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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from lyndynojo in Help- I'm Not Feeling The Restriction   
    I have to respectfully disagree with this.
    Some pills are time release and therefore crushing them would significantly reduce their effectiveness and could have potentially detrimental effects if too much of a medication is released into the blood stream at once. Please, don't ever crush your pills unless your Dr specifically instructs you to.
  2. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from hope2Bfitand40 in Frequently Asked Questions   
    DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is in no way intended to replace or undermine the advice of your physician. Every person is different, every surgeon has different guidelines, and no two situations are identical. Therefore if any of the answers below are unclear or contradict your physicians’ instructions, always follow your physicians’ instructions. The responses given are a compilation from multiple sources and references.
    How do I embed the weight loss ticker? There are many ticker generators you can use, but the majority of us use TickerFactory.com or MyFitnessPal.com – Once you create your ticker, embed the code into your signature via your “Settings”
    *Adding* liquid stage? During your clear liquid stage you can have anything that you can sip through a straw that is translucent, meaning see through. For instance: Water, juice, broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, Isopure Protein Drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, decaf tea just to name a few. Once you move on to full liquids you may add liquids that are not translucent. For instance: creamed Soups, soups with the chunks strained out, milk, Protein shakes etc… NOTHING CAFFEINATED
    When can I have coffee/soda/tea? Decaf coffee is typically OK about 30days post-op. Decaf tea is OK starting with your clear liquid diet. Soda is typically never OK, with the reasons varying from the carbonation causing painful gas to the carbonation stretching your sleeve. Regardless of the reasoning, it's generally a good idea to avoid sodas entirely, or to consume them in extreme moderation.
    When do I start mushies/purees? Every surgeon has different guidelines for the progression of your post-op diet. The majority of post-op diets progress as follows:
    Day 1-7 Clear Liquids
    Day 8-14 Full liquids
    Day 15-21 Purees
    Day 22-50 Mushies
    What’s the difference between mushies and purees? The major difference is that purees are anything that has been blenderized/pureed to a baby food consistency and has no chunks. These should not be watery, but instead a thicker pudding like consistency. Mushies are soft foods that have not been pureed.< /p>
    I'm on liquids/purees and I feel no restriction, should I be concerned that my surgery didn't work? Nope! You'll feel your restriction as you start to take in denser foods. In reality, you never want to experience that over stuffed feeling again because that means you've over stuffed your sleeve. There's much debate over whether or not you can stretch your stomach by over stuffing your sleeve, I for one am not trying to prove or disprove the theory. Best to play it safe - when you start to feel full, stop eating.
    Should I be counting calories or carbs or both? Both. Again, every surgeon is different, but the majority of sleevers will be on a 600-1000 calorie/day diet with carbs kept at 60-80g or less. The general guideline is this: When eating, protein is always first, veggies are second, and if you have room carbs/starch last. The majority will rarely have room for the carbs.
    How much protein should I be getting per day? The recommended protein intake may vary from 55 to 100g per day, depending on your individual needs and the bariatric diet provided by your surgeon or dietitian. The generally accepted minimum protein requirement for women is about 50 to 60g per day and men need at least 60 to 70g of protein per day.
    How much liquid do i need for the day? About 60-80oz
    When can I eat salad? Once you reach the point where you’re on normal solids you can try salad. Start with a small amount and see how your sleeve tolerates it as it can be difficult to digest.
    Best Protein Shakes? This one depends on your particular tastes, however most seem to enjoy powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.

    What else counts as a liquid? Anything that can be sipped through a straw or that will reduce back to a liquid. For example: Jello, sugar free popsicles, frozen yogurt/ice cream (these are generally no no foods)
    Why can't I tolerate plain water, is this normal? It’s called water nausea and it is completely normal. This is very common during the first few weeks following surgery and should eventually subside.
    What is sliming/slimes? Sliming or slimes occur when you eat or drink something and then regurgitate a slimy, foamy, saliva like substance, usually when belching.
    What is grazing? Grazing is when instead of consuming your standard 3 small meals and 2 small Snacks per day, you simply munch all day grabbing a handful here or a bite there. The rule is that your meals should take you 20-30 minutes to eat and should be about 3 hours apart with only fluids in between.
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    In no particular order:
    WLS – Weight Loss Surgery
    NSV – Non scale Victory (ie: smaller clothes, compliments, climbing a flight of stairs etc…)
    NUT – Nutritionist
    PCP – Primary Care Physician
    VSG – Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    TOM – Time of the Month
    SF – Sugar Free
    WFL/WFD – What’s for Lunch/Dinner
    How much did you lose at 1 month etc.? How much can I expect to lose in what time frame? Everyone’s body is different and so is everyone’s journey. There is no set amount you should expect lose in a set amount of time, and you should never compare your journey or your progress to someone elses. As long as you’re sticking with the program and following your surgeons guidelines, the weight will come off.
    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own.
    When can I have sex? When you’re ready. Keep it simple for the first few weeks post-op and don’t attempt any tricky positions. Be careful until you’ve been cleared by your surgeon for strenuous activity.
    When can I start exercising? Typically right away, though the types of exercises you can do will be limited. Most surgeons restrict weight training/resistance training for about 3-4 weeks after surgery, but you should be walking/speed walking at least 30-45min daily starting from the day you get home.
    What do I do with flabby skin? What's the best exercise etc.? The severity of the flab will vary based on many different factors. While there’s no way to tell how bad it will be or whether it will even be bad, there are a couple of proactive measures you can take. Make sure you’re using a moisturizing lotion with Vitamin E and Keratin several times daily. The vitamin E will help add elasticity back to your skin and the keratin will add moisture, both of which may help your skin bounce back as the weight falls off. The best exercises to target your problem areas are resistance and strength training in order to tone and build muscle to replace the fat. Lastly, be patient. Just as your weight stalls while your waist catches up to it, your skin will sag until it gets the signal to shrink. While it probably won’t ever be as tight as you’d like, it will shrink.
