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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Lilee84 got a reaction from lyndynojo in The Scale Is Broken! A Story About Stalls...   
    I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with stalls, because I see a lot of people getting discouraged because of them and that's simply not necessary and really bad for your self esteem.
    I was sleeved 1/20 - over the first 4 weeks I lost 40-freaking-pounds! Amazing! I was so excited and thought to myself "At this rate I'll be at goal by Easter!" And then, about half way through my 4th week something sad happened. My scale broke! I mean, it must have been broken because it kept saying 237 every-single-time I stepped on it, so SURELY it must have been broken, right? Wrong. I was stalled. I'd read the posts, I'd done my research, I knew it was possible but like most I thought "HA! Not me!"
    For the next 2 1/2 weeks I analyzed every bite I put in my mouth, I doubled up my sessions with my trainer, I increased my Protein and fluids, to no avail! A week after my stall started, the scale still would not budge! Seriously, it's digital, how could it be broken? Maybe I somehow saved my last weigh in and it was just showing me that # every time I stepped on. Maybe? No. Maybe this was it. Maybe 40lbs was all I was meant to lose? No. Maybe I'm just built differently and the sleeve isn't going to work for me? No! It was a stall! A point at which the weight temporarily stops coming off and the scale stops moving. A time for my body to try and play catch up after the havoc wreaked on it for the previous 4 weeks.
    Two 1/2 weeks after my stupid stall started, I noticed something - I was getting a LOT of compliments! I mean, sure people had been commenting before my stall but now, now people I NEVER talked to were commenting how good I was looking and what a great job I was doing. Surely they must be mistaken, I haven't lost ANY weight in the last 2 1/2 weeks. They're crazy. To prove it, I took a picture.
    As I sat at my computer making my little collage so I could show them just how crazy they were, a gasp escaped my mouth when I added the last picture. Could it be? Surely it wasn't possible! I am the EXACT same weight that I was in picture #2, a fact that I was painfully aware of, but something was different. I actually LOOK thinner! Amazing! And to think I spent the previous 2 1/2 weeks silently stressing because the scale wasn't budging! The whole time while my weight wasn't shrinking, my waist was!
    So to all of you out there stressing over stalls my message is this - Just because your weight isn't shrinking, doesn't mean your waist isn't. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be successful - don't sabotage your success just because your scale is temporarily broken

  2. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to gmanbat in Whats Your Sleeves Name?   
    Da Bouncer. If he don't like it, he throws it out.
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    Lilee84 reacted to Lissa in 2 Month (Kind Of) Post Op Results - 1/28/2011 To 03/08/2012   
    An appetite suppressant? It seems like he would have given you an acid reducer first, since many people think they are hungry when it's really an acid problem. Are you working out a lot? That will definitely affect how fast the pounds come off because muscle does weigh more than fat. However, 18 pounds is nothing to sneeze at, especially if your clothes are getting looser and you're feeling better.
    Good luck! You're doing great!
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    Lilee84 reacted to Catracks in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Squirrel in BBQ Sauce. Possum Piccata. Hog huevos. Roast budgie. Mole in mole? Lots of good Protein options.
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    Lilee84 reacted to gmanbat in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Circa got that tag by posting a lot and helping folks. She helped me psychologically and ethically by talking me out of eating my cats and turned me on instead to the taste of canned vanilla chipmunks. Yum.
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    Lilee84 reacted to gmanbat in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    I tried to delete the last post I made. I failed. How do ya do it?
    I think the OP was referring to me when he spoke of a "failed comedian".
    Hey, I'll have you know that my wife laughs at all my jokes when she wants some new shoes.
  7. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to gmanbat in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    I saw some bird seed on the road and, despite my sleeve, I ate the whole pile. What a mistake! There were ball bearings in that seed and the coyote had a big magnet!! Luckily a truck ran over him before he could eat me.
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    Lilee84 reacted to circa in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    This board isn't a democracy
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    Lilee84 got a reaction from nicmack31 in Jimmy Johns Unwich   
    For the win! I was only able to eat about 1/4 of it but it was delicious! Oh, and if you try it, make sure they leave the onions off - their onions are notorious for giving people horrible gas.
    If only Firehouse Subs had the equivalent of an unwich...
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    Lilee84 reacted to upwardfocusedgirl in Monday Motivation   
    People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
    -Zig Ziglar
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    Lilee84 got a reaction from peacequeen in Flame Free Friday Confessions!   
    Sorry girly, you're not even allowed to flame yourself
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    Lilee84 got a reaction from fluffylibra30 in Pic Update-- Visting Nyc 6.5 Months Post Op   
    I dunno about you but I'm an adrenaline junkie. Last time I was in Daytona (I live 30mins from it and am at the beach like every weekend from mid March - September) I tried to go on the Sling Shot (Bad A$$ awesome freaking boardwalk "ride") but I was too big. So I've decided that as celebration, next time I go I'm totally riding that freakin slingshot!
    Daytona's a lot of fun, you'll have a blast!
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    Lilee84 got a reaction from FishingNurse in Pic Update-- Visting Nyc 6.5 Months Post Op   
    Look at you go girly! You're all sorts of shrinking!
    Where in Fl are you heading?
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    Lilee84 reacted to Lissa in And Now, A Scale Victory! :)   
    So, I've been at the same scale weight for nearly a month and this morning, I lost 3.2 pounds! YAY!!!
    I keep preaching it..don't let the scale run your life. I have lost 3 pants sizes this month, plus seen new definition in my arms, legs and waist, but that 3 pounds makes me happy, too!
    Happy dancing this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Suzannesh in Un-Clutter Your Life   
    · The next time you decide to un-clutter your life and clean up your space, start with the things that are truly useless: like regret, shame, and anger.—Sandra Kring Author.

