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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Aussiegirl

  1. Hi Everyone,

    An old timer returning for a visit. And thought I would share my story with the newbies, so good to see new people supporting each other. I know this site and the people on it helped me massively in the first few years.

    I am now almost 3 years out from my sleeve surgery. I consider myself a success story. I am maintaining my weight, have been through 2 plastic surgeries and am booked for another one (in Oct, the research for this brings me back here for a bit).

    My life has changed significantly, I am more confident in myself, in front of people, are having more success in my role. I am now dating a great guy who thinks I am amazing and loves me for who I am. He knows my past, and doesn't see anything wrong with even how I looked before (I do tho.. obviously). My nephews don't even recognise old pictures of me, they will never know the old me, I run around with them. I exercise, not as excessively as I originally did but still regularly.

    I eat pretty well, most people don't recognise I had the surgery. Breakfast and lunch is pretty similar to most people, can eat yoghurt and Cereal for breaksfast and a sandwich at lunch (normal size one). I find the main meals are where people will notice the quantity I eat, but rarely. I can eat around 100gms of meat and then some veg and carbs etc.

    I have recovered from my first round of plastics (extended Tummy Tuck and arm lift), had a bit of a shocker of a recovery, and experienced one of the associated risks. But am getting ready for a 3rd surgery for a fluer de lis tummy tuck to remove more additional skin. This will finish my journey.

    I have put back on some weight, around 5kgs. I am okay with that as a fair bit of that has gone back in my breasts, which don't feel like pancakes as much now and a bit more on my face, which I felt got a bit gaunt. I currently sit between a size 10/12 (pants) and size 12/14 top (mainly cause of my boobs and generally wide shoulders).

    Life has its ups and downs but now I feel a bit more comfortable in myself in handling them.

    A new profile picture has been updated

  2. OK Kelli and everyone that wants to join us. Let's lock in the Monday 10th or Tuesday 11th Feb. Either suits me and I have no problem travelling into the city - as I will be working during the day, I though dinner and drinks somewhere? Please let me know what suits everyone and who would like to join us. I was thinking dinner somewhere in the city - The Rocks or Darling Harbour area?. I hope you can make it Aussie girl?

    I am in. Somewhere around the Rocks would be great. I am looking forward to meeting you all.

    I am definitely in (providing my work doesn't send me off on a last minute trip to hell aka Melbourne, happened way too many times end of last year).

    If we go to the Rocks we should go to the Glenmore, it is at the top of the rocks with a rooftop bar with views over the Harbour. My favourite place at the rocks, and on a Mon/Tues there should be space.

  3. Hi Aussiegirl! So good to hear from you!! You are so determined and self disciplined I know you will drop those 5kg in no time. Are you happy with your plastic surgery? Any tips for us?

    Happy New Year Everyone!!

    I have not been back here in a while but still see all your updates come through to my phone.

    Good to see some more newbies come in and the "oldies" still around :)

    Everyone is looking and doing amazing.

    I admit to having lost my way for a little bit. After the prolonged recovery from the plastic surgery (where no exercise was allowed), quickly followed or concurrently with a very stressful period of work (travelling constantly/demanding clients/long long long long hours) and then overseas trip and Christmas (read alcohol period) I admit to having lost my way for a bit, and found I have put on 5 kgs from the lowest I have been. Strangely tho I dont look like I have (but go figure).

    So much for getting off the weight rollercoaster, i think for me it is life balancing act. I am back into it and back to trying to get into 2 work outs a day (a kick starter so to speak), as I know how hard I still have to work, but 5kgs is better than 75kgs. And now I do know that I can do it, through eatting better and exercising more (besides I do feel better emotionally when I am exercising) and I have two 5km runs to get ready for at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb.

    I hope everyone is well.

    Thanks Lessismore :)

    The plastic journey so to speak is very different. Mine was made much harder due to complications with the surgery (which almost cost me my life but thankfully did not). It is definitely not something to under take lightly.

    But in the end result (now 4 months afterwards) I am fairly happy with the result, I would have liked to have seen some more skin removed as I still have some over hang and also have a recurring issue with numbness and pain in my arm from the arm reduction.

    There are days when I am like, really there isnt much difference but I was looking at photos that I took just prior and the difference is significant, need a reality check sometimes eh. But shopping is definitely much more fun, my last trip to the US I went on a dress shoppng spree (like 13 dresses and most of them tight fitting) and I feel good in them.

    Ditdee, as everyone has said the 3 week mark is notorious for being a stall period where you may not loose weight and may gain weight, it is just your body reajusting. Just keep working it and eatting smart and the weight loss will return

  4. Happy New Year Everyone!!

    I have not been back here in a while but still see all your updates come through to my phone.

    Good to see some more newbies come in and the "oldies" still around :)

    Everyone is looking and doing amazing.

    I admit to having lost my way for a little bit. After the prolonged recovery from the plastic surgery (where no exercise was allowed), quickly followed or concurrently with a very stressful period of work (travelling constantly/demanding clients/long long long long hours) and then overseas trip and Christmas (read alcohol period) I admit to having lost my way for a bit, and found I have put on 5 kgs from the lowest I have been. Strangely tho I dont look like I have (but go figure).