    Will I lose hair? How much? What causes it? When does it return? Do Vitamins help? The truth is, yes, you probably will lose hair. Because of the drastic changes going on that are caused by the extreme reduction in protein and vitamins coming in as well as the hormonal fluctuations caused by the rapid weight loss, it takes our bodies a while to adjust. Don’t worry, as our hormones level out and our bodies get used to the new us, it will come back. There is no set time frame for it to do so however.
    I’m constipated - what is it okay to take, especially in the beginning when newly sleeved? Will it get better? Worse? In the beginning a simple stool softener like Colace should do the trick. You don’t want to take a laxative or anything that may irritate your new sleeve. While you’re in the liquid/puree stage, Constipation shouldn’t be an issue, but as you reintroduce solids you may have to go back to your stool softeners. If you do find that stool softners are only offering temporary relief, try increasing your fluids and Fiber and decreasing your cheeses.
    I’m having very loose bowel movements, is this normal? Totally. You do need to monitor stools of this consistency to ensure they contain no blood, but very loose stools, even watery stools, are completely normal for a few weeks post-op. When in doubt – ask your surgeon.
    Will I feel fatigue? Will fatigue go away? Yes and yes. Your body has just undergone major surgery and it needs to heal. While it’s healing you will feel more fatigued than normal. Subsequent to having such a large portion of your stomach removed is the fact that you can no longer take in as much food (read: fuel) and therefore your body has to adjust and find a new fuel source. Your body will eventually begin to burn fat for fuel and some of the fatigue will subside. Your surgeon should also prescribe a B12 supplement which will also help with energy.
    When can I go back to work? How much time should I take off? That will be entirely up to your surgeon. Most return to work within 2-3 weeks.
    How many days in the hospital? Your hospital stay will depend on your recovery. When you are able to keep down liquids, are up and about and walking as directed, and your surgeon and nursing staff are confident there are no complications, you’ll be released. Your surgeon should be able to give you an expectation of the length of your stay.
    Do the staples dissolve? No. The staples used to close the stomach are titanium and do not dissolve. The stomach tissue will eventually grow over the staple line. Your staples do not make metal detectors go off or make you ineligible for an MRI. They are completely benign.
    Why am I always hungry? The most likely culprit is either head hunger or reflux/heartburn. Head hunger is a false sense of hunger triggered by boredom/emotions/the clock or any number of things which make you think you’re hungry when you’re really not. Heartburn is the most common culprit of constant hunger. Even though you may not feel as though you have heartburn, you may find that a simple antacid will eliminate that constant hungry feeling.
    What is dumping syndrome? Dumping syndrome is what happens when the contents of your stomach are rapidly dumped into your small intestine. It is characterized by cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Most people that complain of dumping syndrome associate the attacks with eating a certain type of food IE sweets, carbs etc.. It generally resolves on it's own once the offending food has left the system.
    What is a stricture? A stricture is what happens when scar tissue builds up in your esophagus (sometimes caused by reflux) that causes your esophagus to narrow and makes swallowing difficult.
    What is a leak and what are the symptoms? A leak is an opening along the suture line of your sleeve that allows bile and other digestive fluids to leak into your abdominal cavity. The symptoms of a leak vary but the most common symptoms are pain radiating across the abdomen, fever, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal cramping. It is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Can you get a leak any time after surgery? Or is it just immediate? Most leaks happen very soon after surgery, but there is still a risk for about 4-6 weeks after. Again, it is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Some of my incisions are oozing - is this normal? If they’re oozing a green or yellowish Fluid, absolutely not. Green and yellow are the colors of infection and should be reported to your surgeon immediately. If your incisions are oozing a pinkish or clear watery fluid it’s your body’s way of keeping your incisions clean and isn’t usually a concern. When in doubt, ask your surgeon.
    I see a lot of people posting about drains - I don't have any. Should I be concerned? Drains are tubes that are temporarily placed in the abdomen that allow fluids to drain from your abdominal cavity in order to prevent infection. Not every surgeon uses them so if you don't have any, don't worry. It likely means your surgeon saw no need to place them. That being said, it doesn't mean you're immune to infection so you should still be on the lookout for fever or any areas that a red, warm to the touch, painful, swollen, or oozing any green or yellow fluids.
  3. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from andkel30 in Flame Free Friday Confessions!   
    Better late than never, right?
    It's FFFC time! And this week's FFFC will be voted on by your fellow VSG'ers to see who's got the most unique/creative/scandalous (in a good way!) confession! Your confessions can be food/sleeve related or not, so let's hear it! What's your dirty little secret of the week? ETA: We'll be voting Monday so you have the weekend to get your confessions in.
    Here's mine:
    When my sons father (I affectionately refer to him as Spermy... Short for Spermy McDonor ) came and dropped our son off on Sunday, I purposely made sure that I had showered, blow dried my hair, put on fresh makeup and a fresh spritz of his favorite perfume so that when he saw me in my slimmer form and form fitted clothes, he'd feel a sharp stab in his gut and realize what a moron he is for 1) being such a prick and 2) calling me a fat effing biatch a few weeks ago. I don't ever want him back, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy torturing him a bit I know my plan was a huge success when he did a double take when he saw me and lingered just a moment too long when he was kissing our son goodbye.
    It feels good.
  4. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from clk in The Scale Is Broken! A Story About Stalls...   
    I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with stalls, because I see a lot of people getting discouraged because of them and that's simply not necessary and really bad for your self esteem.
    I was sleeved 1/20 - over the first 4 weeks I lost 40-freaking-pounds! Amazing! I was so excited and thought to myself "At this rate I'll be at goal by Easter!" And then, about half way through my 4th week something sad happened. My scale broke! I mean, it must have been broken because it kept saying 237 every-single-time I stepped on it, so SURELY it must have been broken, right? Wrong. I was stalled. I'd read the posts, I'd done my research, I knew it was possible but like most I thought "HA! Not me!"
