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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mab

  1. I don't know what to tell you except to increase your Water intake. You lose an enormous amount of fluids when you have diarrhea. As for your sore hiney - get some of those charmin wet wipe thingies. Call your doctor, okay? I hope you feel better soon.
  2. Thanks so much. I guess I'm just tired of taking medicine, you know? But we all need help once in a while, I guess. I'm going to ask about physical therapy - maybe something in the Water, I love to swim. I didn't know it was non-narcotic - that makes me feel loads better. Plus my doctor prescribed the ones that dissolve in your mouth, so it works super fast and doesn't mess up my tummy. I appreciate your response.
  3. My doctor told me none ever again. 3 weeks after surgery it was discovered that I had major erosion in my stomach and esophagus - landed me back in the hospital for 4 days. NSAIDS were most likely a contributing factor.
  4. Mab


    I think you'll be okay - mention it to the doctor, of course, but I think you're okay.
  5. Mab

    Gas X Strips

    I take them after each meal and after I swallow any pills. Also, they make my breath smell deeee-lightful.
  6. Mab

    Eggface Cauliflower Pie

    I don't know if that's it either! It doesn't have spinach in it. YOU ARE TEASING ME. LOL Could you maybe type up or copy/paste the recipe? Are you on pinterest? I've saved quite a few low carb yummies there. We might not be ready for them all yet, but it's stuff to look forward to!
  7. Mab

    Eggface Cauliflower Pie

    Question - the link goes to the cauliflower fritters - is that what you made or the pie? And what is the green that's in yours - spinach? It looks awesome.
  8. Maybe some fish? Fish was the easiest thing to get down for me. Dress up your refried Beans a little. I add cheddar cheese, some sour cream and smooth taco sauce and it's almost like eating a bean burrito from Taco Bell, except without the tortilla. My nutritionist actually told me I didn't need to puree my meat as long as it was really tender and moist and to make sure I chewed and chewed and chewed.
  9. Mab

    Trouble Eating

    I probably sound like a broken record, but I don't want anyone to go through what I did. Anytime you are having trouble with eating, call your doctor. I don't care how normal everyone says it is, your surgeon got paid a zillion million billion dollars to treat you and I think you should call him. Good luck and keep us posted.
  10. Get a doctor's note so you don't have to wear pants to work! Or a bra! For me it depended on where the pants sat on my waist. Jeans were actually okay, but I have these pj pants that hurt, hurt, hurt. So around the house it's t-shirt and panties for me.
  11. Same here. I would rather just not eat. I know I need to because I feel like crap when I don't. I am hoping that it will get better once I'm on full solids. I had to spend extra time on full liquids due to some un-fun issues. I did go get some Chick-Fil-A chicken Soup and it was DIVINE. I didn't eat the noodles or chicken, but the carrots just melted in my mouth. It's a nice, thick, broth. YUMMY. I still want Taco Bell so damn bad, though.
  12. Mab

    Bowel Movement

    "Don't trust your farts." Wiser words have never been spoken.
  13. Sounds like gas to me. Could also be gall bladder from what I've read from others. Never hurts to call your doc, though. Lord knows I was probably his most irritating patient - a badge I wear with pride!
  14. Mab

    Question About Nausea

    That's how I felt when I was dehydrated. I am nauseous every morning until I take my protonix. I've always had an icky tummy in the morning, so this wasn't a surprise to me. (It's one of the reasons I was such a bad girl about eating breakfast.)
  15. Mab

    Chinese Food

    There are great stir-fry recipes out there that would taste great even without rice or noodles.
  16. Mab


    I removed my drain bandage 3 days after surgery. It was disgusting, so naturally I sent everyone pictures of it. I had 6 incisions that were glued and covered with steri strips. The strips fell off one at a time over the course of two weeks. Now my incisions are kind of a purply color - I have very pale skin - but scars don't bother me. They're kind of itchy, so I just put lotion on them. A nurse told me to try vitamin E oil, so I might try that.
  17. Mab

    $65,000 Nightmare

    That is insane. However, I have a feeling it will all work out in the end. Honestly, I would contact your local news. WLS has been in the news recently and with all the bad press insurance is getting these days, I bet they would love to do a story.
  18. Mab

    Make Ur Own Jello Protein

    What a great idea! Thanks!
  19. Mab

    Headache Preop

    I had a migraine every. friggin. day. of pre-op. I had to pay out of pocket for my migraine meds because insurance will only cover 9 pills a month.
  20. Crystal Light, in addition to any kind of tea, gives me heartburn. Ocean Spray makes a yummy Cran Peach flavor (for water) that hasn't given me any issues. Still, if I'm having a flare up, I stick to plain Water.
  21. Yes, absolutely call your doctor. I had bad heartburn after surgery, was put on Protonix twice a day and then two and a half weeks after surgery, had to be readmitted to the hospital for 3.5 days due to erosion in my esophogus and stomach. I could not eat or drink anything without excruciating pain. I'm not saying this will happen to you by any means, but I am saying not to f*** with heartburn. I hope you feel better soon, heartburn blows.
  22. I would order one of everything from Taco Bell.
  23. Mab

    Protein Shakes

    I really want to try the Premier - have heard good things about it. Peanut Butter is one of those things I have issues with now. I used to worship at the altar of Peanut Butter, but now it tastes nasty to me and gives me heartburn.
  24. Mab

    Confused ?!?!

    I gained 60 lbs on Depo. 10 lbs for each year I was on it. I'm only trying to lose 100 lbs sleeved, so you do the math. Loved not having a period, but no, never again.
  25. Mab


    So United Healthcare isn't going to cover my anesthesia because they say it was out of network provider. I DID NOT GET TO CHOOSE MY ANESTHESIOLOGIST. I owe over $2000. Perhaps I should have just downed a bottle of whiskey and chomped down on a wooden bit.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
