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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    OMG, you girls are in rare form today! Sherry, you and your DVD's and work out programs, I had to laugh, I bought the Wii "fit" almost a month ago, it's still in the box, sitting next to my desk, lol. Betty, I'm in sunny Ft Lauderdale, we stood on the balcony this am and watched the sun come up over the horizon, beautiful! I think you should go for a total new doo to go with the new girls. I ran into a friend at the seafood fest we went to Wed evening and she'd had a lift and TT and she got the implants, they looked like what I wanted, so I've pretty much decided I'm going back in for the implants and more reduction, I hate wearing a bra. Kat, I just can't keep up with you girl, you're always doing something. I can just vision the little one, I'd say she's got gma where she wants her. Darcy, I'm thinking of you, sending you good vibes... Sherry, chaps, LOL, I'll think of you wearing those things while I'm sitting out with my NOT skimpy swimsuit on, LOL. OK, I'm gonna be back with some pic's, but I was afraid I'd lose this post.
  2. Pain meds, yep that will do it. Since the pain is bearable, try switching to OC pain reliever. As for shoulder pain, massaging that area really helped me. Trust me, it does get better, especially if you cut back on the pain meds, if you really need them, try not to take on an empty stomach. Oh yeah, it is so worth the discomfort :crying:. I love my band.
  3. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Darcy, oh Darcy, where are ya girl? Sherry, hubby and I rode our Harley yesterday. They hadn't been started since April, so he had to add fresh gas and spray stuff in the carb to get mine started. They had a pig roast at our local "Hog" dealership. I might need a fill, I ate some of the BBQ, Beans, and slaw, oh my! I've really enjoyed eating a larger variety of food lately, but the last thing I want to do is start gaining, soooo, it's time to face the needle. I've got to check out the suit cases today, and measure to be sure we're not over-sized for our trip, 61 inches and not over 50 lbs. I had to pay $25.00 for excess weight last time, then I didn't wear half of what I took. Please tell me now to pack light, LOL. Betty, are you riding yet? Still trying to decide if I'm going to go back for TT touch-up and more work on the girls. The healing I'm not too afraid of, but boy do I hate being put to sleep. Did you buy any fancy bras yet? Are you still wearing that special bra? Hugs to ya all, have a great day.
  4. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Sherry, my font was messed up and I thought LB had changed the font, but something had changed on my personal settings through my Vista operating system. Hope that helps.
  5. HarleyNana

    Thinking about lap band but.....

    Kiz, oh you're bad, putting hubby on the spot like that. Congrats on the weight loss.
  6. Yuk, gasp, I couldn't imagine drinking any of them, I hate milk! When I did fix a "shake", I would use my Magic Bullet, (the kitchen type, not the bedroom one), and this is my recipe. Large MB glass, 1/3 glass of ice, a splash of orange juice, a scoop or two of RICE vanilla Protein, a few frozen strawberries or frozen peaches, then a little more juice of choice, (I use the light orange juice 50 cal vs 100), screw on the top and blend until like a frosty. If not sweet enough, add a little artificial sweetener. Now when I make my frosty, I use the 42 gr protein from GNC, it's called...IDS Sports New-Whey 42™ Liquid Protein, it's actually great tasting and comes in a variety of flavors. Another bandster recommended it to me and he just drinks it straight. It's a little pricey, but a great way to get that protein in.
  7. HarleyNana

    Is creamed corn ok 2 wks out?

    Personally, I don't have a problem with corn, but then again, I'm almost four years out. Corn is NOT something I would have eaten during the first month. Have you ever noticed a few days later it's still pretty much in the same form it went in. Not a good choice in my opinion.
  8. HarleyNana

    My baby is here!

    Congratulations, she's beautiful, what clear eyes. Wow to lose the 25 lbs so quickly...you go girl!
  9. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Good Morning Girlies, Eileenie, great to hear from you, so sorry you're all sick. Going to Disney, where are Cindy and Patty, they could give you lots of tips on Disney. Where are you staying? Are you staying on site? When I took my grandson a few years ago we stayed at the Caribbean Resort, I was so disappointed, no room service for my coffee in the mornings and the rooms were very small. Sherry and Kat, hope those bands are better today. Betty, are you riding today or cooking? How are the "girls" ? I saw the most beautiful sunrise today and yesterday. This morning when the sun came up over the ocean, there were some clouds along the horizon and it looked like mountains. Yesterday I was an electrician, installed two outside lights, without mounting brackets, had to improvise. Then last night I got back from the store and hubby had burned something, I thought I'd made a bad connection and the house was smoldering, LOL. It's supposed to be 80 here at the beach today and tomorrow, then drop, so this may be the last warm days for the year. Hugs all around.
  10. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Oh Kat, be so careful with the Xanax, I had some personal issues last year around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I was taking 1/2 at noon and another at bed time, I slept good, but started reading Xanax can be very addicting, be careful. ( I might ad, it was goooood, LOL), but I do hate taking pills, so I stopped in January. We're at our beach house and it is so beautiful, the weather is perfect. Did I mention our Diane is in the Bahamas! I'll take the Bahamas anyday over Nags Head, LOL. Have a Bahama Mama for me! Hugs
  11. HarleyNana

    Just my size Yoga

    I bought the Wii fit today, hope it's a good work out. I think Yoga might be a little easier, what ya think?
  12. Almost four years ago and not a problem here )), and I'm old, LOL.
  13. HarleyNana

    Thinking about lap band but.....