    When we have weight loss surgery we need to start by un-cluttering our kitchen to get rid of food that we should no longer be eating—if it is gone it will not tempt us. We make space for the new healthy foods that will make us successful in our weight loss journey.

    I don’t ever want you to have regrets or feel shame or be angry because you have not been successful before. It was not your fault—we have a disease and it is called obesity—Weight Loss Surgery will give us the tool to overcome this. You are doing something that is going to save your life and add years to it. You are being your very own HERO because you have taken control of your life for the first time in a long time. I know how you feel because I went on this journey 3 ½ years ago and successfully lost 105 pounds and have kept it off.

    Please believe in yourself enough to do the same thing for YOUSELF. If you don’t believe in yourself or on the fence about doing this I am here to help you and support you.

    One thing that helped me so much was having the right surgeon. My choice was Dr. Aceves. It took me 6 months to do my research and Dr. Aceves was the name that kept coming up in all my research over and over.

    Sleeved 10/21/2008
  16. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from gmanbat in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    I haven't experienced it either yet, but that's not to say I won't. I would challenge them to live like they're sleeved for a week. I'd put a sleeved persons portion of food and 80oz of Water in front of them and tell them to survive on 3 meals that size per day and drink all the fluids in a day, then have them ride my 8 miles every night with me, tell them to get up and go to the gym in the morning with me, and have them do it for a week straight, then ask them how "easy" that was.
  17. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from sabrina140 in Wdyt? - Clicky Poll!   
    I was thinking it might be fun to shake it up a bit in here... On another forum I used to frequent we had fun things like Flame Free Friday Confessions, Too Cute Tuesdays, WTF Wednesdays or Wine & Whine Wednesdays, Unpopular Opinion Thursdays or Thankful Thursdays... And they were so much fun!
    What do you guys think?
  18. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to circa in From One Addiction To Another   
    It can ding your credit score - part of your credit score is based on longevity of accounts. The best thing to do is pay them off and let them sit. Cut them up if you want, but closing the accounts will shorten your good long-term revolving accounts.
  19. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from gmanbat in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    I haven't experienced it either yet, but that's not to say I won't. I would challenge them to live like they're sleeved for a week. I'd put a sleeved persons portion of food and 80oz of Water in front of them and tell them to survive on 3 meals that size per day and drink all the fluids in a day, then have them ride my 8 miles every night with me, tell them to get up and go to the gym in the morning with me, and have them do it for a week straight, then ask them how "easy" that was.
  20. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Dooter in Holy Freaking Calories Batman!   
    I'm out of my orange Gatorade G2 so I asked my coworker to grab me a large Hi-C from McD's when he went over there. I took a couple sips and went to put it into MyFitnessPal - Did you know a large Hi-C has 360 calories? That's freaking ridiculous! That's like 1/2 of what I normally take in!
    Needless to say I dumped it down the drain, and now I'm thirsty. Damn you McDonalds! How do you make even a drink bad for you!
    I learned a valuable lesson today though... Everything you put in your mouth has the potential to derail you, no matter how benign it may seem.
  21. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Dooter in Holy Freaking Calories Batman!   
    I'm out of my orange Gatorade G2 so I asked my coworker to grab me a large Hi-C from McD's when he went over there. I took a couple sips and went to put it into MyFitnessPal - Did you know a large Hi-C has 360 calories? That's freaking ridiculous! That's like 1/2 of what I normally take in!
    Needless to say I dumped it down the drain, and now I'm thirsty. Damn you McDonalds! How do you make even a drink bad for you!
    I learned a valuable lesson today though... Everything you put in your mouth has the potential to derail you, no matter how benign it may seem.
  22. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Forensikchic in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    A while back someone posted a comeback they had used and it was about people who say its the easy way out and if they can lose 10 pounds on the liquid diet, why not just keep that up. Their reply was "can you hold your breath for one minute?"... okay, hold it for the rest of your life. Anyone can hold their breath for a short while, but its a little more difficult to do it long term. I thought this was a profound statement.
  23. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from gmanbat in Need Comebacks For "easy Way Out" Crack   
    I haven't experienced it either yet, but that's not to say I won't. I would challenge them to live like they're sleeved for a week. I'd put a sleeved persons portion of food and 80oz of Water in front of them and tell them to survive on 3 meals that size per day and drink all the fluids in a day, then have them ride my 8 miles every night with me, tell them to get up and go to the gym in the morning with me, and have them do it for a week straight, then ask them how "easy" that was.
  24. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Liliana Arleen in What's For Lunch?   
  25. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from circa in I Was Sooo Bad Yesterday!   
    *whistles* I have a wingstop - and the garlic parm wings, better than sex but it's been a looong time for either! LOL Mmmm wings and beer and football... Damn you Circa!

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