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LAP-BAND Patients
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About stella4star

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/13/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    Happily married with five cats that substitute for children
  • Interests
    Full-time freelance artist
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  1. Happy Birthday stella4star!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday stella4star!

  3. stella4star

    Almost 5 months post-op, same weight & UPSET!

    Thanks for the replies. I know it seems like I think this is a "magic bullet", but honestly, I was better about eating BEFORE the surgery. I think I'm in this awful pity-party cycle that is hard to break... I successfully lost 45 lbs with weight watchers in the past. I thought that the lap band would allow me to occasionally eat a piece of pizza and be relatively satisfied with just one slice. I know I have to just suck it up and start holding myself accountable for my own weight-loss. I am visiting my parents (who actually paid for the procedure) at Thanksgiving and I really want them to feel like they didn't completely waste their money. Again, thanks for all the thoughts and feedback. Julie
  4. Hey all, I haven't pasted in months (and even then it was only a couple of times) but I really need some insight. I got banded at the end of April and during the liquid phase lost about ten pounds. After a month, I was eating normally again, with NO restriction. I went for a fill at 6 weeks and after a torturous 10 minutes of digging around with the needle (it seriously traumatized me), the doctor sent me to the hospital to get it done under flouro. Still no luck. The port had flipped. Depressed and mad, I waited another month to get the revision surgery, which after a heated debate, Dr. Alleyn agreed to do gratis. Apparently he put 1 cc in while I was in the operating room, but I'd never know it. Still I was free to eat half a medium pizza, or a large burger, tons of bread or Pasta without blinking. I GUZZLE 16-24 ounce bottles of Water in under 30 seconds. I went back to him two weeks ago to get another fill and GUESS WHAT?? Again he can't find it in his office, again I was crying out in pain from the digging around, and he coolly tells me, "if I had know how squeemish you were with needles, I'd have pushed the bypass." NO bedside manner whatsoever. So I went to the hospital again this morning, and after 10 minutes or so under the x-ray, he found it and gave me one more cc. That's two out of seven cc's my band apparently holds. At this point I feel so angry at myself and the doc. I'm embarrassed because so many people know I had the surgery and I have lost NOTHING! I gained back the 10 pounds from the liquid diet. On top of it all, I paid out of pocket...$13,500 WASTED. I don't know what to do anymore, besides go back to weight watchers and work out an hour or two every day. I could have done that without wasting a wad of cash. Anyway, I just needed to get that of my chest. I haven't eaten a real meal since the fill this morning and I truly hope I have an ounce of restriction. If it weren't for seeing the band on the x-ray when I initially got it, I would think he forgot to put it in. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be greatly appreciated... Julie 5'8"/31 f 255/255/165
  5. stella4star

    Is this normal?? Please help!

    Thanks for the reassurances. It just seemed to happen so suddenly (literally overnight) going from tiny sips to larger gulps. I'm self-pay so I want to make sure everything is normal! I got my band "installed" by Dr. Robert Alleyn in McAllen, Texas. So far things are going well. I've been hungry since day 5, but I know I need to get more protein. I've been holding my nose while drinking isopure--the most revolting beverage ever made. But t $4 a bottle (I bought 3), I figure I should get it down any way possible. I started full liquids on day 6 (one day early) and I do feel better. I've been drinking chocolate ensure 1-2 times a day--despite knowing it is too high in sugar. It is probably adding to the hunger! Anyway, it's nice to meet a couple recent "bandsters!" Best of luck in your journeys!!
  6. Hello all, I've been lurking for a while, but I felt the need to post today. I was banded on 4/30 (a week ago today) and am doing quite well. The question is, up until day 5 (Saturday) I had to sip all liquids s-l-o-w-l-y or I'd feel like it was backing up. Even Water. Suddenly, on Sunday I was able to drink much faster. Today, I can practically gulp my ensure (relatively thick) without any issue. Could my band have slipped already? I'm starving all the time and nothing in my liquid diet arsenal seems to help. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated!!

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