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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by erp

  1. I'm 4 weeks post op and I've lost 37 pounds which is great but although I've noticed toning in my body the past two weeks my scale has barely moved. I know stalls are normal so I haven't stopped exercising and I really can't eat much more than a few bites, but it's frustrating! I read of people increasing their card/calorie intake to break their stall... how could that be? I've been avoiding carbs by choice, I wasn't given a no carb dietary restriction like some people just told to avoid white carbs, but maybe a dose of whole grain bread or Pasta would help. Seems like it benefitted other people, but I don't quite understand how eating higher calories/carbs would break a stall? Any ideas?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    A stall is no change- not moving at all versus moving very slowly as you describe and it is for more than a week or two. Do not use this slow down as an opportunity to go off plan and eat Pasta. Stay the course and follow your post op plan. You didn't gain all your weight in a month, it's not going to all come off in a month. 37 pounds is a lot for a body to handle. Give it time.

  2. Thank you OKCPirate! I credit strength training for my shape. I booked a metabolic/body fat test (Bod Pod) for Friday so now I'll know where I really stand. I actually would love to become a trainer specializing in working with WL clients to show women what is possible. Never in a million years did I expect to fall in love with strength training - especially not when I was 260+ lbs.

  3. I tend to buy the Fage 0% Greek yogurt there because it's cheaper there than the other grocery chains. Also the Quest bars are about fifty cents cheaper there than any other brick and mortar store, though I tend to order them in bulk from Amazon.< /p>

    I can get both at costco for even less than TJs. My Costco has Quest bars for $19.99 a box.

    I tend to buy the Fage 0% Greek yogurt there because it's cheaper there than the other grocery chains. Also the Quest bars are about fifty cents cheaper there than any other brick and mortar store, though I tend to order them in bulk from Amazon.

    I can get both at Costco for even less than TJs. My Costco has Quest bars for $19.99 a box.

  4. I am currently on a 9 week cut. I'm down about 7 lbs with 3-5 more to go. I have been cutting on a lower carb diet. Macros are a very loose Keto with 50% fat, 30% Protein and 20% carbs. My cut ends at the end of July at which time I want to have a planned refeed day and then slowly start reversing out for 8 weeks. Has anyone done a refeed? What did you do? Can anyone give advice on the best way to reverse? How much do I increase carbs and lower fats and at what rate? My hope is to begin a lean bulk after reversing out of the cut.

  5. I am currently on a 9 week cut. I'm down about 7 lbs with 3-5 more to go. I have been cutting on a lower carb diet with total carbs around 50-60 grams. My cut ends at the end of July at which time I want to have a planned refeed day and then slowly start reversing out for 8 weeks. Has anyone done a refeed? What did you do? Can anyone give advice on the best way to reverse? How much do I increase carbs and lower fats and at what rate? My hope is to begin a lean bulk after reversing out of the cut.

  6. I am interested in having my body fat tested via a Dexa scan or Bod Pod. I've never done either so please pardon the question as the answer may seem obvious to some. I am wondering how excess skin is read by those tests. Do these machines calculate it in as fat mass or can they discern it as extra skin? I have lost over 100 pounds and I have bat wing arms and other hanging loose bits, I want to know how much is fat versus skin.

  7. I weight lift HEAVILY and I am in pretty good shape. I find that the harder I train the more appetite I have. When I take breaks, or I lessen the intensity, I feel like my appetite goes down. I know the intensity is definitely affecting my hunger because I need to replenish what I'm losing in my workouts, but I am wondering what people do to curb the appetite that comes from training. Might sound like a dumb question, but I am just curious about other strategies that people are using.

    I only experienced this when I first began lifting. Over time as my body adapted to lifting, the hunger spikes leveled out. Occasionally there are time when I am hungrier than others and that's normal. Even nonWLS folks experience changes in appetite. In that case an extra snack like a Greek yogurt or whatever healthy item you like is fine.

  8. Hey guys. So I struggled a bit pre-op with eating disorders, mostly bulimia and a binge/purge habit. When I did my psych eval I didn't mention anything of it. I am almost 3 months out, down almost 50 pounds, but recently I have been falling back into old habits. Sometimes eating too much, slider foods like ice cream and them throwing it back up. Has anyone with past bulimia experienced this now that you have a sleeve?

    I have had episodes both pre and post. I find that sticking to a structured plan helps me. Currently I am loosely following a Keto plan. It eliminates many of my trigger foods. I find avoidance of certain foods and setting dietary and activity goals help me focus on the right things.

  9. I am hopefully getting vsg in August (not scheduled yet.). My concern is that I've lost 130 lbs on my own without surgery in the past. I've since put back on half of that amount. Nothing I did to lose weight before works now so I decided to get sleeved. Will I have the same problem as the ppl who are 2-3 years out and not lose after surgery?

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using the BariatricPal App

    I'm over 3 years out and on a short 8 week diet- I have an event at the end July that I want to look good for. So far I've lost about 10 lbs. Granted the first 5 lbs were probably Water. Either way, not sure why people think you can't lose weight at 3 years out, you can lose weight whenever you choose. scale this morning post-161802-14661723930057_thumb.jpg

  10. I eased into fitness. Stared by walking the day after surgery. Then to the corner and back first day home from hospital, then around the block about a week out and so on. You are bound to injure yourself if you try to jump right back in at the same intensity as before-- you just had MAJOR surgery. Be kind to yourself (and your abs).

  11. I didn't have this issue but from being on here a long time. This is not an uncommon concern. In fact even the other way around happens too. Where a gal is afraid her bf will no longer want her once she has lost weight if he was attracted to her when she was overweight. Frankly in any situation, if physical appearance drives someone away, then the relationship wasn't strong to begin with. However your BF's fears are normal and it's up to you reassure him that leaving him is not in your plans. You also should assess if his fears are real about you leaving or a passive aggressive way to prevent you from having surgery. Good luck to you

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