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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WhereDidIGo

  1. I am just beginning the weight loss surgery journey and I have so many questions. I didn't think surgery was an option because I thought my insurance didn't cover any type of weight loss surgery but I found out a couple weeks ago that the plan I have does cover bypass or the sleeve. I definitely do NOT want bypass and I wasn't even sure what the sleeve was until I found out it was covered and I started researching it. Two of my family members have had the band and have great success with it so I was disappointed at first that it wasn't covered on my plan. Since I've been reading more and more about the sleeve I've gotten very excited about it. I have my first appointment at the surgeons office on 3/29/12 but I wanted to ask some questions to people who have acutally had the surgery. I have had one person to tell me that I'm just setting myself up for failure because the stomach portion that's left will just stretch back out and in a few years I'll be back in the same boat I'm in now. This same person also says that I'm entirely too young (28) to consider any type of surgical intervention because it's too drastic. He told me I needed to just commit to a diet and exercise plan! Hello!!! Obviously if that worked for me I wouldn't be considering surgery! So basically I would like to know what the long term sucess of the procedure is. Did any of you have it several years ago and been able to keep the weight off or does it creep back up over time? I know it's not a cure for obesity, it's a tool to help me get healthier. I also realize there's lifestyle and diet modifications that must be made. I was just so excited about this and to have someone say such negative things has really got me down. He says it's too dangerous and that I'm putting my life at risk to have a procedure that isn't necessary. I have two kids and I want to be here for them for a very long time and if I don't do something my weight will kill me. I am 5'8" and wear a size 26/3x. Enough is enough, I'm tired of feeling one way on the inside and seeing something else when I look in the mirror. Please give me your advice!
  2. WhereDidIGo

    Is Vsg Right For Me?

    I went today to get copies of my records from the weight loss clinics and things I've tried. I'm hoping to be prepared and show the doctor how much research I've put into it so he knows I'm serious and dedicated! I'm so ready for this! Any tips/advice on what to do to prepare for my first visit with the doctor will be greatly appreciated!
  3. WhereDidIGo

    Is Vsg Right For Me?

    Thank you all so much for your replies! I've been thinking about this for days now and it all boils down to ME and what's best for my health and well being. Yes surgery is a drastic and last resort measure to take but I've been a bigger girl my whole life and once I turned 20 it just kept getting more and more out of control. Really since 2003 is when it's been really bad because I went from that overweight category to obese and now to morbid obesity. It makes me disgusted with myself really! I understand the risks, it's a surgical procedure so there is always risks with any type of surgery but I think the benefits far out weigh the risks. I am very excited about starting the process and I just hope I can get approved. I was so stoked to learn that the insurance I have even covers WLS so now I'm hoping I can get approved. I also have PCOS which wreaks havoc on my entire body so I hope I don't hit any road blocks due to that. I don't have any other health issues and I'm not on any daily medications. Congrats to everyone who has been approved and have had the surgery. This forum is one of my new favorite places to visit!!

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