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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by jmarruda

  1. I was also going to say it may be over the $$$ issues. The bypass is by far a more costly procedure. My doc also favors bypass, but she agreed with me as far as my wanting the band in my own situation. I gave her my reason for wanting the band, and she completely understands and knows that you have to do what is good for you, and you only.
  2. jmarruda

    Spinning class?

    Spinning class last night...totally kicked my butt! In a good way though.
  3. jmarruda

    Marchies in September!!

    Janine - too tight!
  4. jmarruda

    September 07 Exercise!!!!

    Deanna - I was checking out the couch to 5k program, I may try it soon! I'm still a little scared though! Tuesday - 60min spin class, 45min doggy walk, 15min abs/pushups/stretching
  5. jmarruda

    Bulky vs. Dense

    Ok, so I followed up with doc, she meant, no shakes, ice cream, juice, etc...things that slide right through the band. She apologized for saying it that way, she thought about it after our appointment and it didn't make any sense to her either. She wants to make sure all the protein I'm eating is coming from something that will keep the pouch filled as long as possible. Thanks for all the replies!!!
  6. jmarruda

    Bulky vs. Dense

    My doc recently told me I should focus on eating Bulky food versus more Dense food. I nodded and asked her about something else, walked out of the office, and on the drive home thought about what she said about the food. I have no idea what this means...Has anyone else heard this? Or does anyone know what she means by this? The only example I can think of is a fluffy piece of bread (Bulky) vs. a slice of cheesecake (Dense)?
  7. jmarruda

    Exercise Buddy

    If you don't mind my asking, what is the total mileage?
  8. jmarruda

    September 07 Exercise!!!!

    Di-Theres a spin class near me tonight, thinking of going. I went to the intro one a couple of weeks ago, and it totally kicked my butt...in a good way!
  9. jmarruda

    Marchies in September!!

    Hey Everyone...Great NSV's! I hired a personal trainer and started with her on Saturday. I made it 40 minutes through the workout, then all of a sudden blacked out! I have no idea what happened. The trainer asked how many calories I'm consuming, so I told her about 1400-1600 per day, and she thinks that is not enough. She wanted me up to 1800 per day, which I think is a little high. I think I was slightly dehydrated from being filled so tightly that I couldn't keep anything down for a couple days, until I got an unfill on thursday afternoon. Maybe I just didn't have enough liquids in my body. Anyways, I was so sore on Sunday that I couldn't even get out of bed. BF had to rub ben gay all over my legs. It was so bad. Must have done some sort of good though, considering I was so sore! Even my arms were sore and I didn't even work my arms!
  10. jmarruda

    September 07 Exercise!!!!

    9/1 - 40 minutes with personal trainer (strength training) 20 minute walk Met with personal trainer for 1st time on Saturday, was supposed to work out for 60 minutes, only got to 40, then blacked out! Not sure exactly what the reason was, could have been slightly dehydrated, but the next day I was so sore. I couldn't even get out of bed. That's gotta be a good sign!
  11. jmarruda

    Marchies In August

    Hey Everyone! Happy August! I hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes, but I am so excited for august. I'm really committing to myself this month and I'm going to work really hard...Hope everyone joins me!
  12. jmarruda

    Do I have to much restriction??

    hey hum-the same exact thing happend to me...I had to leave work to hussle over to the docs office, they tried to locate my port and after poking at me 3 times, she ended up giving me local and it took her another 10 minutes to find the port. It hurt so bad and now I'm all black and blue!
  13. jmarruda

    Marchies In August

    Well I went to docs on tuesday and she gave me another fill - 0.4cc's to make 2.4cc's - and I haven't been able to even drink anything since, so the doc took me in today at 11 and took 0.4cc's out and I feel so much better!!!!!! I can eat soup again!!!!! Sorry, I'm just so excited!
  14. jmarruda

    Do I have to much restriction??

    I'm in the same boat right now...and I just make an appointment for an unfill...I know losing 3lbs every six weeks isn't what we expected to be losing, but its better than gaining or maintaining, and it sucks not being able to even drink anything. We shouldn't be in pain while drinking. I just had a few sips of coffee and that was enough to get me into a wrything fit!
  15. jmarruda

    Marchies In August

    thick, how much were you filled to?
  16. jmarruda

    August 07 Exercise!!!

    Thats Awesome - Whos D - Roller Blading????? Cooooooooool!!!!!!! I can't even get on a bike nevermind rollerblades...I am so envying you right now. Is that even a word? I didn't get to the gym this morning, maybe a walk tonight.
  17. jmarruda

    i did it!

    Awesome job...I know I won't make my goal this month, but I'm hoping I can try it again next month....
  18. jmarruda

    Marchies In August

    I went for my 4th fill yesterday and I'm back up to 2.4cc's. I was up to 2.4cc's back in late may and asked the doc to take it out because I felt like it was too much. But I'm willing to try it again because I haven't lost anything in a long long time....I know my sizes are changing, but thats about all thats changing. Just drinking liquids right now is hard for me. I can definately feel the restriction again...
  19. jmarruda

    Protein Help

    how long have you had your band for? 4years?
  20. I have a funny story...I asked the doc if she had a good nights rest. She said, "no, I was up raving all night last night, drinking, drugging, hanging with my peeps" I laughed and then the next thing I remember is a nurse trying to wake up. The next morning, she came to my room and asked me if I knew she was joking! I hope she was. She has access to some good drugs!!!
  21. jmarruda

    Anyone need surgeries after losing weight?

    My nutritionist told me that because you may be losing muscle with the fat that you are losing, you need to strength train to support your body and keep as much muscle as possible. She said she sees a lot of band patients with aches and pains, esp lower back or knee pain, and she asked them if they are strength training and the answer is always no.
  22. jmarruda

    Protein Help

    dibaby-what kind of beans do you eat?
  23. jmarruda

    Confession: I fell off the wagon.

    a week or so away from the gym will not spoil everything you've worked so hard for...when your ready get back in there. your muscles will definatly remember what you were doing before your "break", also, congrats on the not smoking...that's the most important thing anyways...
  24. jmarruda

    August 07 Exercise!!!

    Whos-just think...you'll be kickin her butt very shortly! Awesome, I don't think I can do 3 laps without getting totally winded!!!
  25. jmarruda

    August 07 Exercise!!!

    Monday - nothing, today - 30min elliptical, 25min stationary bike, 100 crunches...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