    For the next 2 1/2 weeks I analyzed every bite I put in my mouth, I doubled up my sessions with my trainer, I increased my Protein and fluids, to no avail! A week after my stall started, the scale still would not budge! Seriously, it's digital, how could it be broken? Maybe I somehow saved my last weigh in and it was just showing me that # every time I stepped on. Maybe? No. Maybe this was it. Maybe 40lbs was all I was meant to lose? No. Maybe I'm just built differently and the sleeve isn't going to work for me? No! It was a stall! A point at which the weight temporarily stops coming off and the scale stops moving. A time for my body to try and play catch up after the havoc wreaked on it for the previous 4 weeks.
    Two 1/2 weeks after my stupid stall started, I noticed something - I was getting a LOT of compliments! I mean, sure people had been commenting before my stall but now, now people I NEVER talked to were commenting how good I was looking and what a great job I was doing. Surely they must be mistaken, I haven't lost ANY weight in the last 2 1/2 weeks. They're crazy. To prove it, I took a picture.
    As I sat at my computer making my little collage so I could show them just how crazy they were, a gasp escaped my mouth when I added the last picture. Could it be? Surely it wasn't possible! I am the EXACT same weight that I was in picture #2, a fact that I was painfully aware of, but something was different. I actually LOOK thinner! Amazing! And to think I spent the previous 2 1/2 weeks silently stressing because the scale wasn't budging! The whole time while my weight wasn't shrinking, my waist was!
    So to all of you out there stressing over stalls my message is this - Just because your weight isn't shrinking, doesn't mean your waist isn't. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be successful - don't sabotage your success just because your scale is temporarily broken

  5. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from sleeve 4 me in Super Saturday Weigh In   
    225! That's a total loss this week of 7#!
  6. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Spatters3 in Perhaps A Disgusting Topic But Advice Always Appreciated   
    yep, it's called "sliming". bleck ! It happens to me when I don't chew something solid well enough or eat too quickly or eat too much. The trick is : chew chew chew and then chew some more, swallow, put utensil down, talk or listen or hum a tune, take another bite, etc. Give yourself a chance to feel full before it's too late (and one bite too much is too late).
    I don't know what the feeling faint thing is all about but I guess it just goes along with being nauseous.
  7. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Hey Guess What!?   
    I'm officially 50lbs down as of a couple days ago! Woohoo!!!!!
    I've been stalled for about 3 weeks but I stepped on the scale the other day and had lost 4 more lbs, putting my total (including pre0op diet loss) at 50! I'm exactly 30lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight and once I hit that I'm treating myself to some new clothes! Until then I'll just keep borrowing from friends
  8. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to ProudGrammy in I Had My Surgery But   
    there are people that weigh each other daily or every few days - that could be dangerous with all the fluculations and stuff. I finally disciplined myself to get on the scale every monday after my shower. That way, i'm always wearing the same "outfit"
  9. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to ouroborous in I Had My Surgery But   
    If you can weigh yourself monthly, you'll be MUCH happier, trust me. In the beginning, when the big changes occur, you'll be even happier because you'll see even more weight dropping.
    And when you get further along on your weight loss journey, you'll also be happier because you won't drive yourself bonkers over normal little weight fluctuations.
    That being said, most sleevers are glued to the scale at the beginning, with some even weighing themselves daily, and beating themselves up for "not losing a pound yesterday." That's just crazy, in my opinion.
  10. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Ms skinniness in It's Friday Confession Time!   
    Opppppps I've been eating miniature hersey candy bars! I just can't help myself. Oh, and I got a new puppy that is 6 weeks and he's a golden retriever. We named him Monty. I forgot how much work a 6 week old puppy is.... Kinda sad, he's missing his litter mates, mom and dad. Our dogs are like, WTH, get him away from me. LOL
  11. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Ready for the new Lay-Lay in It's Friday Confession Time!   
    In case you were keeping up with last weeks FFF's Juciest Confession - The votes have been tallied and LindaS has been awarded the "Juciest Confession" trophy! Way to go Linda! We're gonna need a pic of the tank top in question Your "trophy" will be PM'd to you, as soon as I get around to creating it
    And now for the main event! Step up to the confessional and spill your guts! The jucier the better and always, this thread is flame retardant
  12. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Rootman in Water   
    Well the answer is YES and NO. YES it is important to drink enough Water as it replenishes what we lose through urination, sweat and solid waste. It also helps keep the kidneys flushed so that kidney stones have less of a chance to form. We are largely made up of Water and during weight loss have a tendency to lose it rapidly so it is important to keep drink enough.
    HOW MUCH is the mater of debate. The old 6 glasses of water a day sage is basically just a myth that has been perpetuated for decades by simple repetition. You need to drink enough water where you are hydrated so that you can urinate regularly, that is several times a day and your urine is either clear or just slightly tinged yellow. If it's dark yellow or (YIKES!) BROWN or CAN'T urinate at all then you are getting seriously dehydrated and need more water NOW.
    So drink what you NEED based on above and perhaps a little more for good measure and don't sweat (pun intended) the rest
  13. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to emily_0192010 in Water   
    Water is definitely very important! Your body needs it to function properly. I believe it is also important to us because your body needs Water to flush the fat out of your body. As for stalls, water really helped me. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I was in a three-week stall and the only thing I changed was the amount of water I was drinking and I dropped four pounds.
    I had a hard time getting water down (well, its really liquids, so anything Decaf and low cals/carbs should work). At first I had to literally carry around the bottle with me and sip all day. I just hit my six month mark and I can now drink a bit more at a time... but if I'm home I still keep my bottle close to me, just makes it easier.
    Good luck!
  14. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from clk in The Scale Is Broken! A Story About Stalls...   
    I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with stalls, because I see a lot of people getting discouraged because of them and that's simply not necessary and really bad for your self esteem.
    I was sleeved 1/20 - over the first 4 weeks I lost 40-freaking-pounds! Amazing! I was so excited and thought to myself "At this rate I'll be at goal by Easter!" And then, about half way through my 4th week something sad happened. My scale broke! I mean, it must have been broken because it kept saying 237 every-single-time I stepped on it, so SURELY it must have been broken, right? Wrong. I was stalled. I'd read the posts, I'd done my research, I knew it was possible but like most I thought "HA! Not me!"
