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Thomas CPA

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Thomas CPA

  1. Thomas CPA

    Tomorrow... This is IT!

    Have a great surgery though from looking at your photo you look great already. Enjoy the soon to be new you!
  2. Thomas CPA

    Advice ?

    First, congrats on the loss. shake up metabolism. Mix up routine, make time for exercise. Walk in morning before school, or between classes, or evening. Hit gym on weekends. My son is a full time student in college, one of the classes he takes is dance, he is an engineering student, it gives him a class every week of physical activity and gives him mental relieve from core courses. He also finds time to hit gym on campus, plays two on two basketball at night, sometimes around 9 pm. Change caloric intake in case you get into starvation mode. Go on a liquid diet for a couple of days. Even though you are back to eating normal food pretend you are one week post op and go back to basics. One thing I did at work was that every time I finished a project or report I went out to parking lot and jumped rope for 5 minutes. You can do this between classes also, don't worry about who is watching and you may become an icon after awhile. In college a lot goes on and nobody really cares or pays a lot of attention as they are to busy on cell phones, running to the next class, talking with friends. Remember it is as easy to find a solution as it is to make an excuse. Your in college you are learning to find solutions not excuses. You can do this, you have come a long way and achieved a lot of success in weight loss. Keep it up!
  3. The pain is likely just gas built up inside. You need to pass some gas to get rid of pain. Not uncommon to put on a couple of pounds with the IVs but you will lose that fast enough and then some. As for Protein, just drink a lot of chicken or beef broth and Protein shakes. It is easier to drink the shakes, at least for me, when they are cold. So mix it and put some in fridge to chill. Add some ice into blender. To boost protein, use fat free milk instead of Water. After first week or so put in some plain yogurt and fat free cottage cheese if doctor okays.
  4. Thomas CPA

    Only 37 Days!

    Flab or no flab, you are going to lose weight fast and skin is not that elastic. Typically the problem areas are arms, tummy and neck. Some women have also had problems with the chest area. My personal trainer has clients who needed to have excess skin removed under arms, breasts and tummy. Continue the exercising and you should minimize the loose skin. Unlike those ads for the lap band losing 100 plus pounds, nobody I know would wear a skimpy bathing suit or bikini.
  5. i wore a pajamas, long slightly loose fitting pants and shirt, snaps. Be comfortable get out of the gown.
  6. Thomas CPA

    5 Mos Post-Op Blood Pressure Issues

    sorry to hear of problem. I have heard of the surgery helping with sleep apnea and diabetes. I never heard of it helping with high blood pressure or it having anything to do with changing your blood pressure. good luck with the appointment and hope it gets resolved soon.
  7. My surgeon said two to four weeks. Shocking reality is 5 years. The surgery has not been around long and no long term findings really exist. But as far as leakage and those worries, they are not going to let you out of hospital if you are not okay. Just don't do like burrito man. A guy in the same hospital as I went to decided after leaving the hospital to go to the Del Taco across the street and eat an entire burrito. He returned to the hospital and stayed for a year because of the damage he did to himself in breaking open the staple line. Just follow your diet directions.
  8. Congratulations on your weight loss. Just keep in mind the surgery alone is only meant to help you lose around 50% of excess weight (weight at surgery - ideal weight). The rest is just changing up metabolism through changing exercise regime and caloric intake. Good luck on getting the rest of it off.
  9. Thomas CPA

    Weight Stall

    stalls are normal and body metabolism does adjust. sometimes eating a few more calories takes you out of starvation mode. also make sure to change up exercise routine, doing same thing every day causes the body to adjust. If using a treadmill, my trainer suggests, running a minute at 4 mph then 1 minute at 6 then 2 minutes at 3.5 etc also modify incline. She says that keeps the body from stabilizing and shocks the metabolism to burn more.
  10. depends on insurance. Kaiser does it as long as doctor recommends it and they think it is a medical necessity. I only needed to lose around 50 to 70 pounds after losing first 60 by diet/exercise, so doctor told me about sleeve. I would for only 50 pounds, assuming you dieted to get that low, go with sleeve. Lap Band puts foreign device in your body and it can erode into the tissue and cause problems and have to be removed. Truthfully for 50 pounds, if you have not been dieting and exercising then diet and exercise first. Do surgery only if you need to have the extra tool to keep you from putting the weight back on.
  11. Thomas CPA

    Feeling discouraged

    your doing fine. my doctor says around 60 to 80 grams of Protein a day is enough, not like we had full bypass surgery. Keep up the good work and enjoy the new you.
  12. Thomas CPA

    Am I eating too much?????

