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Posts posted by HarleyNana

  1. Congratulations TM, I wish you the best on your new journey.

    When I left the hospital my doc said I could have any liquids I could get through a straw, (it's amazing what you can actually get through a straw), and the nurse came in and said, "remember, sip, don't use a straw". Only time I use a straw is in public restaurants, I'm funny about putting my lips on those glasses, ewwww.

    Oh yea, the am after surgery and I had my swallow test, yep, big old straw was used.

  2. This may sound corny, but I remind myself of the backlash (for lack of better words) to the esophagus (sp), after I go to bed and lie down, I don't want to do damage.

    Plus in the winter, I'm in bed early with my remote, although if it were summer, I'd be on the pier fishing at that hour. No wonder people get so depressed during the winter.

  3. Go to the 1st page and Penni has the entire ingredients listed along with strength. I don't do Protein Shakes or anything milky, yuk, but this ugly green stuff was a breeze, and I do feel better, actually, really good. As for a boost of energy, maybe I need a few more capfulls. I think it was well worth the money, I also noticed I didn't loose a lot of the Vitamins in my urine. (Hope that wasn't too much info).

  4. Barbara,

    You're the third 21st band I've read today, I'm 10 days post-op, and 17 lbs down.

    This is just how I felt, everyone's different, but I felt great the first two days, day 3 & 4 were kinda poor pity me days. I got over the hump and never had any problems with pain, after the 2nd day.

    Sips would be like you're sipping very hot hot coffee, vs you're dying of thirst and you take big gulping swallows. It really comes natural those first few days because your stomach is swollen from the surgery. What kept me strong and honest to my band is, "this is a time for your stomach to heal", if you eat at all or drink too much, too fast, your tummy has to digest and work, remember it needs to heal properly.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm ready for some substance of food now, I hope I never have to eat Jello again. Some things I used were the broth from wonton Soup, eggdrop Soup, those Campbell "hand" Soups, but put in a cup, don't drink out of that nasty can, and sugar free popsicles, yum!

    Hope this helps and good luck! Stay in touch and keep us all posted on your journey.

  5. Tellie,

    I two wish everyone Happy and Safe Holidays. As for this site, my doctor is adding it to his WLS link. He was very impressed, thanks to my advice.

    Gee, I hope it doesn't get so big we loose the "personal" feeling we get through everyone's post.

  6. Nancy and Kelly, I third that! When I've told the select few, they say what is that, then I explain, it's the fat people surgery, then they gasp and say OMG! Then I have to explain the entire detail. Although, since I was the first Adj Band in my area, the day after my surgery, they did a full page article on my doctor, with pictures, (not of me). It was very specific, but, if you're not a heavy person, chances are you're not going to read it.

    My doctor has done about 10 since mine. I went for my follow up yesterday, he was so excited, I'd lost 17 lbs, he said that was much higher than he expected for 9 days. I was a little excited too.

    Personally, I think the open rny will become a thing of the past in a few years.

  7. OMG, all that talk about needles, I think I'm gonna be sick....I hate needles. I may never get a fill, plus my doc said no fluro. He said he use to treat cancer patients and had to inject meds into implanted device s/a port. Said it was nothing to it, well I guess we'll see.

    Why does it take weeks to see if it's working, seems you'd know pdq.

    Good luck Blossom

  8. I'm a new bander, only 8 days post-op, and I would say, just from hanging around this site, 99% have also tried every diet and we all love sweets and fatty foods.

    The secret I've been told, and hope to soon learn first hand, is the band is a tool to help us manage those binges, overeating and making bad choices. IMO, if you made it 14 wks on liquids, you're quite a woman, (8 days, and I'm chomping at the bit for mushies, but in moderation), so it seems to me you have what it takes to be bandster.

    Good luck!

  9. Generally, before Dec 6, I was pretty discreet with my "breaking wind" as my mother would say, but I had my first big blow out last night, I thought I'd blown my dh out of the bed, fortunately he was pretty toasted and never knew. Don't know where that odor came from, never smelled any liquids like that.

  10. Well gals, I can finally join the Monday scales challenge, today makes 1 week. I've been weighing it every other day, though I will have to cheat when I go to doc this week.

    I know I'm at a great advantage right now, being a new bandster. but I'm enjoying the ride....down

    Betty, my DH just came in with a box of Dunkin Donuts for me to take to the office, as soon as he saw my face he knew he'd screwed up and apologized.

    I thought, well, I could suck that filling through a straw, then my band said, (NO, don't do it!)

    Just got off the scales, -16.5 lbs, :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana

    (includes the 3 lbs of fluids I gained in hospital)

    That now makes me a onesy and very glad I didn't suck the filling out of that donut, LOL.

    Dec 7, Day after surgery 215

    Today 198.5

    Oh yes, I will be good!

  11. Thankfully, my doctor told me anything I could suck through a straw I could have. It's amazing what will fit through a straw and NO, I'm not using a straw. Only 3 days after surgery, which was Dec 6, I had a real pity me day and night. I even went to bed @ 8:00 I was so miserable. If I'd had to stay on Clear Liquids, I'd probably be unglued by now. TG, I have never had slime or golf ball, but I DO know after a few licks or sips (I use a spoon for everything) I've had enough. It's amazing how long you can drag out eating a smidgen of Soup or thin sausage gravy, with the sausage removed. I don't do milk in any form other than cheese, obv no cheese here.

    I have found s/f popsicles to be my bands friend too, when I get that urge I need something now, I reach for a popsicle, it's crunchy, sweet, and it fills that void and gets me past that rough time. I would suggest all new bandsters find something that will be their diversion from the no no stuff.

    It seems every doctor has different rules and guidelines, we're all in charge of our own bands, and it's up to us to repect ourselves and our band.

  12. I haven't had any problems taking pills at all, the pain med was huge, I did cut into 3 pieces before taking. I usually take a couple swigs of Water, then swallow pills, then couple of more swigs to help disolve it, or maybe that's dislodge it...what ever I haven't had any problems, but I don't want erosion to happen either.

    Marie, thank goodness, my doc fixed my hiatal hernia while he was installing the band, boy has it made a difference. Tums use to be my very best friend, in the car, beside the bed, next to my chair, on the kitchen counter, in my purse, well you get the pic.

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