    For the next 2 1/2 weeks I analyzed every bite I put in my mouth, I doubled up my sessions with my trainer, I increased my Protein and fluids, to no avail! A week after my stall started, the scale still would not budge! Seriously, it's digital, how could it be broken? Maybe I somehow saved my last weigh in and it was just showing me that # every time I stepped on. Maybe? No. Maybe this was it. Maybe 40lbs was all I was meant to lose? No. Maybe I'm just built differently and the sleeve isn't going to work for me? No! It was a stall! A point at which the weight temporarily stops coming off and the scale stops moving. A time for my body to try and play catch up after the havoc wreaked on it for the previous 4 weeks.
    Two 1/2 weeks after my stupid stall started, I noticed something - I was getting a LOT of compliments! I mean, sure people had been commenting before my stall but now, now people I NEVER talked to were commenting how good I was looking and what a great job I was doing. Surely they must be mistaken, I haven't lost ANY weight in the last 2 1/2 weeks. They're crazy. To prove it, I took a picture.
    As I sat at my computer making my little collage so I could show them just how crazy they were, a gasp escaped my mouth when I added the last picture. Could it be? Surely it wasn't possible! I am the EXACT same weight that I was in picture #2, a fact that I was painfully aware of, but something was different. I actually LOOK thinner! Amazing! And to think I spent the previous 2 1/2 weeks silently stressing because the scale wasn't budging! The whole time while my weight wasn't shrinking, my waist was!
    So to all of you out there stressing over stalls my message is this - Just because your weight isn't shrinking, doesn't mean your waist isn't. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be successful - don't sabotage your success just because your scale is temporarily broken

  15. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to krissy20 in 3 Months Before/after Pics   
    Wow you look amazing congrats and keep up the good work !!! Starting my preop diet today wish me luck hope to be just as successful as you :-)
  16. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from hope2Bfitand40 in Frequently Asked Questions   
    DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is in no way intended to replace or undermine the advice of your physician. Every person is different, every surgeon has different guidelines, and no two situations are identical. Therefore if any of the answers below are unclear or contradict your physicians’ instructions, always follow your physicians’ instructions. The responses given are a compilation from multiple sources and references.
    How do I embed the weight loss ticker? There are many ticker generators you can use, but the majority of us use TickerFactory.com or MyFitnessPal.com – Once you create your ticker, embed the code into your signature via your “Settings”
    *Adding* liquid stage? During your clear liquid stage you can have anything that you can sip through a straw that is translucent, meaning see through. For instance: Water, juice, broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, Isopure Protein Drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, decaf tea just to name a few. Once you move on to full liquids you may add liquids that are not translucent. For instance: creamed Soups, soups with the chunks strained out, milk, Protein shakes etc… NOTHING CAFFEINATED
    When can I have coffee/soda/tea? Decaf coffee is typically OK about 30days post-op. Decaf tea is OK starting with your clear liquid diet. Soda is typically never OK, with the reasons varying from the carbonation causing painful gas to the carbonation stretching your sleeve. Regardless of the reasoning, it's generally a good idea to avoid sodas entirely, or to consume them in extreme moderation.
    When do I start mushies/purees? Every surgeon has different guidelines for the progression of your post-op diet. The majority of post-op diets progress as follows:
    Day 1-7 Clear Liquids
    Day 8-14 Full liquids
    Day 15-21 Purees
    Day 22-50 Mushies
    What’s the difference between mushies and purees? The major difference is that purees are anything that has been blenderized/pureed to a baby food consistency and has no chunks. These should not be watery, but instead a thicker pudding like consistency. Mushies are soft foods that have not been pureed.< /p>
    I'm on liquids/purees and I feel no restriction, should I be concerned that my surgery didn't work? Nope! You'll feel your restriction as you start to take in denser foods. In reality, you never want to experience that over stuffed feeling again because that means you've over stuffed your sleeve. There's much debate over whether or not you can stretch your stomach by over stuffing your sleeve, I for one am not trying to prove or disprove the theory. Best to play it safe - when you start to feel full, stop eating.
    Should I be counting calories or carbs or both? Both. Again, every surgeon is different, but the majority of sleevers will be on a 600-1000 calorie/day diet with carbs kept at 60-80g or less. The general guideline is this: When eating, protein is always first, veggies are second, and if you have room carbs/starch last. The majority will rarely have room for the carbs.
    How much protein should I be getting per day? The recommended protein intake may vary from 55 to 100g per day, depending on your individual needs and the bariatric diet provided by your surgeon or dietitian. The generally accepted minimum protein requirement for women is about 50 to 60g per day and men need at least 60 to 70g of protein per day.
    How much liquid do i need for the day? About 60-80oz
    When can I eat salad? Once you reach the point where you’re on normal solids you can try salad. Start with a small amount and see how your sleeve tolerates it as it can be difficult to digest.
    Best Protein Shakes? This one depends on your particular tastes, however most seem to enjoy powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.

    What else counts as a liquid? Anything that can be sipped through a straw or that will reduce back to a liquid. For example: Jello, sugar free popsicles, frozen yogurt/ice cream (these are generally no no foods)
    Why can't I tolerate plain water, is this normal? It’s called water nausea and it is completely normal. This is very common during the first few weeks following surgery and should eventually subside.
    What is sliming/slimes? Sliming or slimes occur when you eat or drink something and then regurgitate a slimy, foamy, saliva like substance, usually when belching.
    What is grazing? Grazing is when instead of consuming your standard 3 small meals and 2 small Snacks per day, you simply munch all day grabbing a handful here or a bite there. The rule is that your meals should take you 20-30 minutes to eat and should be about 3 hours apart with only fluids in between.
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    In no particular order:
    WLS – Weight Loss Surgery
    NSV – Non scale Victory (ie: smaller clothes, compliments, climbing a flight of stairs etc…)
    NUT – Nutritionist
    PCP – Primary Care Physician
    VSG – Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    TOM – Time of the Month
    SF – Sugar Free
    WFL/WFD – What’s for Lunch/Dinner
    How much did you lose at 1 month etc.? How much can I expect to lose in what time frame? Everyone’s body is different and so is everyone’s journey. There is no set amount you should expect lose in a set amount of time, and you should never compare your journey or your progress to someone elses. As long as you’re sticking with the program and following your surgeons guidelines, the weight will come off.
