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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by janetrupp

  1. I just wanted to add my personal experience with the Tijuana, MX sleeve surgery.

    I had my sleeve done in Sept 2011 and had such a wonderful experience that I took my husband down to have it done in January 2012. Since then I just got back from taking my sister to have the surgery.

    Everyone of the experiences has been great.

    We stayed at Mi Doctor Hospital and Dr Garcia did the surgery. From the time of the coordinator, which was alma with Ready 4 a Change til the time we got home we had no problems at all.

    Samuel will pick you up at the San Diego airport and transfer you to the hotel (5 star Marriott was ours) for one night. You are then shuttled to the hospital the next morning for a 2 night stay. Hospital is very clean and everyone efficient. You then will be transported back to the hotel for a 2 night stay. Samuel will then take you to the airport for your flight home.

    Never met a group of nicer and more efficient people.

    The hospital room had two beds so I may rest also while travelling with my husband and sister.

    For $5000 total you can't beat the price and the care was outstanding. No red tape like up here in the states.

    Since I have been down there 3 times I have seen quite a lot. Hope this helps some of you that needs the surgery but is a little hesitant with Mexico. Never felt unsafe at all and they will do all they can to make you happy. Wonderful group of people and very skillful.


  2. What is the longest time you have gone without losing since your sleeve?

    I am getting so frustrated. I know these stalls are doomed to happen but I would like to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I have been at the same weight for just about one month. Granted I was doing pretty good up until then. It has been 7 mos and I have lost 78 lbs. I was losing at at rate of 2 lbs per week so I thought I would double the exercises to try to get it off faster (have a cruise coming up). Well it stopped. Makes no sense. Eat the same which is very little, exercise more and lose less.

    Inches are not playing a big part also. Not much lost there also.

    My diet example is:

    Breakfast - Atkins Protein Drink

    lunch - Soup or shrimp

    dinner - Fish or Shrimp, chicken salad or soup

    snack - Greek yogurt with almond butter, or Protein Bars

    I also have a whey Protein shot every day.

    Is anyone out there having the same problem or is it just me???? I know I need to work on patience but it does get frustating.

    Thanks for listening


  3. My husband went with me and stayed in the hospital with me. They had a place for him to sleep in my room also. I really appreciated the moral support of him being there.

    I brought a DVD player and some movie DVD's so he could watch movies if I was sleeping. The time went fast. He is going in for his surgery Jan 26 and I will be with him every step of the way also. It just was nice that he was there and since he was in my room all the time except when he went to eat he was able to notify the nurses and Dr's when I had problems.

    That being said there was several women and men there without their spouses and did fine.


  4. I know this has been discussed several times but I am getting so frustrated that I need to ask you good people.

    I was sleeved Sept 16 which puts me at 2 months post-op. In the beginning I was losing great now....is another story. I have tried everything to make the scale move faster and I might get it to move maybe one pound a week.

    I know alot of you have said you have to eat more calories. I have tried that and gained a pound. And it was hard. I get full very easy and I am just not hungry.

    Example day: Breakfast - Atkins shake

    lunch - either Atkins meal bar or Soup or chicken or turkey

    dinner - small spinach salad and shrimp

    snack - Atkins Protein Bar or greek yogurt

    of course I change it up but that is an example.

    I feel I just can't eat anymore than that and to not see the scale more much gets very hurtful..

    Since surgery I have lost 47 lbs but I look at some of you and at this time most of you have lost alot more. Is this just normal for some people or will someday I wake up and magic it will start to come off?

    I guess I just needed to vent a little....just feeling sorry for myself.

    Any suggestions????? I'll try it.

    Thanks bunches, Janet

  5. Okay, Here I go again...6 weeks post-op as of this Friday and I feel okay EXCEPT... if I stand for too long of periods of time I get a pain in the center of my back and then my abdomin feels strained. If I am making dinner for my husband I might have to sit fo a couple of minutes every so often just to relieve the pain.

    Is this another phase I have to go through or am I doing something wrong? Any of you go thru this??? UGH


  6. Don't get me wrong I am happy and proud of everyone here but after 4 weeks post-op..I can't eat much at all. If I make a few spoonfuls of oatmeal, pudding or yogurt, after a couple of bites I will feel sick if I eat more. If I have an Atkins drink, it takes me all morning to drink it. I drink the Water but still feel listless. I wake up every morning at 4am (don't ask me why) Then I will probably fall asleep from 8:30 to 11:30 am. I went las week (for the whole week) with some of the worse gas pains which have now stopped. If I stand for too long in one spot I get real bad backache (I thought this might be from sitting alot this past 4 weeks).

