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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Aussiegirl

  1. Welcome to VST! Like many have said, the pre-op diet was difficult for me. But in all honesty it was all the indecision and fear that lead up to the surgery that was the worst for me. On the back end, I am not even sure what I was so afraid of, but I had a lot of fear of this post-op life, couldnt imagine the change, fear of lossing my crutch (food). I wish you luck with your decision./
  2. Aussiegirl

    9 Months Post Op

    I have had a trainer from about 5 weeks out, once a week. But most of the workouts have been on my own or with friends. I usually do cardio and weights in the morning and then 5km run/walk in the evening.
  3. Aussiegirl

    9 Months Post Op

    Thanks guys Hard work definitely does pay off.....it is not always easy but it is worth the effort.
  4. Aussiegirl

    Help: Lump In My Throat

    There are a number of things early on. I still get the odd lump in the throat due to reflux. Have they got you on reflux meds?
  5. Aussiegirl

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Hey weight-no-longer, good to see another aussie in here I understand the scared and excited feeling, i was there last year. I was sleeved last September and since then have lost 57kgs (even to me that sounds like alot) but still have another 17 I want to loose. I have no problem answering any questions or talking about it. I am very open about what I am doing it and why. I am still single, which I definitely think has helped me. Tho at the moment I really do feel anything but single, so many things going on, social activities etc. I go out now, I am not afraid to be seen in places, or by people. Drop me a message I am happy to answer any questions.
  6. Good luck with your journey. You will find lots of information and support on here, even a little inspiration when you need it.
  7. Aussiegirl

    Living The Nsv's At The Moment

    I am really looking forward to the shoot. Was talking to the photographer yesterday and she was soo and made me feel at ease, so much that I am actually looking forward to it. I will definitely share when they are taken. It really is a big thing to feel confident enough to have photos taken, congrats.
  8. Coming up to 8 months post op and life feels better than I remember it being. This week has been a week for NSV's : * completed my first fun run, 8 kms in just on 1 hour * I fit into a size of jeans that I have not worn since I was 14 * feeling great and positive about the direction and the people in my life * am even planing a glamour shoot to show how far I have come. Even the scale is co-operating a bit.
  9. Kudos Lissa! You are looking awesome!
  10. I think this is pretty common. Especially early on. However certain foods may be triggering it as well. Some people (myself included) find the foods their body can tolerate change after surgery, unfortunately it is a bit of a matter of trial and error. Now I have located my triggers it is alot better, tho sometimes I will still eat someting that will cause it. If you are really worried you speak to your doctor.
  11. I never thought life could be this good, not perfect but this good is great :)

  12. Aussiegirl

    1 Year Anniversary

    Congrats, way to go. I love to hear the stories from a year out. It is great to see how everyones life has changed, and is encouraging. Being 7.5 months out it is the next big time for me, other than getting to my goal weight (which may or may not happen before the first year). Thanks for sharing
  13. Aussiegirl

    Social & Business Meals Out

    I will usually try and order an appetizer when I am out or share with friends. I have got used to leaving most the food on my plate or getting it to go. I have been pretty honest with people about my journey. My friends will share my food. I have a few friends that burn calories quickly and they will finish my meal. I remember going out to lunch with a client a few months ago and he had talked up tthis restaurant so I concious of not looking like I am not enjoying, so I told him what had done and he was like, I wasn't going to judge your eatting, just get what you want to go. It just shows most people are more interested in the company than what you are eatting
  14. Aussiegirl

    Starting My Vs Journey.

    Welcome Erin Congratulations on your decision, it wont always be an easy journey but in my experience is worth it. You will find loads of information and support on this site. I am 7 months (and 120 pounds gone) and life has never felt so alive. Fatigue is definitely something of the past (well post recovery anyway, recovery fatigue is a whole other thing ). Even when I sleep only a couple of hours a night I can still get through the day and the next and the next ....yes this is something I am well aquainted with at the moment. Good luck on your journey, feel free to ask any questions.
  15. I too was a high BMI when I started this journey last Sept, it took a good 50-60 pounds before anyone really noticeds any change, which was like 3 months. But now at 120 pounds lost everyone notices, it will happen I can barely go through a day without someone stopping me and telling me how awesome I look, (tho I still have another 45 pounds to go). Be patient it will happen. But also dont just look at your clothes or other people for NSV's/ Do you feel like you move a bit more freely, do your feet hurt less, can you breathe easier?
  16. Definitely helpful...it is good to emphasise with clients and be aware of the various stages that they will go through. I remember I started with a trainer and 4 weeks post op, and I explained to her my doctors restrictions on exercise and run through the surgery...my trainer was amazing about it but it would have been good to have some who just knew. You are definitely a walking endorsement for your skills.
  17. Dud2Stud, way to go. Congrats you are looking awesome. But I am loving your attitude as well!! Enjoy the much deserved attention
  18. Couldnt agree more with Lissa! Definitely follow your doctors/nutritionists plans especially in the early recovery phase. They can probably help with some meal plans etc. Also listen to your stomach, it will definitely tell you what is likes and does not like. I used the first few months to address my unhealthy relationship with food, especially while the sleeve is still quite strict. My body now craves healthy fuel rather than just something to fill it up. But I do allow myself the odd "bad" thing without guilt if I am that way inclined.
  19. Congrats, keep up the impressive work!!
  20. I dont know about doing things differently, but I guess I would have spent less time worrying about what life was going to be like after surgery. The fear and uncertainty is crippling at times before surgery. After surgery you are so focussed on recovering and getting on with your new life. I am not entirelys sure of what I was scared of. Definitely try and work on your food issues and start exercising before surgery, it just make post-op easier.
  21. Hmmmm good question. 50% - Tho going into it I did not have any regular health issues, constant sporting injuries, PCOS but was only a stones throw away from having diabetes, heart disease all those fun things. 50% - Lifestyle, Emotional, Vanity. I wanted a life that was large, full of life, love, confidence and happiness. While I was doing alot of things as a big person, it was not the kind of life I wanted. The weight literally weighed me down.
  22. Aussiegirl

    When Did You Lose Your Boobs? Help!

    I am 7 months out and am still a DD cup just the band size has gone down 4 sizes. I think alot of it depends on how endowed you were growing up, as a teenager I was like a C/D cup so am not expecting to go lower than that. *fingers crossed*, lost 115 pounds with 55 to go.
  23. Aussiegirl

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Soo pretty for a big girl...heard that soo many times. While the world offers many new "opportunities" now, here are some things that are good about going through this journey single: 1. You are the only one that can sabotage yourself (ie eat bad things etc) 2. You can define your own schedule for fitting in exercise and what your post surgery routine will be. 3. You learn to judge yourself by what you see not by what a partner sees/perception 4. Your eventual partner will only know the "new" you, in my case the person my eventual partner will see a sexy, confident, a person who loves themselve inside and out, fit and active person....lucky partner lol Just my 2c
  24. Aussiegirl

    When Did It Hit You?

    It is still daily struggle for me. I am over 115 pounds down and everyone is noticing, but most days I still see the same lumps and bumps. There are a few occasions that it really hits me, I had 2 over the last week: - Had to give my drivers license to someone and looked at the photo of me (from a year ago) and I saw a massive difference. Tho at the time I thought i looked good and "skinny" ...little did I know. - I had a photo taken at a friends birthday and I did not recognise myself Each day it gets easier, but it is something I need to work on as much as I work at eatting and exercising.
  25. Aussiegirl

    It's Happy Dance Time!

    Congrats!! Way to go. It is strange I feel like dancing all the time now So it only gets better heheeh

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