    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own.
    When can I have sex? When you’re ready. Keep it simple for the first few weeks post-op and don’t attempt any tricky positions. Be careful until you’ve been cleared by your surgeon for strenuous activity.
    When can I start exercising? Typically right away, though the types of exercises you can do will be limited. Most surgeons restrict weight training/resistance training for about 3-4 weeks after surgery, but you should be walking/speed walking at least 30-45min daily starting from the day you get home.
    What do I do with flabby skin? What's the best exercise etc.? The severity of the flab will vary based on many different factors. While there’s no way to tell how bad it will be or whether it will even be bad, there are a couple of proactive measures you can take. Make sure you’re using a moisturizing lotion with Vitamin E and Keratin several times daily. The vitamin E will help add elasticity back to your skin and the keratin will add moisture, both of which may help your skin bounce back as the weight falls off. The best exercises to target your problem areas are resistance and strength training in order to tone and build muscle to replace the fat. Lastly, be patient. Just as your weight stalls while your waist catches up to it, your skin will sag until it gets the signal to shrink. While it probably won’t ever be as tight as you’d like, it will shrink.
    Will I lose hair? How much? What causes it? When does it return? Do Vitamins help? The truth is, yes, you probably will lose hair. Because of the drastic changes going on that are caused by the extreme reduction in protein and vitamins coming in as well as the hormonal fluctuations caused by the rapid weight loss, it takes our bodies a while to adjust. Don’t worry, as our hormones level out and our bodies get used to the new us, it will come back. There is no set time frame for it to do so however.
    I’m constipated - what is it okay to take, especially in the beginning when newly sleeved? Will it get better? Worse? In the beginning a simple stool softener like Colace should do the trick. You don’t want to take a laxative or anything that may irritate your new sleeve. While you’re in the liquid/puree stage, Constipation shouldn’t be an issue, but as you reintroduce solids you may have to go back to your stool softeners. If you do find that stool softners are only offering temporary relief, try increasing your fluids and Fiber and decreasing your cheeses.
    I’m having very loose bowel movements, is this normal? Totally. You do need to monitor stools of this consistency to ensure they contain no blood, but very loose stools, even watery stools, are completely normal for a few weeks post-op. When in doubt – ask your surgeon.
    Will I feel fatigue? Will fatigue go away? Yes and yes. Your body has just undergone major surgery and it needs to heal. While it’s healing you will feel more fatigued than normal. Subsequent to having such a large portion of your stomach removed is the fact that you can no longer take in as much food (read: fuel) and therefore your body has to adjust and find a new fuel source. Your body will eventually begin to burn fat for fuel and some of the fatigue will subside. Your surgeon should also prescribe a B12 supplement which will also help with energy.
    When can I go back to work? How much time should I take off? That will be entirely up to your surgeon. Most return to work within 2-3 weeks.
    How many days in the hospital? Your hospital stay will depend on your recovery. When you are able to keep down liquids, are up and about and walking as directed, and your surgeon and nursing staff are confident there are no complications, you’ll be released. Your surgeon should be able to give you an expectation of the length of your stay.
    Do the staples dissolve? No. The staples used to close the stomach are titanium and do not dissolve. The stomach tissue will eventually grow over the staple line. Your staples do not make metal detectors go off or make you ineligible for an MRI. They are completely benign.
    Why am I always hungry? The most likely culprit is either head hunger or reflux/heartburn. Head hunger is a false sense of hunger triggered by boredom/emotions/the clock or any number of things which make you think you’re hungry when you’re really not. Heartburn is the most common culprit of constant hunger. Even though you may not feel as though you have heartburn, you may find that a simple antacid will eliminate that constant hungry feeling.
    What is dumping syndrome? Dumping syndrome is what happens when the contents of your stomach are rapidly dumped into your small intestine. It is characterized by cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Most people that complain of dumping syndrome associate the attacks with eating a certain type of food IE sweets, carbs etc.. It generally resolves on it's own once the offending food has left the system.
    What is a stricture? A stricture is what happens when scar tissue builds up in your esophagus (sometimes caused by reflux) that causes your esophagus to narrow and makes swallowing difficult.
    What is a leak and what are the symptoms? A leak is an opening along the suture line of your sleeve that allows bile and other digestive fluids to leak into your abdominal cavity. The symptoms of a leak vary but the most common symptoms are pain radiating across the abdomen, fever, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal cramping. It is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Can you get a leak any time after surgery? Or is it just immediate? Most leaks happen very soon after surgery, but there is still a risk for about 4-6 weeks after. Again, it is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Some of my incisions are oozing - is this normal? If they’re oozing a green or yellowish Fluid, absolutely not. Green and yellow are the colors of infection and should be reported to your surgeon immediately. If your incisions are oozing a pinkish or clear watery fluid it’s your body’s way of keeping your incisions clean and isn’t usually a concern. When in doubt, ask your surgeon.
    I see a lot of people posting about drains - I don't have any. Should I be concerned? Drains are tubes that are temporarily placed in the abdomen that allow fluids to drain from your abdominal cavity in order to prevent infection. Not every surgeon uses them so if you don't have any, don't worry. It likely means your surgeon saw no need to place them. That being said, it doesn't mean you're immune to infection so you should still be on the lookout for fever or any areas that a red, warm to the touch, painful, swollen, or oozing any green or yellow fluids.
  17. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Frequently Asked Questions   
    DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is in no way intended to replace or undermine the advice of your physician. Every person is different, every surgeon has different guidelines, and no two situations are identical. Therefore if any of the answers below are unclear or contradict your physicians’ instructions, always follow your physicians’ instructions. The responses given are a compilation from multiple sources and references.