    I just see everyone on here getting through this all faster and without as much trouble as I. I guess I just want to know if anyone out there has been in the same boat as me? Is this just another phase? Or am I doing something wrong?

    My surger was Sept 16, I am 58 yrs old and did have some complications at surgery with my thyroid but nothing major.

    I have lost 33 lbs so far ( yeah) but of course, I'm not eating much.

    Thanks as always for your input....You guys are a lifesaver


  7. I will be 3 weeks post-op this Friday and for the last 3 days I have unbearable gas pains. Sometimes so harsh it makes it hard to stand from a sitting position.

    Is this normal ? And how can I relieve myself? I have tried drinking all the Water I can get (usually60-70 oz per day), walking all the time around our island kitchen ( since I have too much discomfort to go out), Apple juice, maalox and gasX.

    So far just a little relief but not much. I'm not eating much, usually a little Peanut Butter since the discomfort.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Plus I guess I want to know if this too will pass...

    Thanks, Janet

  8. First let me say Thank You for all your prayers. My surgery was Friday 9/16. Here is my story and I'm sticking to it.

    First I am still very sore and still alot of gas. My surgery had a few complications. I have a hypo-Thyroid so this played a little issue with the surgery but not bad. Then they discovered that I was bleeding under the skin and had to put a drain and bag on. I only say this so everyone knows that not every surgery is perfect. That being said I do have to say that outside of the complications it really was a wonderful experience.

    The people from Belite were there with me all the time. They were great and compassionate and honestly caring. JoAnne from Belite was actually there and when she came to see me after my surgery, she immediately ran to the Dr's and told them that I did not look well. I had every Dr and nurse in my room. I tried to get up severval times after surgery to walk to relieve the gas but as I sat on the end of the bed I fell back and passed out. They were there to fix the situation and since I had to stay in bed...no walking,,,hence a slower recovery.

    Belite was there to pick me up, transfer me to the hospital in Tijuana for pre-op then take me to the hotel for the night. We met with the surgery team that night at the hotel and they answered every question we had.

    INT hospital is one of the cleanest hospitals I have ever seen and I was a little hesitant of going to Tijuana. We felt very safe. I actually felt more safe there then in some of the US cities. And we were full-time RV'ers for 10 years so I have seen alot of cities. Dr Rodriguez and his surgical team were the tops in their field. We are now thinking of going back in a few months for my husband and will not hesitate to use Belite and Dr Rodriguez.

    Any questions I haven't covered pleas ask. Everyone else that had their surgery done the same day as me had no problems. I think my problems were a result of a combination of a 58 yr old women 5'0 245 lbs and with a Hypo-Thyroid problem.

    I really can't say enough good about, INT Hospital, Dr Rodriguez and his team, and all my new friends at Belite....Thank you especially JoAnne, Jamie, Amy, and Alberta (driver)

    Good Luck to all approaching their surgery and my prayers will be with you all.


  9. Lovey, So glad all went well for you. I said my prayers. Thank you for the well wishes. My husband and I go tomorrow down to San Diego (from AZ) and the driver takes us to the hotel in TJ for the night. My surgery is Friday. Mixed emotions which I'm sure everyone here has had. I can't wait to get my life back but also since I usually just go to the hospital to visit others, I'm a little nervous. I appreciate this forum more than I can say. I do have my wonderful husband for support but you all have been wonderful also.

    Feel better soon Lovey.....I'm thinking and praying for you

    Hi Janet. My surgery was a success. The day after was rough. They did a xray and fortuntely, there were no leaks. Just swelling. Had some nausea throughout the day. Today is better. Each day gets better. I should be going home today. I'm drinking my liquids and I'm off the iv. I'm now taking the pain medicine orally.

    Good luck to you on Friday. You will do great. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  10. My surgery is for Friday since it is in Mexico, my husband and I go down Thurs. Whole lotta excitement and nerves going on. I am so excited to finally be making the first step into having a normal life. I must say this company "Belite Weight" has been wonderful and very helpful. They will transport us from San Diego to the Hotel for Thursday night. Then transport us to the Hospital for Friday surgery and Sunday transport us again back to San Diego. The hospital is even set up with a bed for my husband. I am really impressed so far.... The patient facilitator at Belite (Amy) is wonderful and answers all my questions no matter how stupid they seem. And I have had some stupid ones!

    I am so glad I found this website! All of you here have really been great dishing out the moral support. I can't thank you enough!. Please keep me in your prayers for Friday and the days to come. I will keep you posted when I get home. My prayers go out to all of you new friends going thru this adventure along with me.


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