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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by blackanese25

  1. feeling good... livin and lovin life!

  2. blackanese25

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    lol... oh no i love my man way to much to venture out! but yea he isn't complaining one bit about my sex drive..lol
  3. blackanese25

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Congrats!!!! you are embarking on one amazing journey!
  4. getting back on track!

  5. just a big thank you to everyone... i feel terrific which is more than i can say for a few months ago.. And I am getting back into my habit of working out.. I think i just went so hard right after surgery that my body said its time for a break.. so now that im getting better with a balancing act of work out and rest i think this time around will be much better... Ssilian- I can honestly say this was the best decision of my life so I am glad that i can be an inspiration to someone.. I know that you will not regret making this for yourself. 100%- congrats on your numbers as well.. its so weird thinkinng that we were carrying basically a small child on our backs ... its just nuts sometimes. but im sure your results are amazing too.. just feels good doesn't it? Hopefully I will have a much better blog next week and I can stick to my regimen. Again thank you all!!!
  6. Ok so i wrote this huge long blog and then my computer decided it wanted to do an update and restart its self so i lost everything.. im not gonna rewrite it all again so ill just paraphrase... HW:265 CW:170 GW:150 5'7'' The past 3 weeks ive been slacking big time.. my mind and body just needed a break. But im back in the game now..Im only 20 lbs from goal and in 2 days ill be at my 5 month mark. To be honest i think my goal should be around 160 cuz i feel like im too skinny already, but whatever. Guess ill just see what happens in the next month. I haven't had health insurance since 2 months post op so i never even got to go in and see my NUT or get updates in progress to my doctor. Ive done all this on my own and I think ive done well so far. Anyways, im gonna post pictures from day one until last night... Im actually kind of wondering where 20 more lbs are gonna come from..lol. but i want to seriously start doing weight lifting so i can tone up and get more muscle. BRINGING THE HEAT.. GONNA HAVE A BETTER, HEALTHIER LIFE! me just before surgery one month post op 2 months post op 3 months post op/ little black dress day 4 months post op taken yesterday 05-09-12 taken yesterday
  7. Ok so ill be out 5 months in 2 more days.. and here is my question... Why is it right after i eat a meal, I get hot.. i mean really hot.. like menopausal hot flash hot! It doesn't happen every time.. ive noticed when i eat a little fast or eat to much is when it really happens to the point where i just start sweating uncontrollably.... ANY INFO U HAVE IS HELPFUL.
  8. blackanese25

    Veterans I Need Your Assistance....

    i will pay attention.. i haven't really thought of somethig like that so ill have to wait and see when it happens.. but thanks for the tip.
  9. blackanese25

    Goofy Grin

    lookin good!!!!
  10. 5'7'' HW:265 DoS: 238.1 CW:176.3 GW: 150 Well, here I am 4 months out of surgery I am down 61 lbs...and my sex drive is thru the roof..lol. Im loving life!!!!!! Im gonna keep this blog pretty short since i just wrote my last blog a few days ago.. but here's where im at.. Im actually kind of tired lately.. And i dont know if its because im not eating enough food, or because my libido is keeping me pretty busy..lmao! But either way, this week i just seem to be dragging! I am still trying to keep up my workouts and my cardio, but even my cardio is seems to be gettin more difficult to do. Now I run 6 miles once a week and run a 5k at least 3 times a week. When i went to the gym the other day...I barely finished my 5k. So i think this coming week i REALLY need to pay attention to my nutritional needs better. Well im not gonna post pics this time since i just did it and well i have no changes that i can tell.. seeing as how my weight also hasn't changed. Gotta love mini stalls. oh well.. ill get over this hump soon.
  11. blackanese25

    Week 18- Exhaustion Is Finally Kicking In

    im definitely staying hydrated water is really all i drink.. and btw i apologize for such a late response.. which is also why i havent blogged in 3 weeks.. the exhaustion thing really wore me out but im back in full swing now.. and im realizing that i just need to slow down a bit.. ive been goin full speed for 5 months and my body just finally said.... we are takin a break. so now im just gonna be more mindful about resting a few days out of the week so i dont burn myself out again!
  12. blackanese25