    How do I embed the weight loss ticker? Click on the liquid stage? During your clear liquid stage you can have anything that you can sip through a straw that is translucent, meaning see through. For instance: Water, juice, broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, Isopure Protein Drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, Decaf tea just to name a few. Once you move on to full liquids you may add liquids that are not translucent. For instance: creamed Soups, soups with the chunks strained out, milk, Protein shakes etc…
    When do I start mushies/purees? Every surgeon has different guidelines for the progression of your post-op diet. The majority of post-op diets progress as follows:
    Day 1-7 Clear Liquids
    Day 8-14 Full liquids
    Day 15-21 Purees
    Day 22-50 Mushies
    What’s the difference between mushies and purees? The major difference is that purees are anything that has been blenderized/pureed to a baby food consistency and has no chunks. These should not be watery, but instead a thicker pudding like consistency. Mushies are soft foods that have not been pureed.< /p>
    Should I be counting calories or carbs or both? Both. Again, every surgeon is different, but the majority of sleevers will be on a 600-1000 calorie/day diet with carbs kept at 60-80g or less. The general guideline is this: When eating, protein is always first, veggies are second, and if you have room carbs/starch last. The majority will rarely have room for the carbs.
    How much protein should I be getting per day? The recommended protein intake may vary from 55 to 100g per day, depending on your individual needs and the bariatric diet provided by your surgeon or dietitian. The generally accepted minimum protein requirement for women is about 50 to 60g per day and men need at least 60 to 70g of protein per day.
    How much liquid do i need for the day? About 60-80oz
    When can I eat salad? Once you reach the point where you’re on normal solids you can try salad. Start with a small amount and see how your sleeve tolerates it as it can be difficult to digest.
    Best Protein Shakes? This one depends on your particular tastes, however most seem to enjoy powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.

    What else counts as a liquid? Anything that can be sipped through a straw or that will reduce back to a liquid. For example: Jello, sugar free popsicles, frozen yogurt/ice cream (these are generally no no foods)
    How long will my surgery last? Typically about 45mins assuming there are no complications or other procedures (ie: hernia repairs) being done at the time of your surgery. Every surgeon is different so for a more accurate answer you should consult your respective surgeon.
    Why can't I tolerate plain water, is this normal? It’s called water nausea and it is completely normal. This is very common during the first few weeks following surgery and should eventually subside.
    What is sliming/slimes? Sliming or slimes occur when you eat or drink something and then regurgitate a slimy, foamy, saliva like substance, usually when belching.
    What is grazing? Grazing is when instead of consuming your standard 3 small meals and 2 small Snacks per day, you simply munch all day grabbing a handful here or a bite there. The rule is that your meals should take you 20-30 minutes to eat and should be about 3 hours apart with only fluids in between.
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    In no particular order:
    WLS – Weight Loss Surgery
    NSV – Non scale Victory (ie: smaller clothes, compliments, climbing a flight of stairs etc…)
    NUT – Nutritionist
    PCP – Primary Care Physician
    VSG – Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    TOM – Time of the Month
    SF – Sugar Free
    WFL/WFD – What’s for Lunch/Dinner
    How much did you lose at 1 month etc.? How much can I expect to lose in what time frame? Everyone’s body is different and so is everyone’s journey. There is no set amount you should expect lose in a set amount of time, and you should never compare your journey or your progress to someone elses. As long as you’re sticking with the program and following your surgeons guidelines, the weight will come off.
    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own.
    When can I have sex? When you’re ready. Keep it simple for the first few weeks post-op and don’t attempt any tricky positions. Be careful until you’ve been cleared by your surgeon for strenuous activity.
    When can I start exercising? Typically right away, though the types of exercises you can do will be limited. Most surgeons restrict weight training/resistance training for about 3-4 weeks after surgery, but you should be walking/speed walking at least 30-45min daily starting from the day you get home.
    What do I do with flabby skin? What's the best exercise etc.? The severity of the flab will vary based on many different factors. While there’s no way to tell how bad it will be or whether it will even be bad, there are a couple of proactive measures you can take. Make sure you’re using a moisturizing lotion with Vitamin E and Keratin several times daily. The vitamin E will help add elasticity back to your skin and the keratin will add moisture, both of which may help your skin bounce back as the weight falls off. The best exercises to target your problem areas are resistance and strength training in order to tone and build muscle to replace the fat. Lastly, be patient. Just as your weight stalls while your waist catches up to it, your skin will sag until it gets the signal to shrink. While it probably won’t ever be as tight as you’d like, it will shrink.
    Will I lose hair? How much? What causes it? When does it return? Do Vitamins help? The truth is, yes, you probably will lose hair. Because of the drastic changes going on that are caused by the extreme reduction in protein and vitamins coming in as well as the hormonal fluctuations caused by the rapid weight loss, it takes our bodies a while to adjust. Don’t worry, as our hormones level out and our bodies get used to the new us, it will come back. There is no set time frame for it to do so however.
    I’m constipated - what is it okay to take, especially in the beginning when newly sleeved? Will it get better? Worse? In the beginning a simple stool softener like Colace should do the trick. You don’t want to take a laxative or anything that may irritate your new sleeve. While you’re in the liquid/puree stage, Constipation shouldn’t be an issue, but as you reintroduce solids you may have to go back to your stool softeners. If you do find that stool softners are only offering temporary relief, try increasing your fluids and Fiber and decreasing your cheeses.
    I’m having very loose bowel movements, is this normal? Totally. You do need to monitor stools of this consistency to ensure they contain no blood, but very loose stools, even watery stools, are completely normal for a few weeks post-op. When in doubt – ask your surgeon.
    Will I feel fatigue? Will fatigue go away? Yes and yes. Your body has just undergone major surgery and it needs to heal. While it’s healing you will feel more fatigued than normal. Subsequent to having such a large portion of your stomach removed is the fact that you can no longer take in as much food (read: fuel) and therefore your body has to adjust and find a new fuel source. Your body will eventually begin to burn fat for fuel and some of the fatigue will subside. Your surgeon should also prescribe a B12 supplement which will also help with energy.
    When can I go back to work? How much time should I take off? That will be entirely up to your surgeon. Most return to work within 2-3 weeks.
