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Jen K

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jen K

  1. Jen K

    Whole Or Egg Whites

    I prefer egg whites. That's where the protein is, and has less calories and fat. I buy only the egg whites. I use real eggs if I'm in the mood for scrambled eggs, but lately I prefer egg white omlets with turkey sausage crumbles and cheese.
  2. I am 6months out and have lost 70.5% of my excess weight. Weight loss has slowed but I am still determined.
  3. Jen K

    Medicine Ball

    *use* pain medicine
  4. Jen K

    Medicine Ball

    It is a ball of local anasthetic that you wear like a purse and it has two leads that are under the skin of the abdomen. It allows for constant local pain meds to all the incisions. It is meant to stay on for the first 4-5 days. It was wondeful! I only had to for pain medicine once after coming home.
  5. Jen K

    Medicine Ball

    I had one too. My surgery was on a Wedensday and I removes the ball in Saturday. There was still medicine in it but I was reacting terribly to the latex bandages holding the tubes down and couldn't take the itchiness anymore. I was a bit shocked by the length of tubing I pulled out of my abdomen. I sure am thankful I had it though.
  6. It is hard to believe that today I am 16 weeks post op and that I am actually posting under "Success Stories"! As of this morning I have lost 69 lbs and am officially in ONEDERLAND!!! To make things better, I slipped on for the first time in 20 years a pair of size 14 pants!!! I was fortunate to have had a quick, uneventful recovery. Weight dropped off quickly at first, but really has slowed down this past month and I am ok with that. As I was giving my youngest a piggy back ride around the house the other day, I had the realization that I have lost her in weight. I also thought "How did I carry this much weight around all day, every day? No wonder I never had energy". So glad i did this for me!!!
  7. Let me start by saying welcome. You sound like a woman who knows what she wants. I agree with the above post, we are our worst critics. You are a beautiful woman and I hope one day soon you will feel that way too! Best of luck in your insurance obstacle. :-)
  8. Stay strong. You can do this. I am 36 too, almost 4 months post op, down 68 lbs and couldn't be happier. My skin is a little loose in my upper arms and lower tummy. I am working on toning things up. Don't let the fear of loose skin keep you from being the healthy woman you know you can be! Best of Luck!
  9. Jen K

    Just Curious...?

    I think it depends on where your weight is distributed. Upper body, lower body, all over - My heaviest was 268 and I too was a size 20.
  10. Jen K

    Can't Figure It Out...

    Low for you may be in the 90's and that is why you are having hypo symptoms. I have a nondiabetic daughter who experiences hypoglygemic symptoms when her bs is in a "normal" range. I would talk to your endocrinologist about your symptoms and what your bs levels are when they occur. Good Lucke!
  11. I am so sorry for you loss. Don't loose hope. My first two pregnacies ended in miscarriage and ultimately D&C's. After the second miscarriage I became pregnant the next month and went on to deliver a beautiful daughter. Don't loose faith and try to stay strong. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hugs.
  12. Jen K

    O.k I Just Gotta Ask!

    When you feel comfortable. That was my doctor's response. I think we waited about a week and a half. Missionary may not be the best position at first because of the added pressure on your abdomin. Just be careful.
  13. Jen K

    16 Week Stall?

    I am 13 weeks out from surgery and have hit my first stall. I kit keep reminding myself that this too shall pass. Keep your chin up. :-)
  14. I was sleeved on 4/11. I am sown 60 lbs including 2 week liquid pre-op. I have hit my first stall, trying to shake things up and get this weight loss to start again...in time. :-)
  15. Jen K

    Monkey Butt Powder

    Anti monkey butt is the best powder ever!!! I ordered mine from amazon. Great for the kids while camping. Really helped prevent heat rash. I ordered the ladies, its in a link bottle.
  16. How are things going today? I hope a little better. Keep us updated.
  17. Oh Condessa I am so sorry to see your having problems. I hope this passes soon. Make sure they check your tummy upright and laying down during the upper GI. Somwone on here had one that was only seen in one position. Good Luck tomorrow. Keep us posted. Lots of prayers for you. Big Hugs!
  18. Jen K

    Was This A Mistake?

    Hang in there Condessa. Talk to your doc about the worsening depression symptoms. As for the vomiting, see what the surgeon has to say about that and the pain to touch. Keep us posted and keep your chin up.
  19. Jen K

    Taking Time Off Work?

    I was sleeved on the 11th and returned to work today. I really probably could have gone back after a week, but I figured to pamper myself a little. I hated hearing that alarm this morning. No problems at work today just a bit more tired than I had been at this time of day last week. I guess that's why its called work.
  20. Jen K

    Unsure About This Surgery?

    Great blog! I couldn't agree with you more. Safe travels!
  21. I didn't quit coffee pre op. My last cup was the day before surgery. I figured if I got a headache post op I would be on pain meds that would take care of it. I have had some decaf since surgery, but I am sure I will miss my caffeine tomorrow when I return to work!!!
  22. Jen K

    Unhappy With Life

    I have to agree with BKMama. Sounds like maybe the two of you need to reconnect. Official Date nights are a fantastic way to reconnect. My hubby and I have tried numerous times to implement a monthly date date (have 4 kiddos so any more frequent is impossible). We take turns planning it so that way we each get to do stuff we like and introduce new things to our spouse. For example, if I am planning date night and want to go to the theater to see a play then that's what we do - no griping. When he plans and wants to go to a ball game, well we do that. We may not always like the same things as our significant others, but there is no reason we can't be exposed to it and enjoy the time together. As for taking a class that costs money, well if it is something you want and can afford I don't see why you couldn't. Self enrichment and growth is part of life and just because hubby doesn't see the importance, you do. And I believe you said you have a job.... Good Luck with everything!
  23. Hoping you are doing ok. Maybe even a little better today? Keeping you in my prayers!
  24. I was on the 11th too! I have been very lucky - really no pain and not having too much trouble getting in fluids and Protein. I am still on liquids, but am able to get all my protein in two shakes (Premier Protein, 30g protein each). Thanks for the smoothie recipe - sounds good. Focus on getting your liquids in, you don't want to end up dehydrated. The protein will come when your sleeve is ready - you are still early out and your sleeve still may be swollen. Good Luck - it will get easier.
  25. Jen K


    Fantastic job Mr_Worm! That must be an awesome feeling, enjoy it!!!

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