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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nomadgirl

  1. Make sure you have a dose of anti-nausea drugs available around 30 minutes before your leak test to avoid nausea from the taste of the nasty stuff you have to drink. Your throat will be dry which may make you more reactive to the liquid. Also have a dose before you go home just in case.
  2. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    Feeling great, going back to work tomorrow. I have a desk job and I can leave if it gets to be too much. No hunger, very little pain, very little nausea, but I have not been sick
  3. Hello, my first post! I am scheduled for March 2nd and am nervous, happy and excited all at once.
  4. We share our sleeve day! Happy sleeve day!
  5. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    Sitting here in my hospital bed, doing great, so glad I did this! Lots of walking and just passed my leak test and will be going home in a few hours. Glad to hear you are doing well and best wishes for a speedy recovery and speedy weight loss :-)
  6. Nomadgirl

    One More Day!

    So how did it go??? The hospital just called for my day before check. Hope you are doing great!
  7. Nomadgirl

    Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

    Actually I was saying your story was fishy. What's your docket number?
  8. Nomadgirl

    One More Day!

    I will be there with you on Friday! I am excited, not so much nervous. I have complete confidence in my surgeon's skill
  9. Nomadgirl

    2 Weeks Frustration!

    I have not been sleeved yet (on Friday), but as an expert dieter,I can tell you that the body is an odd, but miraculous, thing and typically I gain a little weight right before I drop, and I never drop steady, I drop in "chunks" of 2-3 pounds. Stick with it, it's all math. You could very well lose several pounds overnight. I do feel your frustration!
  10. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    So I am not bright enough to figure out how to get my info in a signature so here are my pre-op confessions: I weighed 312 pounds at my first doctor's appointment at the surgery center. I now weigh about 295. 312 pounds!!!! That is a fat NFL linebacker. That is "fat" Oprah plus 70 pounds!! My legs look like a stack of Pillsbury Grand Biscuits. I feel like I hoist myself around when I move. Ready for change!
  11. The RD in the program I attend expressed concerns because the protein is collagen and may not be fully utilized by the body. I like it because it does not have a whey stink (bad one anyway) and I can mix it with water. I prefer the Isopure RTD.
  12. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    Hello sleeve date buddy!
  13. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    I travel frequently so I am set for the hospital. I did buy baby spoons (Amazon 12 "Munchkins" for $9.99), little OXO 2 oz containers ( portion control- also from Amazon), strainers for straining canned Soup for broth, post surgery food, my Vitamins should be here today. Last pre-op surgeon visit was yesterday and have the barium swallow this morning, then all set! I am ready. The Protein diet has not been so bad although the whey smell makes me ill. I am scheduled for 8 am on the 2nd, which is good, I won't have to sit around all morning. Best wishes to all as we step forward to a healthier life! :-)
  14. Nomadgirl

    March 2Nd Sleevers?

    Yep, I am scheduled for March 2nd too! A little nervous, a whole lot excited!
  15. I am so very glad to read your post. I often worry about post surgery binges and I hope that I have your strength. I will remember your post in the future should the urge hit (and I know it will)
  16. Awesome job! Please share more of your experience! What did you eat, and did you exercise?
  17. Nomadgirl


    Hello, like you, I had initially decided on the band but changed my mind on my first surgeon visit and after a routine appointment with my cardiologist. So as of today my insurance cancelled the lapband approval and approved the sleeve. I have my education class on Thursday and start my two week liquid diet on the 17th with surgery on the 2nd of March. And to all else reading this, thank you for sharing your experiences, it's the best way to learns what it's really like....my surgeon has never gone through the procedure so first hand knowledge is invaluable. I hope one day soon I will not be horrified to admit I weigh over 300 pounds. I hope one day soon to forgive myself for putting my body through hauling this weight around. I hope you continue on your path, I became very discouraged at completing all the program requirements, but just remember the end result will be worth it. Good luck, and my one tip is to start trying Protein supplements to find ones that are tolerable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