    How many days in the hospital? Your hospital stay will depend on your recovery. When you are able to keep down liquids, are up and about and walking as directed, and your surgeon and nursing staff are confident there are no complications, you’ll be released. Your surgeon should be able to give you an expectation of the length of your stay.
    Do the staples dissolve? No. The staples used to close the stomach are titanium and do not dissolve. The stomach tissue will eventually grow over the staple line. Your staples do not make metal detectors go off or make you ineligible for an MRI. They are completely benign.
    Why am I always hungry? The most likely culprit is either head hunger or reflux/heartburn. Head hunger is a false sense of hunger triggered by boredom/emotions/the clock or any number of things which make you think you’re hungry when you’re really not. Heartburn is the most common culprit of constant hunger. Even though you may not feel as though you have heartburn, you may find that a simple antacid will eliminate that constant hungry feeling.
    What is a stricture? A stricture is what happens when scar tissue builds up in your esophagus (sometimes caused by reflux) that causes your esophagus to narrow and makes swallowing difficult.
    What is a leak and what are the symptoms? A leak is an opening along the suture line of your sleeve that allows bile and other digestive fluids to leak into your abdominal cavity. The symptoms of a leak vary but the most common symptoms are pain radiating across the abdomen, fever, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal cramping. It is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Can you get a leak any time after surgery? Or is it just immediate? Most leaks happen very soon after surgery, but there is still a risk for about 4-6 weeks after. Again, it is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Some of my incisions are oozing - is this normal? If they’re oozing a green or yellowish Fluid, absolutely not. Green and yellow are the colors of infection and should be reported to your surgeon immediately. If your incisions are oozing a pinkish or clear watery fluid it’s your body’s way of keeping your incisions clean and isn’t usually a concern. When in doubt, ask your surgeon.
  18. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Frequently Asked Questions   
    DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is in no way intended to replace or undermine the advice of your physician. Every person is different, every surgeon has different guidelines, and no two situations are identical. Therefore if any of the answers below are unclear or contradict your physicians’ instructions, always follow your physicians’ instructions. The responses given are a compilation from multiple sources and references.
    How do I embed the weight loss ticker? Click on the liquid stage? During your clear liquid stage you can have anything that you can sip through a straw that is translucent, meaning see through. For instance: Water, juice, broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, Isopure Protein Drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, Decaf tea just to name a few. Once you move on to full liquids you may add liquids that are not translucent. For instance: creamed Soups, soups with the chunks strained out, milk, Protein shakes etc…
    When do I start mushies/purees? Every surgeon has different guidelines for the progression of your post-op diet. The majority of post-op diets progress as follows:
    Day 1-7 Clear Liquids
    Day 8-14 Full liquids
    Day 15-21 Purees
    Day 22-50 Mushies
    What’s the difference between mushies and purees? The major difference is that purees are anything that has been blenderized/pureed to a baby food consistency and has no chunks. These should not be watery, but instead a thicker pudding like consistency. Mushies are soft foods that have not been pureed.< /p>
    Should I be counting calories or carbs or both? Both. Again, every surgeon is different, but the majority of sleevers will be on a 600-1000 calorie/day diet with carbs kept at 60-80g or less. The general guideline is this: When eating, protein is always first, veggies are second, and if you have room carbs/starch last. The majority will rarely have room for the carbs.
    How much protein should I be getting per day? The recommended protein intake may vary from 55 to 100g per day, depending on your individual needs and the bariatric diet provided by your surgeon or dietitian. The generally accepted minimum protein requirement for women is about 50 to 60g per day and men need at least 60 to 70g of protein per day.
    How much liquid do i need for the day? About 60-80oz
    When can I eat salad? Once you reach the point where you’re on normal solids you can try salad. Start with a small amount and see how your sleeve tolerates it as it can be difficult to digest.
    Best Protein Shakes? This one depends on your particular tastes, however most seem to enjoy powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.

    What else counts as a liquid? Anything that can be sipped through a straw or that will reduce back to a liquid. For example: Jello, sugar free popsicles, frozen yogurt/ice cream (these are generally no no foods)
    How long will my surgery last? Typically about 45mins assuming there are no complications or other procedures (ie: hernia repairs) being done at the time of your surgery. Every surgeon is different so for a more accurate answer you should consult your respective surgeon.
    Why can't I tolerate plain water, is this normal? It’s called water nausea and it is completely normal. This is very common during the first few weeks following surgery and should eventually subside.
    What is sliming/slimes? Sliming or slimes occur when you eat or drink something and then regurgitate a slimy, foamy, saliva like substance, usually when belching.
    What is grazing? Grazing is when instead of consuming your standard 3 small meals and 2 small Snacks per day, you simply munch all day grabbing a handful here or a bite there. The rule is that your meals should take you 20-30 minutes to eat and should be about 3 hours apart with only fluids in between.
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    In no particular order:
    WLS – Weight Loss Surgery
    NSV – Non scale Victory (ie: smaller clothes, compliments, climbing a flight of stairs etc…)
    NUT – Nutritionist
    PCP – Primary Care Physician
    VSG – Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    TOM – Time of the Month
    SF – Sugar Free
    WFL/WFD – What’s for Lunch/Dinner
    How much did you lose at 1 month etc.? How much can I expect to lose in what time frame? Everyone’s body is different and so is everyone’s journey. There is no set amount you should expect lose in a set amount of time, and you should never compare your journey or your progress to someone elses. As long as you’re sticking with the program and following your surgeons guidelines, the weight will come off.
    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own.
    When can I have sex? When you’re ready. Keep it simple for the first few weeks post-op and don’t attempt any tricky positions. Be careful until you’ve been cleared by your surgeon for strenuous activity.
    When can I start exercising? Typically right away, though the types of exercises you can do will be limited. Most surgeons restrict weight training/resistance training for about 3-4 weeks after surgery, but you should be walking/speed walking at least 30-45min daily starting from the day you get home.
