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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lilee84

  1. Post-Op edible must haves: * SF Popsicles - I went through 3 boxes the first two weeks... Now I only eat them when something isn't sitting right in my sleeve * Bag of ice if your fridge doesn't have a "crushed" function * Soups (I personally couldn't do without the Campbells Chunky. I pureed them once I was out of the clear liquid stage) * Broths * Cottage cheese * Vitamin Water * Frozen fruit to puree during the puree stage, diced during mushie stage * Canned chicken * Tuna * Atkins Protein drinks * Fat free milk * Low fat cheese sticks Non-Edible Necessities: * Thermal care Patches (I got the lower back ones so I could put it around my abdomen to help with swelling)
  2. Thanks guys! I thought I had sauteed them pretty well so they were pretty mushy before I mixed in the egg but who knows. I'll try the elimination idea and see how it goes. I'll be very upset if it's the egg because I love eggs and could live off of them and chicken.
  3. Lilee84

    Acid/ Heartburn

    I just started taking OTC Zantac 150's and they work great! My MD gave me rx Pepcid but it wasn't working..
  4. My BFF and I, along with her beau, took our kids to Animal Kingdom today. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! The boys had a great time, and just for giggles I wore my pedometer. 12 freaking miles! Holy crap! And the passes we bought were 3 day passes so we get to do this two more times, without the kids though - having both the boys and them being so young was just too much to handle. So, here's a couple of pics. The self portrait is literally the night before getting sleeved. Oh, and the pants I'm wearing today are 18's, down from 24! Woohoo!
  5. Thank you! Apparently I'm loosing inches like crazy in my mid section but nowhere else. Like PP said, everyone's experience is different, but the one thing we all have in common is we totally deserve this! Keep us posted when you get your date, we're all excited for you to join us on the losers bench! Thank you! TBH I didn't think I'd be able to handle all that either so I made my friend and her BF take their car just in case I needed to leave early, but I felt great the whole time! Ya never know until you try You'll get here too, ya just gotta give it time. Yesterday was the most active I've been since getting sleeved and honestly if I hadn't just gone out and done it without over analyzing my physical state, I probably would have convinced myself I wasn't ready and spent the day piddling around the house. I think today I'm gonna strap the munchkin in his stroller and walk to the park which is about 4 miles away... We'll see how ambitious I'm feeling once he gets up from his nap
  6. Today has been full of wins for Steve the sleeve and I! Win #1 - I decided to treat myself to a birthday coffee - win! Other than the fact that I order fat free sugar free and it was whole milk and tons of sugar (I only drank about 4 sips) it didn't bother my sleeve! Winning! Win #2 - I've been having serious trouble getting my Protein and fluids in - it's no secret to anyone that has read any of my posts. So, imagine my surprise when I FINISHED my entire Atkins Protein Bar for Breakfast, then a couple hours later my entire 11oz Atkins Protein shake , and then for lunch I ate two fat free cheese sticks and 2oz of the same turkey that made me vomit last night. Win #3 - I've got my protein in for the day, and I've got about 40oz of my fluids in WITHOUT nausea! I know it doesn't sound like much, but any of you who know how much I've been struggling with all of this will understand... It's the little things! *does a happy dance while singing* Happy Birthday to me! I think I'll treat myself to a SF popsicle when I get home
  7. Haha! Those things are like freaking magic! Glad they gave you some relief!
  8. That's awesome! I'm so excited for you!
  9. I just tried to eat a few slices of turkey breast and about 5 mins later I vomited... Is it OK to drink some Water now even though it's been less than an hour since eatng? My stomach still feels queasy. Thoughts?
  10. Everything I eat is uncomfortable, everything gives me heartburn even after taking my pepcid, nothing sits right. I'm seriously done trying to eat. I can't even stand liquids at this point! There's no way I'm getting them in, I know I'm seriously dehydrated because I barely urinate and when I do it's super super dark, and I really don't want to be put back in the hospital for dehydration! I'm not regretting my sleeve but I thought for sure by now it would be easier. </end vent>
  11. OK so it's dinner time and I've only finished about 1/2 of my 1 liter, but I got a little side tracked. I had some cherry Jello for lunch and I didn't pay attention to the label - it wasn't sugar free and my body doesn't handle sugar like that well... It never has. When I eat sugar like that my blood sugar spikes and then I get super duper sleepy, so I slept from about 1-5. Now I'm drinking an Atkins vanilla shake for dinner and trying to come out of this sugary haze.
  12. Thanks ladies! I called my surgeon and they didn't seem too concerned so maybe I'm overthinking things... Either way I know I'm severely dehydrated so I'm gonna marry my 1 liter of aquafina and make it my goal to finish it by dinner time, and then refill it and finish it before bedtime. Leggoooooo!!!
  13. Lilee84

    Sweet Potatoes?

    Sweet potatoes are OK, right? I know we're not really supposed to have white potatoes, white bread or other similar starches, but what about yams?
  14. Lilee84

    Sweet Potatoes?

