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Everything posted by jmarruda

  1. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    Don't worry Di, Good Luck with this one!
  2. How big is this hot tub? How can she walk laps in it? Theres this woman at my gym the does laps around all the nautilus macines. The treadmills are right behind it, so I don't know why she's doing laps...Weird.
  3. Congrats Daddy, thats sooo awesome. Did you think a month ago that you'd be running for 20 minutes???????
  4. jmarruda

    Not Enough, Really?

    30 minutes daily is minimum. MINIMUM. A great place to start. Bump it up by 10 minutes for a couple weeks. Then bump it up by another 10. I wouldn't just jump from 30 to 60 all at once. You'll end up hating it. And you don't necessarily have to walk. Try an exercise video, get some toning bands, do some pushups and situps, it all counts....
  5. jmarruda

    Lap band surgery in RI

    From what I've heard Dr. Roye is excellent. I had Dr. Ryder and surgery was at RIH. Not a bad experience.
  6. I didn't get a chance to do it losing....housework prep for holidays. Uggghhhhh
  7. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    I used to shave my mothers cat and the cat just loved it. She's a long hair and I think she felt so much better without all the excess. Ok, 3 straight hours of vacuuming, cleaning floors on all fours by hand, and dusting. Living and Dining rooms DONE! I'm exhausted. Now I get to wash all my glassware. Tomorrow is another fun filled day. I get to cook chicken soup for turkey day (my mothers idea, eating chicken soup before roast turkey, I don't get it????) and clean the bedrooms and bathrooms. I can't wait.......
  8. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    My dog is hating it! She's all, don't you have to be somewhere??? Dust bunnies are bad, very very bad....The dog barks at them!
  9. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    I was wondering whether I should post all housework for this week....
  10. Daddy, I'm sure you'll get rewarded!!! Thats why I take thanksgiving week off for vacation, so I can clean my house for my rockin xmas eve party. First, my fam comes over and exchanges gifts, then they leave and his fam comes over and gets drunk...Its hysterical. But since I only clean once a year, it actually does take a whole week to clean. I sweat more cleaning than I do at the gym, so it must be burning some calories. I'll have to wear my HRM tomorrow to see how many!
  11. Ok, I think I'm doing week 2, workout 1 (again) tomorrow. I'll at least try it!
  12. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    Good luck with the new date Dibaby!!! Ok, 1hr with personal trainer lower body, and 20 minutes on elliptical...
  13. I know, I'm going today at 2, I'll be working it with all the blue hairs!
  14. Wheres your effing pom poms!
  15. Ok, I'm here. I haven't voted....I don't know whats wrong with me. I feel like I'm just going to fade away from running. My diet sucks. I'm sure that I consumed 4000 calories yesterday AND today. Not to mention thanksgivings coming up. WTF?!?!?!?!? I haven't actually worked out since last wednesday, and I'm supposed to meet with the trainer tomorrow. I was also supposed to start low carbing it yesterday, the Peanut Butter cups put a screeching halt on that one. Ok I'm just blabbering on now.....
  16. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    Stefanie, I just watched the slideshow. Besides the aboslutely gorgeous pictures, look at you. Soooo Skinny!!! Absolutely Stunning!
  17. Losing, not half as bad as what I was thinking!
  18. jmarruda

    Not drinking with meals

    Yeah, really try hard to not drink while eating. I drink right up to eating, then if I have something thats salty, I wait a minute or two, until I know the food has at least made its way to the pouch, then I take a very small sip. Then proceed to put the drink at least 3ft away, so I can't just grab it. It was one of the hardest things for me to break. But now, I notice that everyone else that I'm eating with can drink gallons of soda, ice tea, juice, etc with their meals and it makes me gag now...Yuck.
  19. Nice, real nice. Have a good weekend everyone....Yes, I'm here on a friday night, at 9:37. Yep I know. I know.............:rolleyes
  20. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    Welcome Back Stefanie!!! We missed ya!!!
  21. jmarruda

    Wow, you guys are ALWAYS right!!! LOL

    beachgirl, good job! If you need daily support, which I do, come check us out at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/november-exercise-44317/index11.html we try to post daily about exercising, ok, so not everyday, but most of the time!
  22. jmarruda

    November Exercise!

    Di, its time to have a night for yourself. Everyone else is right. Sorry about the date. If its any consolation, he was probably a jerk!
  23. So will you be incorporating different exercises or just walking for now? Can you do c25K on the elliptical?
  24. Oh yeah, forgot about that, thats a bummer!

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