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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ForMyfamily

  1. My Doc's normal routine is 1 to 2 weeks of a shake for Breakfast and lunch. Then a small dinner of maybe fish or salad followed by 2 days clear Fluid before surgery. I ended up with 3 weeks on the preop and stayed highly disciplined at 3 shakes per day period. I drank 1 to 2 gals of Water or crystal lite daily to keep my stomach full. This is but just one way the Docs go about the diet, each is different.

  2. Dang, how can you graduate before getting out the hospital?

    It just depends on the Doctor and how you did with the surgery. I was released from the hospital on pureed foods. :o

    I've been having the same cramping in my calves when I walk. Don't know why though

    We are using muscles that have been dormant or are building muscle instead of storing fat now. This in turn produces lactic acid in the muscles and causes cramps. Many and I mean many years ago when I was a runner. In the evening after runs or in the middle of the night this would hit my legs with cramps.

  3. I believe that "what you can never have again" is highly individualized.

    I also highly believe this that everyone is different.

    As for spicy foods I not only still eat them but search out more intensely flavored food. Since the Portion Control will be there why not find healthy foods but with bold flavors. I never could see how some fancy restaurants have only a bite or two on the plate but now understand. Yes that could be a meal and a splendid experience.

    Finally, I used to be a pot a day coffee drinker and was told no more. I thought I would just go through surgery and sneak it in after. Yes I went through withdrawals and severe headaches without caffeine. But now I have not touched it since and have no cravings for coffee anymore.

    Hope this helped some for you.

  4. Tried steak yesterday and all went well the rest of the day. Only issue got a little nausea when I took my bedtime meds and tipped the Water glass and chugged. This is the only draw back so far is I forget to drink slow sometimes and forget about being sleeved. My portion size is tiny compared to what I used to eat but am very content with it.

    This is going to work, Yes!!!

  5. Ladies there are obese, morbidly obese and then Dang he a biggen! I fell under (Dang!!!) at a starting weight of 505 and am at 455 right now with just about a month of loss. But have just started this long journey and will not give up. Yes I have to hit the onderland mark not once but three times to get back to being me. More to come.

    You all have done great so far! :)

  6. Only 12 days after surgery but Doc said I did great in surgery and already I have dropped 50lbs. (3 week pre-op diet and 2 week post-op). So my average is about 10lbs a week so far. I have no trouble with my daily Water intake and usually go over that. I average 4oz with heavy foods like Beans, turkey chili and about 5oz with yogurts or Soups.

    I just do not think personally though that they have a set procedure yet. There are just to many people at different stages doing different things like puree for 2 weeks then some only 1 week. Solids at 6 weeks then I get to at only 12 days.

    Oh yeah, she still won't let me have coffee though. :huh:

  7. Well finally was sleeved the 5th of September and woke up in the ICU. This was planned ahead because of being a cardiac patient. So I figured so far so good and was sucking down the ice chips , just felt so dry. Then the nausea started to kick in and they were giving me a injection every 4hrs. Didn't work so up it came and boy did it. It was pure blood and a lot, more than the pouch could hold but it felt like it was sitting in my chest so it probably backed up my throat. Ahh Doc, is this right? Says not to worry and after a couple hours do it again and few hours later again but now the color is more a brown like old blood. Each time the amount was less and less until after the 5th time then they switched the nausea med to Phenergan Inj which can only be giving every 6hours, that is why they were using the other at every 4 hours.

    Did I mention I was given hyparin injections every so often as a blood thinner. Basically the surgery went excellent and thanks to a 3 week strict pre-op diet the liver had little or no fat and was shiny. Yay for that guess all those beer kegs didn't do that much damage after all. But here was the kicker, the pouch sealed tight with no leaks and your stomach takes time to wake up to release to your intestinal tract. So where does all the blood go? Yup, 2 day of throwing up because of thinners and wrong nausea meds.

    So 3rd day Doc comes in and says get down some puree meat and carrots and you are released. Huh? What happened to the Clear liquids, then the 2 weeks of liquids we were taught? Said I did so well in surgery feels I should go to puree now. I guess they are still figuring it all out since every Doc is different for certain steps, food,etc.

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