    What do I do with flabby skin? What's the best exercise etc.? The severity of the flab will vary based on many different factors. While there’s no way to tell how bad it will be or whether it will even be bad, there are a couple of proactive measures you can take. Make sure you’re using a moisturizing lotion with Vitamin E and Keratin several times daily. The vitamin E will help add elasticity back to your skin and the keratin will add moisture, both of which may help your skin bounce back as the weight falls off. The best exercises to target your problem areas are resistance and strength training in order to tone and build muscle to replace the fat. Lastly, be patient. Just as your weight stalls while your waist catches up to it, your skin will sag until it gets the signal to shrink. While it probably won’t ever be as tight as you’d like, it will shrink.
    Will I lose hair? How much? What causes it? When does it return? Do Vitamins help? The truth is, yes, you probably will lose hair. Because of the drastic changes going on that are caused by the extreme reduction in protein and vitamins coming in as well as the hormonal fluctuations caused by the rapid weight loss, it takes our bodies a while to adjust. Don’t worry, as our hormones level out and our bodies get used to the new us, it will come back. There is no set time frame for it to do so however.
    I’m constipated - what is it okay to take, especially in the beginning when newly sleeved? Will it get better? Worse? In the beginning a simple stool softener like Colace should do the trick. You don’t want to take a laxative or anything that may irritate your new sleeve. While you’re in the liquid/puree stage, Constipation shouldn’t be an issue, but as you reintroduce solids you may have to go back to your stool softeners. If you do find that stool softners are only offering temporary relief, try increasing your fluids and Fiber and decreasing your cheeses.
    I’m having very loose bowel movements, is this normal? Totally. You do need to monitor stools of this consistency to ensure they contain no blood, but very loose stools, even watery stools, are completely normal for a few weeks post-op. When in doubt – ask your surgeon.
    Will I feel fatigue? Will fatigue go away? Yes and yes. Your body has just undergone major surgery and it needs to heal. While it’s healing you will feel more fatigued than normal. Subsequent to having such a large portion of your stomach removed is the fact that you can no longer take in as much food (read: fuel) and therefore your body has to adjust and find a new fuel source. Your body will eventually begin to burn fat for fuel and some of the fatigue will subside. Your surgeon should also prescribe a B12 supplement which will also help with energy.
    When can I go back to work? How much time should I take off? That will be entirely up to your surgeon. Most return to work within 2-3 weeks.
    How many days in the hospital? Your hospital stay will depend on your recovery. When you are able to keep down liquids, are up and about and walking as directed, and your surgeon and nursing staff are confident there are no complications, you’ll be released. Your surgeon should be able to give you an expectation of the length of your stay.
    Do the staples dissolve? No. The staples used to close the stomach are titanium and do not dissolve. The stomach tissue will eventually grow over the staple line. Your staples do not make metal detectors go off or make you ineligible for an MRI. They are completely benign.
    Why am I always hungry? The most likely culprit is either head hunger or reflux/heartburn. Head hunger is a false sense of hunger triggered by boredom/emotions/the clock or any number of things which make you think you’re hungry when you’re really not. Heartburn is the most common culprit of constant hunger. Even though you may not feel as though you have heartburn, you may find that a simple antacid will eliminate that constant hungry feeling.
    What is a stricture? A stricture is what happens when scar tissue builds up in your esophagus (sometimes caused by reflux) that causes your esophagus to narrow and makes swallowing difficult.
    What is a leak and what are the symptoms? A leak is an opening along the suture line of your sleeve that allows bile and other digestive fluids to leak into your abdominal cavity. The symptoms of a leak vary but the most common symptoms are pain radiating across the abdomen, fever, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal cramping. It is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Can you get a leak any time after surgery? Or is it just immediate? Most leaks happen very soon after surgery, but there is still a risk for about 4-6 weeks after. Again, it is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Some of my incisions are oozing - is this normal? If they’re oozing a green or yellowish Fluid, absolutely not. Green and yellow are the colors of infection and should be reported to your surgeon immediately. If your incisions are oozing a pinkish or clear watery fluid it’s your body’s way of keeping your incisions clean and isn’t usually a concern. When in doubt, ask your surgeon.
  19. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Lissa in Quite A Realization   
    I had surgery for my health, but my recent motivation to exercise has been such a shallow thing that I hate to post it. I love looking at my own smaller butt in the mirror! Sorry if that's TMI!
    You do have a great attitude about this whole journey. I'm working to keep mine positive, but I'd really like to see the weight start coming off on the scale. I'm seeing improvement in every area of my body except my stomach, but I'm somewhat bummed that the scale isn't dropping faster. I do know that I'm building muscle, though. I can feel that muscle and it's effects on my daily life every single day.
  20. Like
    Lilee84 reacted to Globetrotter in Quite A Realization   
    Go to an air conditioned gym!
  21. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from gmanbat in Om Nom Nom!   
    If anyone wants a yummy recipe for turkey meatloaf and mashed cauliflower, lemme know. I think I've outdone myself
  22. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from gmanbat in Om Nom Nom!   
    If anyone wants a yummy recipe for turkey meatloaf and mashed cauliflower, lemme know. I think I've outdone myself
  23. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Faq - Come In!   
    Hey all!
    We are compiling a list of the most frequently asked questions for the newly sleeved to refer to and we wanna know - what questions did you have Post-op about VSG, the surgery itself, recovery, diets, exercise.. Whatever!?
    All of your questions will be compiled, answered, and pinned for the future newly sleeved..
    So please, be open, be honest, be blunt even! And remember that the only dumb questions are the ones left unasked.
    Let's hear 'em!
  24. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from Lisa's Hope in Faq - Come In!   
    How about:
    How do I add a ticker to my profile?
    When do I start mushies/purees?
    What's the difference?
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    What can I have during liquid stage?
    How long does a stall last?
  25. Like
    Lilee84 got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Faq - Come In!   
    Hey all!
    We are compiling a list of the most frequently asked questions for the newly sleeved to refer to and we wanna know - what questions did you have Post-op about VSG, the surgery itself, recovery, diets, exercise.. Whatever!?
    All of your questions will be compiled, answered, and pinned for the future newly sleeved..
    So please, be open, be honest, be blunt even! And remember that the only dumb questions are the ones left unasked.
    Let's hear 'em!

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