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Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

  1. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    April 16 2012.jpg

    307. april 16 - last visit before pre-op
  2. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

  3. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    2 july 25 2011

  4. I Shared your fear. I'd never been "under" that long. It was the best sleep of my life. I slept for 2 days afterwards between trying to let the anesthesia come off and my own personal Morphine pump (which I hated to use b/c it makes me sleep), but it was well worth. Good luck
  5. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    Hola! Fresh Out Of The Hospital

    why cant i get a ticker on my profile?
  6. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard


    where did you have your VSG?
  7. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard


    Ouch Heal quickly! PS those drains are a pain huh? <3
  8. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    Hola! Fresh Out Of The Hospital

    Yeah for you! I did the same thing 4/26 I was 307.. DOS 5/5 297.4 and yesterday (one week post op) 288 and if this damn bloating would go away.. i'd be fine!
  9. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    me June23 2011.jpg

  10. New to the group. mom of 5 step mom of 2 ranging from 21 - 2.. Post op 8 days... Here is my blog for the rest of my journey and for my stats/ introductions http://watchmeeshrink.blogspot.com/ im feeling very overwhelmed. I came home with the JP drain and it comes out Thursday, but I feel like something is wrong inside. I've always listened to my body, but the docs keep telling me all is "normal" I dont know what normal is anymore. the site of JP tube seems to be bulging. its draining as normal, but the the right side of my tummy seems to be more bloated. Is this really normal. Bonnie
  11. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    Experimenting...at A Month Out.

    I share these scares and I'm post op 8 days. :/
  12. Bonnie Baillargeon Pollard

    3 Pre-Surgical Cheats - No More!

    My physician required a 10 day liquid diet. The very first night I thought I was going to blow. I hate TWO double cheese burgers when I was running late to meet my fiance and had to pickup my son. I bought him chicken nuggets.... Then I realized its MY own decision, this is for ME! ) I could do it. You can do it sweetie!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
