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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lilee84

  1. I'm pretty sure we've all been there, done that! I tried to eat a small piece of cheese cake on my birthday, got about 4 small bites in and spent the rest of the night on the couch. I learned though! I've decided that the best way (for me at least) to approach this whole process is to treat myself like a toddler. Just like toddlers, we're going to eat things we shouldn't and do things we shouldn't, but there will be natural consequences that will teach us that those are the wrong things, and we'll learn. And just like our kids, we may have to be reminded a couple of times before we catch on, but eventually we will. This whole experience is a process of trial and error, and eventually with a lot of trials and even more errors, we'll get it and things will get much less complicated. Just hang in there, it'll get better!
  2. So curious to see the responses to this part! Only 3 more weeks until you get sleeved Jess!! Are you excited?
  3. What's the Sucralfate for?
  4. Lilee84

    No Motivation For 6 Month Sup. Diet

    I guess every insurance company and doctor have different requirements because I yo-yo'd my entire 6 months and still got approved. Mr Dr didn't have me on a diet or have me doing anything special, he basically just wanted to see me once a month, record my weight, ask me what I'd been doing in the last month, and send me on my way. I think I ended my 6 months like 5-10lbs heavier than when I started.
  5. I find myself being hyper critical of everyones eating now, but I was critical before. I'd see a skinny person stuff their face with blatantly unhealthy food and think "God, if I ate like that I'd be twice the size I am now!" I went to Animal Kingdom a few weeks ago and as I was waiting with my son for my friend to get off a ride I saw an obese mother with three obviously unhealthy children. She had 2 McDonalds bags of food she was feeding them, and when the babies finished their burgers (the eldest ate TWO) she gave them oreo Cookies... I wanted to grab the food out of their hands and hand them some of my carrot sticks!
  6. Lilee84


    I'm not saying he's wrong about any of this, but generally speaking any less than 100g/carbs is going to cause ketosis at some point. Also, I don't think 33lbs in 3 months is a loss, I just think everybody loses at different rates. I don't know about anyone else but I would find another physician if I had one that was calling me a failure after only 3 months... Hang in there girly, it will get better!
  7. Lilee84


    You're not doing anything wrong per say... Your body is ketotic and dizziness is one of the side effects. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-ketosis-side-effects.htm I know we all want to see fast results, but I think that this point we really need to stick to our physicians recommendations and just make sure we're exercising and eating right and not trying to speed up the process or boost the effects with diets or pills. The down side of a ketotic, and most other diets, is that once you begin eating normally again you will regain the weight rather quickly, and sometimes double. Once you're at goal or close to if you feel your body needs a little boost I say go for it, but right now your body is still adjusting. You're doing great, I think you just need to be a little patient. Good luck!
  8. Happy Birthday! I'm one month and 4 days out and I've lost 30lbs since surgery. Just remember that everyone loses differently and experiences different things at different times. I never stalled, but that's not to say I won't, so my progress may slow. Hang in there, you're doing great!
  9. It's bad enough when something isn't sitting right in your sleeve. It's worse when it makes you puke. It's another thing entirely when your well meaning coworker goes and tells your boss you need to go home, even after you've reassured them repeatedly you're not sick and these things sometimes happen and told them repeatedly NOT to go tell your boss. It's humiliating when your boss comes over and orders you to leave because of said puking. Seriously people?! If I say I'm fine, I'm fine! It happens, I'm not sick, it's not contagious!
  10. *Raises both hands & jumps up and down* This chick right here!
  11. I'd be interested in the 18 and under stuff if its still available. Please PM me.
  12. A) I <3 u! LOL! I didn't even make any noise when I did it, he happened to see me spin around in my chair real quick and grab the can. And when I heard him say he was going to get her I said I'm fine. Ugh! I just don't get some people
  13. I puked into my trash at my desk - I wasn't gonna make it to the bathroom.
  14. Yeah my boss is aware of the surgery - she's like a 2nd mom to me, and she's totally supportive so once I explained that I probably just ate too fast or didn't chew well enough and it got stuck and had to come up, she was fine. Of course, this was after half of my coworkers saw her storm over to my desk and tell me to leave. She felt my head to make sure I didn't have a fever and let me stay, but when I politely asked my coworker to respect my wishes and NOT tell my boss should something like this ever happen again, he said he wouldn't and that he was going to tell... WTF dude?! If I need to go home, I'll leave! But a little puking because something didn't sit right does not justify me losing $100 in pay!
  15. Lilee84

    Sitting In The Er...

