairly certain you are not trying to do. ;) ((((HUGS)))

  14. Hello ladies. I was sleeved on Thursday. Surgery went fine. I was in a lot of pain afterwards that was not very well controlled for awhile after. :-/

    I was unable to keep down sips of anything or ice chips until late this morning. Trust me dry heaves after being sleeved Is incredibly painful. I've been able to do some walking. Every day is a little better. First day was rough!

    So glad you are feeling better!

  15. I had never heard of a bougie till I started watching videos. here is one I watched from my Doctor that explained them. The smaller the better, mine wil be a 32....seems to me a 44 is really big

    Not necessarily the smaller the better, because I think the smallest is like a 28, but Dr. A uses a 32, which as he explains takes out enough of the stomach to give good long term results without narrowing the stomach too much and causing a stricture (too narrow of a passage). Base on my understanding, a 44 seems large to me too. HTH.

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