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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Aussiegirl

  1. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Shellz, it is definitely something that i am considering. I have worked out from the beginning and have tone is some areas of my body, but others there is seriously no hiding the excess skin. I am thinking of first an arm tuck thingy, cause my arms are soooo bad, muscle on top and a whole lot of saggy skin under (sorry bad visiual I know). However the rest of my body I will see how it goes, over the next year or so. I also dont want to have a tummy tuck until I am sure I am not going to have kids. But it all just seems more painful...not sure I could watch the videos...you are gamer than me.
  2. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Smart move!! I didnt really take before pics, but now wish I did. Before I hid from cameras..so there are only a few and mostly head shots. My mum has been taking progress pics but I still cant look at them. And yes in 12 months time you will love having them. I am such a photo ***** now lol. Lila, that is a big plan to loose!! Have you broken it up into milestones? I found it helped me stay motivated, as I have lost (almost, still a few kgs to go) a similar amount to what you are trying to loose.
  3. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    First off hi to the newbies to the thread!! I have had to read through a few pages to catch up...love having some aussies in here Yes I do drink alcohol. I drink socially, it is a rule I never drink alone. I had my farewell party last night before I go on my trip, and lets just say that being sleeved has not really hindered my ability to drink...well not much. My drink of choice is champagne, alright sparkling wine, but also do vodka. Over the night I would have consumed like a bottle and a bit, plus a few shots....sounds like a bit now. However through unfortunate trial and error have learnt the following things: - Dont eat and drink alcohol, ie it is one of the other for the night, its not like drinking Water, where 1/2 hour later you can eat...for me not so much with alcohol...have some food before you start - You get tipsy quicker - You sober up quicker - And cider tastes good but is not a friend anymore - And you pee more often This is just my experience tho. I think I had my first drink at like 6 weeks out at a social gathering but at that stage pretty much sat on it the whole night...obviously now, almost 11 months later it is a bit of a different story. There was another question out there around Snacks, especially early on I used to snack on: - Babybel/laughing cow cheese - Fruit cups (golden valley or weight watchers, either were my NUTs preference) - Yoghurt - Cruskits with cream cheese Snacks havent really changed much, moved from cruskits to wholemeal saladas, sometimes I have carrot sticks with a dip of sorts. And now I may a bite size chocolate bar, occasionally. Kelliv, agree with what has already been said, take it easy and listen to your body. It could also be a temperature of beverage. I remember early on drinking water, especially cold water was really uncomfortable, i then started having room temp water and also putting some low cal cordial in helped for some reason. The same with really hot stuff. Make things as thin as possible early on.
  4. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Kelliv, good to hear that you have pulled through well. Hope you get to go home today. Lila, Not long now...very exciting. The pre-op was the hardest thing for me, so when you get through that you will be able to handle the rest I am sure. Be ready for the ketosis, it was the thing i wasnt expecting at all. Chewing gum helped. Robbie, welcome aboard, so to speak. Congrats on your weight loss so far. For all you on the pre-op, liquids, mushee stages it will pass. It is hard to figure out what to eat. I am sure I did not follow much of a plan, I only saw a nutritionist at like the 6 week mark and she was shocked how little I was eatting. Her and my surgeon are now working closer together and combining talents etc for future patients. My doctor had me nil by mouth for 48 hours and then liquids for another 48 hours.Then said I could start with pureed/soft things. Also had no drains or leak test.
  5. Aussiegirl

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    1. I confess this thread makes me both laugh and feel sad in equal measure 2. I confess, I eat junk food and enjoy all 3 bites of it and then I am done til the next week. I dont deny my body anything anymore. 3. I confess even tho life is more challenging now, I love the person I have become over the last 11 months 4. I confess I am now a size 14/16 Aus (12/14 US) and am happy and comfortable at this size, if I never loose anymore weight or size I will be ok with it 5. I confess I have days when this journey is hard (physically and emotionally) but for everyone of those days I have 15 good ones....but really that is just life 6. Throwing in another one for good measure...I confess I drink alcohol and I like it too...life is about having everything in moderation.
  6. Would I do it again? Yes. I would have liked to not have done it in the first place, but I have never been a normal size in my life, and felt no other choice. But I am glad I made the decision, not only for the weight loss but the emotional changes that have come along with it. I am happier and healthier than I have been in my life. My.best advise is that you should be ready for the emotional and life changes that come with the sleeve. You have to commit to changing your lifestyle and giving up old ways. It is not always an easy process, can be very confronting but worth it.
  7. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Kelliv, not sure about the water soluble ones, I have never seen them. I had chewable vitamins that I could chew/suck til they were gone. Did they have any chewable ones?
  8. 14km fun run...done...now for the next goal..not sure what that is yet

