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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SkinnyMom2b

  1. Finally getting energy! Cleaned out my fridge and walk-in pantry today, made a grocery list of foods I can start eating in 2 days. Just a couple of days ago I called in for my 2 week post-op (surgery was 4 hrs away) and due to being so tired and the demands of my job (pre/post-op RN) we extended my FMLA til the 30th...now of course I feel better! LOL

  2. I did the same thing we do where I work, took off dressings 48 (day surgeries we do 24 but I didn't get in the shower at hospital) hours after surgery then got in the shower. Ran under soapy Water, rinsed and patted dry. My drain incision was a little bit more open and draining so on my own I just rinsed peroxide over it for a few days although some of our surgeons don't like the stuff...

  3. Thanks but just wanting to join in for my daughter's birthday celebration. I know it's not gonna be something I'll want to do everyday but don't want to just sit there while everyone eats if I can nibble on something. I was thinking maybe half a slice but didn't want to do something "too soon".

  4. I too ordered the Bariatric Advantage from a rep at MD appt. I only tolerated it a couple of days and ended up bringing it to the rep on my postop follow up visit. Asked him to credit me on future Vitamins but now those are making me nauseated post-op. I really like the Unjury powder and would read reviews/ research before signing up for all of it. I used Atkins bars preop and Evolv Protein Shakes with Unjury added preop after I couldn't stomach the BA.< /p>

  5. Starting at 3 weeks I can have toasted bread, thin deli meat and cheese so I'm wondering about a Subway Club? Does your sleeve seem to tolerate that bread ok toasted? I'm sure I could only get a few bites in but just wondering about the bread. Also, trying to figure out where to eat for my daughter's birthday that I can eat too at 3 1/2 weeks. Possibly anything Mexican or thin and crispy pizza?

  6. If it'll go through a strainer I can have it. I did make a shake in blender yesterday and it was great tasting, strained it but felt pressure after a couple of sips so I threw it out. This is harder than I thought it would be. Just shows I was too addicted to foods I like. I really think a couple of bites would satisfy me but just not physically possible. My Surgeon told me preop about a patient who had a staple pop after eating a TBS of yogurt during that post-op period! Scary!! Had to have 2 more surgeries!!

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