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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Lilee84

  1. *le sigh* Onderland is a biatch... She let me visit for a day but then she gave me the boot...

  2. 115# down, 13# to go!! It's been a wild ride but so worth it!

  3. 18 months post-op and I'm loving the healthy new me! had a blast at the park today with my munchkin and even made it across the monkey bars a few times!

  4. 2 months post-op 3/20/12 : 230lbs-size 16/18 * 48lbs down!

  5. 2 months post-op 3/20/12 : 230lbs-size 16/18 * 48lbs down!

  6. 20# to goal! Woohoo!!!!

  7. 20# to goal! Woohoo!!!!

  8. 25# from goal! Woohooo!

  9. 40* tomorrow? Seriously? It's APRIL!

  10. 5# to goal as of this morning.. Sweet baby Jesus I can almost taste it!

  11. 85# gone, 43# to go!

  12. 90 years ago an angel was born, tonight she went home again. I love you Grammy - I'll miss you more than words and I'm thankful for every moment we spent together.

  13. 93# down, 35# to go! 7# from the century club!

  14. a 3 hour training right after lunch? Who does that?!

  15. Aaaand the teenager has his learners permit - stay off the sidewalks folks!

  16. Achey, sore, cold chills, hot flashes... I think the stress of the last two weeks is getting to me. Oh, and did i mention I called out of work and slept until 2:30 and STILL feel like ass? I'm not leaving my bed for the rest of the day.

  17. Alright boys and girls - the last two weeks have royally sucked but tomorrow starts a new week and a whole new set of challenges! Classes start tomorrow, working all week, Disney with Katie and the boys on Saturday, then moving all my boxes into my new place on Sunday... God give me strength!

  18. Alright I get it, it's 4/20, you're excited. Now STFU about it already! If you're "celebrating" then by all means please enjoy yourself and don't do anything stupid, but I don't "celebrate" and I don't care that you are, so stop posting it for the whole world to see.

  19. Anybody know where I could get a stamp collection appraised in Orlando?

  20. Casablanca and wine - superb way to end the day!

  21. Contemplating taking the munchkin to the park for a bit... Maybe when Blue is over

  22. Decisions decisions... Do i head over to my apartment and start unpacking boxes, or do I spend the day at the falls with the bestie and her crew? Hmmm...

  23. Emotionally exhausted - making dinner for munchkin and pouring myself a glass of wine. 8:00 can't come soon enough.

  24. Finally got everything out of moms and into my place, but i don't think much unpacking is getting done tonight - sooo freaking tired! Y'know what the best part of moving is? The takeout for dinner ;-)

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