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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by erp

  1. This was my first surgery and anesthesia. You can even read my post about being awake for my EGD. I'm almost three weeks out. I found the recovery room the most painful moment and that only lasted a few hours. Yes, it hurt initially to get in and out of bed and to cough or laugh but as everyone ever on here has said-- it does get better! I was off the drugs within 3 days of coming home, I didn't need them. It's normal to be nervous, I mean when I really think about the fact that I volunteered to have 80% of my stomach cut out-- it does seem crazy but even at 18 days, I already wish I did this sooner. My advice is to read everything you can so you feel knowledgable and confident in your decision. I knew what to expect. I am still a little worried about complications but I made it past the first two weeks and have had so many great milestones already. Here's what keeps exciting me, I hope it motivates you:

    -I found out on Monday I officially weight less than my honey!

    -I have had a least three people ask me if I've lost weight in the last 5 days!

    -I did my first double take in the mirror yesterday. I am finally losing my double chin!

    -I updated ticker this morning because I am down another half pound!

    Good luck in your journey.

  2. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and be in Onderland by June 7 (3 month post appt).

    I plan to join a gym when I am cleared for exercise in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I am walking 1-3 times a day. I go back to work full time on Monday and my goal is to walk at least once a day. I will walk during lunch time on days in the office and in the hotel gym or at the mall when traveling.

  3. I agree with the poster who said to find the NSVs. The scale hasn't moved in days for me. It sucks. However, I've had 3 NSV this past week! Today, I went back to work and had two people ask me if I had lost weight, which is related to my second NSV. When I looked in the mirror today, I did a double take! My double chin is rapidly disappearing, it's the reason everyone is noticing my weight loss, it's all in my face (yeah, I wish it was my butt and gut but I'll take it!). Finally, hubby got on the scale on Monday and I weight less than him!! Yeah me! Find your NSVs, they are there!

  4. Congratulations, sound like you are taking control of your health. I wish I had done my sleeve sooner! Read as much as you can on here and even if your Dr. is not close look for support groups in your local area. Be a sponge right now. I lurked on VST for many months before posting and felt very prepared going into sugery. Still getting the hang of everything since I'm still only two weeks out but again being prepared had made my recovery pretty easy. Use the search field at the top to explore your questions. Best of luck.

  5. Mine was very opposed but mostly out of fear and concern for me. He was unsupportive until we had a very frank conversation a few days before my surgery. I told him what an asshat he was being and so while he didn't agree with my decision, he drove me to the hospital and took time off to be with me afterward. Two things that he wasn't going to do prior to my confronting him. Now that I'm on the other side, he sees that I am ok and hasn't continued with the negativity. He still doesn't really understand it all and wants to know when I'm going to eat a sandwich and some chips but that's ok. Lol!

  6. Would like to join y'all to see how I am doing compared to others. Surgery was Feb. 28th' date=' one week today, and feeling great. Down 6 lbs. post op for a total of 14 over last two weeks. Was on liquid diet for a week prior. No body aches or pains. Just haven't had BMW yet. Nervous after reading other posts. Any suggestions?


    No BM is okay as long as you don't feel like you need to go and can't. You are taking in so little there isn't much to come out. However the narcotics given can cause Constipation. I swear by a stool softener and getting off narcotics as soon as you can. I only go every three days or so and I'm over two weeks post-op. The first time I went was 5 days after surgery-- oh my stars-- never missed a softener dose after that! If you get really worried my Dr's office said to try milk of magnesium, start with a half dose.

  7. I went through HR so I could qualify for FMLA should I have any post-op problems. I used 5 days of vacation, then switched over to disability. I figured I spent all these years paying into the system, that I should get some $ out of it! I took two and a half weeks off. Could have gone back sooner but my Dr does a two week follow up appt vs. a one week. I was happy for the time off and to not have used up all my vacation time. i told everyone I was having surgery and if someone asked what for I said hiatal hernia because I was diagnosed with one during my EGD.

  8. i am trying to make same choices...stairs of elevator...why will i go out walk in 20degree weather then take elevator ?

    anyone a for kale chips? also would like recipes for quinoa...hoping it will be a good substitute for what i rice for.

    Love Kale chips! I will be so excited when I am allowed to eat them again. I got a second dehydrator so double batches are in my future!

  9. What about liquid tylenol it has corn syurp in it so that would be bad right??

    AshleySkinnyer PortlandOR

    Initially I was given two weeks worth of Lortab (Tylenol and viccodin) liquid. I didn't like it, I took it for two days after discharge and then switched to liquid Tylenol (Bubblegum!). Way better. We only take a few teaspoons so I'm not worried about the sugar content. I only needed the Tylenol for a day or two, then I just sucked it up. I take it occassionally now, like yesterday when I cleaned the house and wore pants that hurt my incision. If you know anyone who needs some Lortab.... Kidding! :P

  10. It really doesn't sound like it's a problem, especially as your overall intake is only 500-600 calories a day. How long does it take you to eat a 'meal'?

    I worry about eating too fast. I only get a 22 minute lunch break at work (I'm a teacher), and my mornings are very hectic with getting myself ready and getting my daughter up and moving so I can drop her off at school, so I don't have a lot of time to eat before I leave for school.

    I can eat more calorie no problem, I've already had a 700 cal day. When I read people three months out are barely getting that in, it worries me that I can do it already. Just trying to not let myself eat that much. I do eat too fast. I can eat a meal in 10-15 minutes. I do use small bowls and baby utensils. I go back to work next week and I travel so that means restaruant food and portions.

  11. lol, thanks Fyre Storm.! I personally didn't get one because I wanted one that looked like jewelry, but if it were an emergency they wouldn't be looking closely at my jewelry to check for the tag unless its obvious...don't believe they would see it.

    I got mine yesterday. I ordered a necklace and to the casual observer they probably won't notice the medical symbol unless they are checking out my jewelry but to a medical person it is obvious. The pendants is a dark grey scroll cross design but in the middle is the bright red symbol and it is raised to the touch. On the back is all my info so either way I think they would see it. Regardless, it makes me safer having it on.

  12. I was sleeved 2/20 and am on purees/mushies. Here is my problem. I have spent my entire life cleaning my plate and having second helpings. I was sleeved because I overeat and binge eat. Even now, with a tiny swollen sleeve, I'm having a hard time finding when I'm full and stopping. I always have to finish. I do weigh and portion my food but I can eat anywhere from 2-5 oz in one sitting. For example, my nonfat greek yogurt comes in a 5 oz container with fruit on the bottom and I always finish it (except I leave the fruit Syrup, don't want the carbs). How do I break this bad habit and learn when I am full? I hear everyone talk about knowing when to not take one more bite. Besides one really uncomfortable meal earlier this week where I knew I over ate, I have never thrown up and I don't get nauseous. I am worried because if I don't deploy some strategies now I fear my ability to regain when I am way further out.

    Some info if it is helpful: Currently, I eat 4-5 times a day, get in about 60-70 grams of Protein, still working on my Water averaging 6-7 cups. I do drink 30 minutes before I eat to make sure I'm not thirsty vs. hungry, averaging about 500-600 calories. I am following the rules (totally I'm scared of a leak) and I'm a fairly compliant person when it comes to medical stuff. However I know myself, when I can eat more, I probably will. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

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