    So much for getting off the weight rollercoaster, i think for me it is life balancing act. I am back into it and back to trying to get into 2 work outs a day (a kick starter so to speak), as I know how hard I still have to work, but 5kgs is better than 75kgs. And now I do know that I can do it, through eatting better and exercising more (besides I do feel better emotionally when I am exercising) and I have two 5km runs to get ready for at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb.

    I hope everyone is well.

  5. Checking in from Newcastle. We are going to check out the cathedral and climb to the top to get a good view, then check out the museum. We already explored the historic section of the CBD yesterday. We are also going to take a very cold dip in the Newcastle Ocean Pool.

    This afternoon we will be in Sydney for the next four days. We will be staying in half a house that the owners made available on AirBNB and we will be convenient to the CBD via public transit. It will be cheaper and better than staying at a hotel. We prefer living like locals when we can. I got my run in yesterday in Port Macquarie. 7km along the Water. It was gorgeous. I'm proud of myself for continuing my running regime. Eating is going well too. My restriction is good so I don't even feel like I have to make perfect choices. Between not eating much and so much walking and running I bet I will drop several kilos over the next three weeks on the road!

    Hey Misty, I work in the city, so if you would like to catch up let me know..would be good to meet you if you have time in Sydney

  6. ok - sounds like Monday 11th November in the evening in the city is the easiest so far - There are heaps of bars and restaurants in the darling harbour, cockle bay and king street wharf area - maybe we could meet at Critini's at Darling harbour and then deside if we stay there or go somewhere else?

    Have a drink (or 2 for me). I will have a Margarita in Vegas for you all. Wish I could have been there :(

    I am sure Sue will give you a great tour of my home lol

  7. Yep- got email confirmation today :) I will arrive on Saturday 9th of November and leave on Wednesday 13th.

    Can any Sydney Sleevers meet during that period? I am staying at Parramatta and I don't know Sydney all that well so where ever we meet will have to be easy to find :)

    Can't wait to meet up with you guys!!

    Mother F'er....sorry I dont swear often but this is annoying. I will be in Vegas that weekend before a conference for work. I would have loved to have met you!! GRRRRRrr

    Skudbidz ..All the best I hope that the surgery goes well.

  8. 5. Very inspiring story and amazing to see your pictures.

    Thanks Kelli and Lissa :)

    It was great to see your pics from the weekend, looks like fun. And you all look amazing!!!

    Catching up after a hectic long weekend, I am so exhausted I can only imagine how pre-sleeve me would have handled the weekend.

    Lissa, any dates for when you will be in Sydney?

  9. After reading this it made me stop and think about wether I will ever be that confident to do the same as you did? I guess I'll ask myself the same question after 70kg ha ha

    You dont know what the new confident you can do. Not sure it was confidences but I did feel at ease with it, putting rumours to rest etc.

    You can see all the changes people make when we feel better about ourselves

  10. Also wanted to add, we all feel differently about telling ppl or not. I chose to tell a few people, some ppl assumed I was getting banded, as that is pretty accepted nowadays. I told people that supported me and knew my story, that at 150 kgs I had tried and failed so many times.

    People often have different reactions, some out of fear for you or jealousy or any number of other reasons.

    At any point you have to trust you are doing the right thing for you. Anything anyone says after that is just words.

    Last year I officially outed myself, and had such a supportive reaction, of course at that stage I had lost 70 kgs and was living a healthy full life. But this I knew when I made the decision to had the sleeve.

    Outing myself so to speak put to rest a lot of rumours, only you will know when and even if it should be done.

  11. Hi all,

    So good to see more people safely on the flip side.

    Donna, you are doing great and definitely the first week post op is the hardest post op.

    Bec, I can't see the pics but that is a great loss. You should be so proud.

    I wish I could be there on the 5 th...damn! Hope you all have fun and there will be pictures :) can't wait to hear the stories.

    Sorry I have been AWOL for a few days, had a bit of a hiccup with the plastics surgery and have an infection in my wound, spent a couple of days in bed with fevers and sweats but am on the way back now.

  12. Welcome All!!

    Yes, the hair loss is annoying. But as Lissa and Kelli have said it does grow back. And yes get to a hairdresser they can help you get a hairstyle around it as well.

    Misty and Lissa, you guys are doing great with the 5kgs challenge.

    Lissa, I know how hard it is to give up the "weight loss: journey and what do you do when you get there. I started to focus more on physical goals, running further, lifting more, toning as opposed to a number. Cause even when we get to where we want to be we always want more eh lol

    BTW K8ee, love your new profile shot you look great.

  13. I am waiting at Holy Spirit Hospital Chermside for my friend who has gone into surgery to have a sleeve done. I hope all goes smoothly as I feel a bit responsible for inspiring her to make this decision. I can't wait to see her changing. She started at about 130kg and lost 5kg during opti pre op phase.

    Kelli, hoping your friends surgery goes great and she recovers quickly :)

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