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Status Updates posted by Lilee84

  1. TGI half day bitchez! Headed home to get the big stuff moved and by tonight I'll officially be 100% moved in!

  2. Pet peeve of the day: poor grammar. It's libRary, not libary, there is a difference betwern there, their, and they're, and i don't care what websters says, ain't is not a word!

  3. Monkeys off to his daddys tonight and that means that the moving party is in full force as soon as i get home... Hoping to have everything but the furniture moved tonight and the furniture moved tomorrow so i can finish unpacking Saturday and hopefully be all settled in by the time monkey comes home Sunday morning... Here's hoping!

  4. I was at my apartment tonight unpacking when i came across the box of things from my grandmother's house - when i pulled the cukoo clock out of the box I could feel my grams there with me and it reminded me that even though she's gone, she will always be with me. I love you and miss you Grammy.

  5. Nothing like going to put your child to bed only to find a swarm of carpenter ants on the window sill... Guess who's sleeping in the guest room tonight!

  6. So sleepy but the show must go on! Work then mommy time then packing and moving more stuff into my apartment.

  7. Had a rather productive evening unpacking my apartment.... All but 3 of the 15 boxes and bins I brought over Saturday are unpacked, two loads of dishes washed, dried and put away, my bathroom and monkeys bathroom unpacked... Now I just need to finish packing our bedroom and move the furniture in... But first, sleep!

  8. Decisions decisions... Do i head over to my apartment and start unpacking boxes, or do I spend the day at the falls with the bestie and her crew? Hmmm...

  9. Got all my boxes and some of my furniture moved in tonight, just have to spend the next week getting everything set up and unpacked so the big stuff can get moved in next weekend... Yay moving! ;-)

  10. Aaaand the teenager has his learners permit - stay off the sidewalks folks!

  11. So i get the keys to my apartment and go do my walk through and there's these strange wires coming out of the wall with little button on the end in each of the bedrooms, and they're not labeled. What do I do? Of course I pushed the button! They're panic buttons for the alarm system . The alarm works! Too bad I have no idea how to make it stop :/

  12. Got an extra two hours of sleep this morning thanks to my awesome mommy taking my munchkin! Thanks mom!

  13. It doesn't take much to piss me off, but it takes a lot to offend me - congrats to the person who did both with one statement.

  14. Shopping for a new purse on Amazon since apparently my old purse has vanished... Grrrr! I'm torn between 3 and I don't know which to get!

  15. I need to learn how to make Thai tea...

  16. It doesn't matter what I do or what i say, its never good enough. I try and have a normal conversation with you, you don't even acknowledge words left my mouth - I complain about something unrelated to you, you bite my head off... Seems I'm fanned if I do and fanned if i don't. #countingthedays

  17. Sweet Jesus take me now! Two more hours of this!

  18. a 3 hour training right after lunch? Who does that?!

  19. I love that my kid loves broccoli and will eat that and his carrots before anything else on his plate, including his steak.

  20. There comes a point in your work day where you realize that no more work is going to be done. When that point comes before 10:30 its time for a Starbucks run...

  21. Freaking starving! Scrambled egg with cheese? Protein is always a good choice

  22. Anybody know where I could get a stamp collection appraised in Orlando?

  23. I never thought I'd see the day where I would correct someone and tell them to call me ma'am, but if the overly caffeinated cashier at Dunkys called me hon or honey one more time, I was gonna jump through the window.

  24. Alright boys and girls - the last two weeks have royally sucked but tomorrow starts a new week and a whole new set of challenges! Classes start tomorrow, working all week, Disney with Katie and the boys on Saturday, then moving all my boxes into my new place on Sunday... God give me strength!

  25. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I'm fuckin jealous of all these people getting engaged this weekend!

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