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Aero Train

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. So far I like Premier Protein from Costco... I got the chocolate flavor. I like it as is but I also tried it blended with a 1 cup of ice and 1 tsp of instant coffee mix. It was yummy. I need to try decaf coffee for after surgery.
  2. Count me in, just got my date of June 12th. I have pre-admission testing on May 31st.
  3. Hi All, I was just approved today! I never expected this, the program I'm going thru prepared me for the worst so I wasn't expecting this wonderful turn of events... but now I am scared, nervous and excited... Who do I tell, who will I ask to take me/pick me up, what will I tell work, how long will I need to be off work, etc... So excited but nervous about the details! I think I'm prepared for post-op, I've done my research, read the forums, etc... just nervous about the planning now that it's a reality! Next step is talking to the scheduler to determine the timeframe.
  4. Thanks all for the understanding, encouragement & suggestions! I was feeling really discouraged yesterday but I knew I could count on you guys to pull me thru. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it thru this and get to a healhier place. I went to Costco and the grocery store today and stocked up on protein drinks, Lean Cuisine dinners and quite a few veggie options to supplement the Lean Cuisine dinners.
  5. Hi All, I'm frustrated and could use your help.... I met with a dietician on 12/30 before the 3-mos required interdisciplinary program, weighing 260#.... started the 3-mos program several weeks later at 265#.... Have learned a lot during the program and made a lot of progress with eating better and more exercise but finished the 3 months at 264. While I didn't lose weight from the original meeting, I didn't gain weight during the program, I exercised more, was shopping, packing Breakfast & lunch, was cooking more at home... Made lots of progress but still struggling with portion control & hunger at night. BUT, since I didn't lose, the program I am with won't submit to insurance even though they never told me I had to lose x amount of weight. I was told this was a program to prepare me for life after surgery so I focused on things that would help me in the long term... Drinking more Water, eating more Protein, exercise, not drinking with meals, taking my Vitamins, chewing thoroughly, reading the VST forums regularly, etc.... Maybe I didn't lose weight but I made significant progress. I'm disappointed that they don't see that. Now they have said i have to continue to the 6-mos program before they will submit to insurance. My next appt is May 11th and my 6mos appt is June 8th. I need your help & encouragement to do what it takes to lose weight before those final appts to show them I'm serious so they will submit to insurance. I've thought about exploring self-pay or starting over with another program but want to give it one more try. I am serious, this is hard but I've tried everything else and feel that surgery is my best option. If insurance would deny me, I'd do what it takes to get approval, I just feel like I'm being held hostage by the program because they won't submit my request. I'm sorry I just needed to vent. If there is anyone else who has to lose before they will take you seriously, I'd love the opportunity to support each other to reach our goals.
  6. It helps tons! You are so brave and I admire that you hung in there until things started to turn around! This site is an awesome resource because of people like you that share. Thank you so much!
  7. Melissa, That is a great idea. I will call my patient advocate tomorrow. This is not a decision that I have made lightly and I am not looking for a fast track to surgery, I just want a supportive, positive process... maybe that is the optimist in me. Did you do the physician supervised program? I was told that would be 6mos vs 3mos with the interdisciplinary plan ( dietician, pyschologist, exercise specialist <can't think of the right term> ). How have you been feeling since surgery? Have you been planning this for awhile? Grace
  8. Hi All, I have been lurking here for awhile but today is the first time I'm posting. I started thinking about WLS surgery last summer, I officially started the process last fall. I have everything in order except for my psych eval and the 3mos interdisciplinary program required by my insurance (Aetna). I am 47 years young and have been 100+ lbs overweight most of my adult life. I have been successful losing weight but not in keeping it off. I have struggled and have come to a point where I need to make a change. I'm sure a lot of you relate to the process of becoming ready. My problem is that I'm totally frustrated in the program that I have enrolled in to satisfy the insurance requirement. I am in week 3 of the 12 week program. After changing everything I am doing over the last 3-4 weeks... eating better, planning meals & exercise, shopping, cooking, finding alternatives to handle stress ( which I have a lot of right now), all I seem to get is negative feedback from the dietician that a week ago seemed pro-baby steps and making small, permanent changes. This is not an easy process but I am doing astronomically better than I was. I want to quit the program and start over with a 6-mos program with my PCP who is incredibly supportive or going self pay. I need your support/advice... am I over-reacting? Should I just do what I have to to get through the next 9 weeks or should I seek out a more supportive route regardless of the financial implications? I am at my wits end but I totally respect your opinions. Thanks for listening!

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