    Morning Wood

  13. blackanese25

    Morning Wood

  14. blackanese25

    Morning Wood

  15. blackanese25

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Welcome to the vst!!!!!
  16. blackanese25

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    I know its been A while since I've been on here....but I just had to say I love my vst family u guys crack me up!!! On another note....thank gawd I have a boyfriend cuz I'm one big ole raging hormone...I can I just say I'm starting to understand how people are getting prego a few months out of surgery....hell we r doin it like rabbits lol no wonder everyone is having babies..Lmao!!!!!
  17. So I have been so outrageously busy lately.. I completely forgot to blog this past monday.. So here goes. 5'7'' HW: 265 DoS: 238.1 CW: 176.5 GW: 150 I FEEL AMAZING!!!!! I am still sick unfortunately, but Im still hitting the gym and running as much as possible. I have slowed my gym time down, mainly because im trying to get better, but I don't wanna completely stop hitting the gym. Anyways, I was stuck for a week bouncing between 179-182 but finally broke that a few days ago and have now been stuck at 176-177 for a few days..lol.. oh well.. Im not really trying to complain about it because its not really a stall, just need to get on a set work out schedule. However, the lbs are still comin off and its only been 4 months to the day since surgery! So i think im doin really well. Right now I have a lot going on in my life, My band, my 2 jobs, hitting the gym, and actually looking for another job so i can quit the other two..lol. but im still finding time to take care of myself as much as possible. I do sometimes feel like there is not enough time in the day to do everything, but its a balancing act right? And with this new found body of mine, trying to have a normal life and deal with guys....lol well thats just a riot! Mainly, I just wanted to let everyone know that life can be good, work the sleeve.. have the confidence that we all deserve. But mostly, LOVE YOURSELF... I am realizing that the more confidence I have in myself.. the more confidence other people have in me! And it feels damn good! And can i just say its really showing cuz I just got asked to be in a fashion show as a runway model..he he he.. WHO WOULDA EVER THOUGHT THAT WOULD HAPPEN?!?!?!?! anyways... leaving you with updated pics.. and much love!
  18. ok it wasn't till after I wrote the topic I realized that's not what I meant...lol...but it was to funny to change. Ok so my question and ladies I'm serious about this. Why am I so freakin horny?! Lol ok but seriously I am going to go stir crazy...so what I lose a little weight and now all of a sudden I'm a sex addict....only heres the problem...I'm not gonna go sleep around. So now I'm just walking around all day like a guy! (Sorry fellas if any of u are reading that) lol but seriously what is goin on?!?!?!?!?!
  19. blackanese25

    Sex?!?!?!?! Omg Someone Help Me?!

    Don't feel Gyped yet!!! It took me till now to be this raging hormone walking girl!! lol Im 4 months out... so trust me you will get there!
  20. blackanese25

    Sex?!?!?!?! Omg Someone Help Me?!

    Its soo funny to me how weight changes sooooo many things.. no knee pain, no back pain, extra high labido.. im beginning to understand how people wind up pregnant early on after their surgery.. im takin extra precautions! lol..
  21. blackanese25

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    glad to know im not the only one.. and like i said not really complaining about the sex.. but it just seems odd that i feel like a 18 year old guy! lol
  22. blackanese25

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    See the only problem i can think of is that my dumbass would forget that i plugged the thing in.. and then invite company over... i can see it now... UM... ANG... UR THUNDER STICK 2000 ..u know the one that you got in RACE CAR RED...its fully charged... AND WINKING AT ME!! lolololol
  23. So ok.. when i was 14 i could get into clubs and what not cuz for whatever reason i guess i looked older than i should have... MUST HAVE BEEN THE GINORMOUS BOOBS...lol.. ok im only half kidding about that.... anyways..Since ive turned 21 I think ive only been carded 5 times.. and when i gained my weight in the past 4 years i was NEVER carded ...im now 28... and after losing 60 lbs.. I get carded every where I go!!!!! LMAO....and last week. I got carded buying cough syrup!!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I apparently went from looking 30 to lookin 15 in a matter of 4 months..lol. Now i don't know if that counts as an NSV or not but it does kind of make me happy! so you guys tell me.. do i look that young?? cuz i just dont see it.

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