  9. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Good luck Kelliv! We will be thinking of you. Like shellz said, dont pack too much. I took my laptop and turned it on like once in 3 days. Rest/Sleep and walking were so much more important. Just comfy clothes or PJ's, i preferred my sweats and t-shirt to pyjama's felt more human then. Just try and stay relaxed and I am sure you will have a great recovery. Let us know how you went once you are home.
  10. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Welcome Scotty! I can't imagine having to.wait, once I had decided to make the change I just wanted to get there. I am back at the hospital today for my gastroscopy, and now the hospital gown ties up all around me...woot woot, no more butt on display.
  11. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    KristiP - Good luck with your consult, hopefully one doctor will get their stuff sorted Lila - Congrats, feels great to keep moving forward. Kelloff- Thanks I didnt have reflux pre-surgery so this has all been a new experience for me. My main symptions are burning or feeling like there is a lump in my throat and a numb/tingly tongue. I have been through a number of different combinations of medication since my surgery, most just help dull the feelings not really solve the issue. I was told I would only need the reflux meds for a few months at most....but seems like I am the exception to the rule, so could be worse, I could have got a leak or any number of other things. I think the surgeon is going to look for any blockages or lesions, and then see what the next steps are. I can live with the symptoms, they are annoying but just dont want them to be an indicator of something worse, especially as I am off overseas in just on 2 weeks.
  12. Aussiegirl

    Too Small

    Havent got there yet, and I definitely hope not to get there, as my goal always kept me curvy, just the right kind of curves. I have planned that I will roll back my exercise regime (which is quite alot at the moment 6 days week, sometimes twice a day), tho I would not change much about my food at the moment...maybe put some more good fat foods in. Time will tell.
  13. Aussiegirl

    You Are More Important That This....

    Love it and so true!!! I had my follow up with my surgeon yesterday and said something similar, while I still weigh myself everyday, the value I am getting from my life now is how I feel and how I look, the number is still a part of my journey, but the smallest part now.
  14. I saw a thread of all the things that we think we won't miss pre-surgery or early on the surgery. Thought I would put together a list of things that I dont miss and which keep me motivated to keep working harder. 1. Not being able to cross my legs comfortably 2. Waking up in the night with my arms numb 3. Legs rubbing together 4. Going into a store and not being able to find anything to buy 5. Not being able to run, jump, skip and feel fit enough to keep up with others around me 6. Feeling lost in my own body and life 7. Sucking my body into airline seats, and asking for the extension belt 8. Having no one want to sit near me on public transport (ok I do kinda miss that one, as I would much rather no one sits next to me, but you get the point) 9. Not being able to keep up with my 3 yo nephew
  15. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I paid about $2000 for the analysiologist (so can't spell). Looks like I am headed back to hospital on Thursday for a bit of exploratory gastrectomy to look if there is any reason for my ongoing reflux, not normal this far out.
  16. Aussiegirl

    8 Months Out, What's The Word?

    Coming just past the 10 month mark and 150 pounds gone, only about another 10-12 to go to my goal (surgeon never made a goal for me). Life is better, easier, shopping is way more fun. Still have alot of work I want to do to my body around toning up and getting rid of the extra rolls, but will see where my body lands on weight and then assess the excess skin situation. Exercise is part of my daily routine and something I enjoy and helps reduce the stress in my life...life really is a whole new adventure Also I am no longer Obese, i am purely overweight and I am ok with that.
  17. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Glad to hear you are all going so well. Kelloff, I had fatigue up until about the 3rd week, it does get better as you eat better/more consistant food. Sorry I havent heard of spariluan Protein... My sweet tooth also went for a while, up until really a couple of weeks ago. Now I have a bit of a sweet tooth recurrence, but endulging it too much makes me ill...hopefully my body will learn soon enough.
  18. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    One more thing they dont tell you.....being skinny, you freeze!!!! This winter I am feeling the cold more than I ever remember....its always cold..bring on summer
  19. Sleeved 22nd Sept 2011 and so far 150 pounds goooooone!
  20. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Keep it up Kelli! This is actually the hardest part at the moment (in my experience).
  21. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi Lila, I generally work out once a day, most days a week, but atleast 5 days a week. I always wanted to start my new life the way I wanted to continue in eatting and exercise, and that these are natural parts of my life now. Exercise does get easier, alot easier the more your loose. I have probably decreased the number of hours I do a week (given I was initially doing 2 sessions) but the intensity is greater now and I still burn the same amount. Dont get me wrong there are days when I am like nope no exercise but they are fewer and further apart, I have also got a good group of people around me who I do sessions with. Fitness buddies help sooo much. Thank you
  22. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oh I remember the food thoughts early on....I totally watched so much food porn it was rediculous, every cooking show I could get my hands on, magazines, you name it... Good luck with the continued recovery Michelle!
  23. Aussiegirl

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Kelloff, I do have a fair amount of excess skin now. It is not pretty but I will see how it all firms up once I get to goal. I am also lax to have it taken away, as I may want to have kids sometime in the future and that would cause more stretching etc. But will see how all that pans out. I have done exercise pretty much from the start, first 5 weeks was lite exercise, walking etc. At 6 weeks my doctor said go for my life, do what ever I wanted. I have had a trainer once a week since 5 weeks, initially working on fitness and weight loss, now more balance and toning. Initially I was doing 2 sessions atleast 5 days a week, tho some of these would be a walk/run home from work (which was 5kms). Now I work out almost every day, sometimes I will do 2 sessions if I work out with someone, but I work alot harder nowadays. I am fit, fitter than most people skinnier than me that I know. I am starting to run, distances, did an 8km a couple of weeks ago and will do the city2surf this week (no I cant run 14kms yet, or ever possibly)....so yes lots of exercise. Below are some before and after pics of me to give you some context. I still carry alot around the middle (feel a bit like the michelin man still) but my legs are freaking awesome (lol if I do say so myself) Kelliv, thanks Your neice is so cute....Neices and nephews are the best things ever

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