    Thanks! I took two bites and had to stop eating them. I'm still figuring out what I can and can't eat.
  15. From the diet you're describing it sounds to me like its probably head hunger. I would switch 32 of those 48oz of water to protein shakes and see how you feel. From what you're describing it doesn't sound like you're getting enough protein.
  16. Probably a good idea... My surgeon said no coffee period for one month, and no caffeinated tea for a month. I'm assuming it was caf?
  17. Lilee84

    Anyone Blogging Their Journey On Youtube?

    I started my vlog the night before getting sleeved.. I had a video up from last week but apparently I posted the wrong one and I can't find the correct one so I only have 3 videos so far, but I plan to post weekly. http://www.youtube.com/user/MiniBabe84?feature=mhee
  18. So far so good I guess! Doc said I need to be getting 80oz of Fluid in before my next visit in a month, and that if the only thing I can stomach right now is cottage cheese he's fine with me eating it all day long because it's a great source of Protein. He said if that's all I can eat and I can handle only eating that, then just eat cottage cheese and occasionally try to add in something else until I feel like Steve the Sleeve (I felt like he needed a name) can handle more than that. Other than that he didn't really seem concerned about my progress. The one thing I did find strange is that when I asked him what my goal is he said I didn't have one. He said that he doesn't care about the weight loss because whether I do everything right or nothing right I will lose weight. He did say though that he's more concerned with me doing things the right way because if I don't, I'll gain it all back. Also, when I told the nurse I was pureeing Soups she said that that was eating and drinking at the same time - Has anyone heard that? I had the urge to tell her she didn't know what she was talking about but I resisted. So that's that I suppose. I guess I was expecting more guidance from the Dr or something..
  19. Awww! I'm so sorry you're feeling this way! It sounds like our experiences have been pretty similar, except I can't drink any Protein shakes like at-all. Can't stomach them, never have been able to. The best advice I can give is to listen to your body. It's possible your sleeve may still be a bit inflamed and may not be ready for purees yet. I had to go back to the basics and back to liquids for a few days before starting again. When I did that I was able to actually start eating a few things, like pureed soups, cottage cheese, and fruits. I've started comparing it to when my son was first starting solid food - I had to be patient and try one thing at a time. Sometimes he would only eat one item for weeks at a time before I was able to get him to eat something new, and that was OK. Now he eats anything I put in front of him (except meat, but that's why he gets his pediasure "milkshakes.") We're kind of in that same place right now. I know it may not seem like it now, but things will get better!
  20. Congratulations on the weight loss! Sounds like you're doing great!
  21. Why is it when you see the potato chip commercials or the ice cream commercials or the fast food commercials they always cast skinny people in those roles? Skinny people don't eat that crap! And people who do eat that crap don't stay skinny for long! This is right up there on my list of pet peeves, along with the increasingly depressing selection in the plus size section. </vent over>
  22. Aaand I'm done engaging you, so if you feel the need to respond so you can feel vindicated, by all means go ahead, but I won't ne reading it. Good luck with your weight loss!
  23. Actually, you called her a bi*ch and a hoe before I got involved - just because you revised it doesn't mean the original wasn't emailed to everyone who had already posted. So please, get off your high horse and own up to your actions and stop trying to make it look like I needlessly intervened. "I had one spoon of tuna which didn't stay down. The simple fact that you pointed out you didn't eat something you were suppose to is patronising. This is a public forum but that isn't an excuse to go after people and be a judgemental B***h as if you're some how perfect. I am two weeks post-op and I have been on Clear liquids for two weeks. There is NOTHING unhealthy, addictive or hyperfocused about my wanting to eat. HUMAN BEINGS EAT TO LIVE. It is not indicative of an issue. I am fine. I want to lose 100% of my excess weight so I can eat. That is a perfectly normal resolution. I want to be able to eat a chicken sandwhich and not feel bad afterwards. It makes perfect sense. I don't want a voice in the back of my head going, "You're too big to eat this. You should be on a diet." I just want to have a normal relationship with food which is what I stated in my post. You are idiot and I'm tired of you. I know their is nothing wrong with me. I've lost 34 pounds. I've stuck very closely to my nutrition. I WAS HEALTHY even prior to my surgery. I don't eat pizza and hamburgers from fast food. I Go to restaurants and having Pho, grilled duck, roasted chicken, etc. I'm 22. I had normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, normal blood sugar (no diabetes) and very healthy heart. My problem is and has always been portion size. So i had this procedure. My weight is already coming off and I'm contemplating on what my REAL DIET will be when I start eating again. That was my post. MY best friend is a psychologist and she said to let you know that people like you make her business because you apply stupid interference to perfectly normal feelings. SHe wants you to know and obsession is something people do constantly over a period of time and in extremes. Me spending a few hours to watch food tv shows is not an obsession. Everything I feel is normal. There is 100% no need for medical intervention of any kind. So screw you hoe!"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
