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Status Updates posted by Lilee84

  1. Alright I get it, it's 4/20, you're excited. Now STFU about it already! If you're "celebrating" then by all means please enjoy yourself and don't do anything stupid, but I don't "celebrate" and I don't care that you are, so stop posting it for the whole world to see.

  2. Achey, sore, cold chills, hot flashes... I think the stress of the last two weeks is getting to me. Oh, and did i mention I called out of work and slept until 2:30 and STILL feel like ass? I'm not leaving my bed for the rest of the day.

  3. *le sigh* Onderland is a biatch... She let me visit for a day but then she gave me the boot...

  4. It doesn't take much to piss me off, but it takes a lot to offend me - congrats to the person who did both with one statement.

  5. Hi Ho hi ho its off to work I go! Still sore as hell bit no more cold chills or hot flashes... Must be because I slept for 23 of the last 24 hours

  6. This past week has been a roller coaster ride of emotions - from joy at hearing that my gram.was going to be OK, to sadness and sorrow when she passed two days later.. I'm grateful to have such an amazing support system of friends, coworkers, and family. Thank you all for lending a bit of your strength to help me get through it.

  7. Visiting Onderland for the night... She'll send me back in the morning but at the moment I'm 199...

  8. Got an extra two hours of sleep this morning thanks to my awesome mommy taking my munchkin! Thanks mom!

  9. What should one who's afraid of flying NOT watch? A show called worlds scariest plane landings...

  10. So i get the keys to my apartment and go do my walk through and there's these strange wires coming out of the wall with little button on the end in each of the bedrooms, and they're not labeled. What do I do? Of course I pushed the button! They're panic buttons for the alarm system . The alarm works! Too bad I have no idea how to make it stop :/

  11. Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing moms in my life - It takes a village to raise a child and mothers are the most precious villagers...

  12. Aaaand the teenager has his learners permit - stay off the sidewalks folks!

  13. Parents:When you're angry at your children, weigh your need to vent that anger against your want for your child to be a happy, healthy, well-adjusted adult. The smallest slip of the tongue, let alone the hand, can cause life-long wounds - Not scars - wounds.Keep in mind that you have a lifetime of being a mature adult under your belt and your child is just that. A child. Assert more patience and love into everything you say and do with your child, no matter how much you already show to th...

  14. Missing my baby... Can't wait until he comes home tomorrow ;-)

  15. Y'know - I knew there would come a time where Jayden would lock himself in his room and I'd have to remove the door knob, I just didn't think it would be within an hour of walking in the door. Guess I'll be flipping the door knob around when he wakes up!

  16. It's Sunday! That means its time to make my bedroom look more like a bedroom and less like a laundry bomb exploded! My classes open up tomorrow too so I guess I should get some required reading out of the way too... Bring on the madness!

  17. Got all my boxes and some of my furniture moved in tonight, just have to spend the next week getting everything set up and unpacked so the big stuff can get moved in next weekend... Yay moving! ;-)

  18. 25# from goal! Woohooo!

  19. Decisions decisions... Do i head over to my apartment and start unpacking boxes, or do I spend the day at the falls with the bestie and her crew? Hmmm...

  20. Just walked into the dining room to find something only to find that it smells like my grandmothers house... I think its the book case from her dining room thats in there...

  21. I'm thinking after last week and with what looms on the horizon for the coming week that today is a perfect "lounge around the house and do nothing" kind of day... I wonder if the munchkin will comply?

  22. Casablanca and wine - superb way to end the day!

  23. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I'm fuckin jealous of all these people getting engaged this weekend!

  24. If u love me and want to spend time with me I suggest you hit me up soon. Classes start 4/30, moving 5/12, and Boston 6/5 - plus all the craziness of my normal every day life.

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