    I didn't literally think she was threatening me. I know she wasn't. Thanks for the support guys, they gave me two bags of Fluid and sent me on my merry way!
  16. Waiting for my IV fluids... I knew this was coming. I love how my Drs nurse told me that if I didn't get 60oz in today I'd be here tonight. Like a threat is supposed to make it easier for me to drink.
  17. I totally agree with everyone else... I've been on solids for about a week and I really felt my restriction for the first time last night when I went out for sushi. Two pieces of sashimi minus the rice and I was done for! You'll get there, just enjoy the way things are going now, you'll be complaining soon enough
  18. So even though I'm able to eat again, I'm still having trouble getting my 80oz in so I'm going back to basics for a few days to try and correct the dehydration issues. My face is so freaking dry I look like I have eczema or something! Anyhoo, I know yogurt, popsicles, and Jello all count towards my 80oz, but what other solids do? If I can't drink my liquids I can dang sure eat 'em!
  19. Plain water makes me instantly nauseous
  20. I agree with everyone else... Your sleeve isn't ready.for so much starch. Protein first, veggies/fruit next, and if there's any room left a little bit of something else. So, this may be a silly question but, pastas and potatoes and chips other similarly unhealthy foods are what got most of us into the positions we're in, so why after we've all been given an amazing opportunity and a 2nd chance to have a different type of life, would you go back to the things that got you here in the first place? I realize it's hard, we all realize it's hard, and we're all going through the same thing, but we all just underwent MAJOR surgery because we were tired of being unhealthy and overweight and everything else that goes along being that way. We have all made conscious decisions to change our lives and our lifestyles to facilitate change. Your sleeve is a tool, not a cure, and if you aren't using your tool wisely you may as well have not even gotten it. We're all here for you, rooting for you and cheering you on, giving answers to questions you may think are silly, so please, use us! We want you to be successful! If nothing else we all have at least one thing in common, our sleeves, and that makes us like a brotherhood. Hang in there friend, we're here for you!
  21. I'm really enjoying being able to eat again! I think the whole liquid stage then puree stage then mushie stage kinda made me feel a little fragile and helpless and I really don't like that feeling. It's still a daily struggle to get all of my Protein and fluids in, but at least its getting better! My real confession is that I'm still eating and drinking at the same time. I don't mean like purposely ignoring my NUT and surgeons instructions just to be defiant, but when things go down that don't sit right, or they get stuck in my throat or go down the wrong pipe, I take a small sip of something to help settle it. My NUT said that even if that happened I wasn't supposed to drink, but I just can't allow myself to be in pain or uncomfortable like that. I'm eating slowly and chewing well, I think it's probably more psychological than anything. I'm thinking as Steve heals and starts feeling better it won't be as much of an issue...
  22. Lilee84


    I don't notice that I'm hungrier any sooner, but then I never feel hungry. There's definitely head hunger, which I not so politely tell to take a hike, but when I eat it's because a little alarm on my phone told me it's been 3-4 hours since my last meal/snack and I'm really trying to stick to my surgeons "3 meals and 2 small Snacks per day" guideline. It does indeed look like we were sleeved on the same day! How cool! We're sleeve buddies!
  23. That totally reminds me! I meant to add this to my Non-Edible Necessities. I bought two sets the other day and they are amazing! - http://www.target.com/p/Fit-Fresh-One-Cup-Container-Set-Green/-/A-13885058#?lnk=sc_qi_detailbutton
  24. Lilee84

    How Much To Eat

    I'd definitely check with your Dr, but i wouldn't worry too much about portions, you won't be able to eat much more than a couple of oz in a sitting. Take it slow, buy baby silverware so you can train your body to get used to the smaller bites, and if anything feels uncomfortable, stop eating. Try to eat a little something every 3 hours or so, and remember to sip sip sip! Good luck!
  25. Has anyone had any issues eating veggies since getting sleeved? This morning I made myself a scrambled egg with some diced green pepper and right now my sleeve feels so heavy and soooo full! Is it the egg or the green pepper? Anybody experienced this?

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