    Originally Posted by kiz I'm self-pay in Richmond too. I've never worked so hard to give somebody so much money! Had to laugh, but better investment than any car you ever bought for yourself. You'll be glad you did :cool2:.
  14. HarleyNana

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Helllllewwww Hampton Roads, where is everyone? I was so excited this thread was coming to life, don't let it fade away.
  15. HarleyNana

    Thinking about lap band but.....

    Generally a BMI below 40 is not usually approved, but since you're self pay, as long as there is a health issue, almost any health issue will work, and you're near a BMI of 40, you should be able to get approved. I was a little below 40, but was self-pay and had a thyroid condition, and I was approved. Good Luck....it's well worth the $$$$.
  16. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Donna, good luck with the fill. Diane, have a great time on your trip, don't sunburn your arse, haha. Sherry, Betty, get outta the kitchen and give us a shout. Darcy, get outta Pogo, u can get that badge later, LOL. Later gals, gotta go finish the left overs from Outback, ahhh, so love their kitchen instead of mine, we ate early with the old ppls.
  17. HarleyNana

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Michaele, Happy Anniversary, sorry DH is not there to enjoy it with you. Kat, hopefully October is much nicer to you than September was! I hope you have all the bad things out of your system, what a month! You can bet your sweet a$$ I won't be using a charge card at Chili's. If I'm not using a business card, I pay cash, I don't use my personal CC's for restaurants. A few of us were talking about these "phishing" sites, that look like, or mirror your bank's website and send you emails. Someone said the key is if they address you in your email by name or something like dear valued customer, that they don't have your name, but they're "phishing" for it with the email, so everyone be careful answering bank emails. One of my houses is financed through Washington Mutual, I was was hoping I wouldn't have to make any more payments, LOL. I'm on a mission to get in more Protein, I started mentally reviewing my diet of late and it's salads, salads, and more salads. Here and there chicken might be on it, not much protein either way. I guess I'll start with the "shakes" again :cursing:. I bought one of those super high protein vials, but haven't tried it yet, I'm such a chicken when it comes to that. OK, enough bla bla bla from me. Later
  18. HarleyNana

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Sherry, hahahah, u so funny! I'm trying to stop swearing, so I quit weighing a long long time ago. Betty, you still weigh every day!?! I'll bet once all the swelling from your surgery is out of your system, you'll have lost at least 5-6 more lbs, those WERE some big girls :tongue:. Michaele, like Betty said, hang in there, you're still without a fill. As for weighing with or without clothes, well, I always, if and when I do weigh, do so in the nude, which tends to cause a problem at my doctors office, since his scales are out in the hall way next to the waiting room :biggrin::ohmy::dita:....just kidding.
  19. HarleyNana

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Bridg, glad to hear you're starting to practice and once you're banded, it will take even longer to drink that huge shake. Good Job!
  20. HarleyNana

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Good Morning Girlies, Had to share my dream....I dreamed I ate a cheeseburger! I was so upset because I ate the entire thing, then I was so excited about being able to eat it, then started crying because I was scared to death I wouldn't stop. Crazy or what! Sherry...cool weather? 81 here today. I'm supposed to go to Va Beach today to the Neptune Festival with some friends, we're planning on making a day of it, IF, DS picks up the little guy before noon. I told him no later than 9, hoping he'd be here by 10. Sherry, fortunately, DH doesn't like heavy meals, and to him beef stew is heavy, and with just the two of us, it's not worth the time and effort....so, I buy one of those precooked in the ready to heat section at Costco, throw that in the crock and it's all good. Those things are so good, I served them at my Christmas open house and ppl loved it. Well, gotta go wash my hair and get g-son some more noodles, kids and their breakfast of choice. ps Eileenie, did you get my pm? Donna, how're you doing? Check in from time to time, it's the rule, ya hear me the rest of ya's. Hugs all around.
  21. Hey girl, you look wonderful, hope you and your band are doing well.



  22. HarleyNana

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Darcy, I thought you were living at the cabin all the time now, I'm so confused, but then again, I usually am, LOL. What crazy weather, our pier flooded, now the wind is howling harder than all day has been, and it's thundering and lightnining to boot. I've been lazy again today, maybe I need some Protein, anyone aware of any "focus" protein, cause I sure do need some. Stay dry TTYL.
  23. HarleyNana

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Bridg, that's one thing I wish I'd done, take measurements. I agree with the before pictures. I took a few the day before, OMG! So hard to believe. Good luck with your band journey, I love my band :confused:
  24. HarleyNana

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hey girls, I'm back home bracing for a Nor'easter, our pier was almost covered tonight. The wind was so brutal at the beach, the siding crew couldn't work, so they'll be back on Sunday, which means we'll be going back down Sunday. Kat, hope you're recovering. Later all.
  25. HarleyNana

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I feel like such a bad band-buddy, I missed one of my fav gal pals birthday :rolleyes2:. I'm glad hubby treated you so well, it sounds lik a beautiful birthday. Pictures of the new jacket please!

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