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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About BarbieB

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    Senior Member

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    West Palm Beach
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  1. BarbieB

    Ignorant People

    Wow..how rude...amen sister thanks for posting that video not only have you stood up for yourself. But for all of us who have gone through this not so easy journey ...Thank You and continued Luck with your journey.
  2. BarbieB

    Ignorant People

    Wow..how rude...amen sister thanks for posting that video not only have you stood up for yourself. But for all of us who have gone through this not so easy journey ...Thank You and continued Luck with your journey.
  3. I had my surgery with Dr.Garcia at Mi Hospital and yes he does type your blood and you get to drink after you have your cray to make sure you have no leaks..I was put on blood thinners because I have clotting issues which h he wad aware ahead of time...I'm not sure if he routine.sly does this ...
  4. They take ypy to the airport at 6 or 7 am...they will get you there in time
  5. They take ypy to the airport at 6 or 7 am...they will get you there in time
  6. He was not my either but I bought the book and its very good...I had trouble downloading it a.d he corresponded with me through email until I got the book to my kindle...what doctor in the US would spend that much time helping a stranger...very very nice man
  7. No you dont take protein powder you will be on clear liquads for first week
  8. Oh yeah cried and cussed. The the f**k did I do to myself. It gets better
  9. BarbieB

    Caught A Chest Cold

    Hi I was sleeved in Mexico in Feb. I was so sick when I got there I was afraid they wouldn't sleeve me either...the doctor said my lungs were clear and they woykx go ahead with the surgery. Then they pumped me full of antibiotics post op and I felt better real quick...just make sure you get out of bed ASAP so nothing settles in your lungs. Good luck.
  10. BarbieB

    Plane Ride Home...

    Hi I also live in Florida so I had the same distance to go as you..I would recommend flying first class on the way home you are much more comfortable..and I would not fly southwest the seats are first come first serve you dont need that stress on the way home I flew continental/united and loved it they have direct t.c. on board and it makes the trip go by faster..Good luck..
  11. pack light, follow the pre op diet without cheats I think you do much better post op..I had no pain what so ever..check the weather before you go it is really cold at night and warms in the day but I hade 2 cold days which I was out and about and was glad I bundled up. go shopping it is so much fun...If you have anything to ask specifically ask..I emailed finallyme with the questions she asked..I dont mind answering anyones questions..I remember it was not too long ago that I was in your shoes the unknown is kinda scary as well as going to a foreign counrty especially one that has gotten alot of bad press...the media sensationalizes that crap it is a completely safe place and the people there are so nice way nicer than most here in the staes..good luck and ask whatever you want..
  12. I think that guy is a dentist..
  13. no..his full name is Dr. Fernando Govea Garcia...maybe that is where you might be confused..
  14. I had alot in the beginning and mine are sporadic now too usually if I gulp too much drink. From others I have spoken to they usully stop overnight and then you dont get them again. that has not happened yet for me I hope soon ..They are not fun.

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