    Your pretty normal, we all have slightly different size stomachs. Think of it this way, your stomach is the size of a banana so you could eat 5 ounces of meat or a pound of lead and it will still fit in. I eat a light Breakfast but I can eat a pretty normal dinner - at 7 weeks I had a regular piece of lasagna and still losing weight.
  13. There is Swanson chicken and beef broth. My doctor suggested just taking chunky soup and putting it in a blender for the first two weeks. As for shakes I find 1/2 banana with vanilla Protein shake powder it good. Gives it a good flavor and some body. Also you may try putting some ice in, they tastes better when cold to me. Else what flavors do you like - blueberries, raspberries, chocolate? Just experiment.
  14. Thomas CPA

    3 months post-surgery update

    Great going, keep up the good work. Just think of the energy you will have when you have a baby.
  15. Thomas CPA

    how much can you eat?

    It is a pretty much a fallacy that you can stretch your sleeve. food passes pretty quickly through the stomach and those people in hot dog eating contests don't really permanently stretch their stomach. At four weeks I was eating a whole Protein bar which is as big as a granola bar. Think of it this way, your stomach is the size of a medium banana and a granola bar will fit in even without being chewed. Think in terms of volume not ounces. You are doing fine, I am at week 9 and I eat more than a granola bar for my meals.
  16. Thomas CPA

    When is enough, enough?

    Great job. You are done when you feel comfortable. While I have a goal of a 32 inch waist, I am comfortable at a 35 inch waist. Asks your friends they will give an honest opinion. My first doctor wanted me at 150, down from 305. My goal was 170 to 180 range. Now that I got to just under 200 and seen the change in face and can feel my ribs and shoulder blades my lowest goal weight is 180 and likely to be 185 to 190. I talked with my new doctor who suggested not to go past 180 and most everyone that knows me and seen the change has said to not go much further from my 195 weight. So, back to what I said to begin with, when you are happy with the person in the mirror.
  17. Thomas CPA

    surprise response

    I was originally scheduled for the sleeve two years ago but the attitude of my wife caused me to cancel it and as a result I went back to old habits and put the 40 pound I took off in preparation back on. I just decided to do it because I needed to do it for my long term health. My wife still hasn't come around but having other women that know us comment on the trimmer me doesn't help. Your aunt may either have the green eye of jealousy. Is she is overweight then she may be worried you will lose and she won't. If she is not overweight and you two do a lot of things together she may not like the idea that you will get attention as people around you will notice the change. Just remember, You are doing it for you, not her. If she comes around great, if not she will most likely talk to you again when she gets over it. So big cyber hug. You are taking control of your life.
  18. Thomas CPA

    Two unexpected things

    Glad you got the band removed. At the meeting of surgeons for Kaiser they really did their best scaring people out of thinking of the band by showing pictures of erosion. You are on the right track and good luck with achieving your goal.
  19. Thomas CPA

    Confessions of a Shopaholic

    Then go back to salvation army and buy them back Hey you are losing the weight and not likely to put it back on. Don't overbuy on your way down the scale or you will be spending a small fortune on things you only need for a month. Keep one pair of fat jeans to a year from now you can go Wow!
  20. Thomas CPA

    emotional/stress eating

    For most of us we are emotional eaters which is how we got so fat. Good luck with you son, schools and laws have gotten inane. Out here there was a boyscout who got expelled for having a butter knife in back of pickup used the prior weekend for scout event. One principal had a policy if two kids were at Water fountain it was considered gang activity. Surprised cops were called versus an inappropriate expulsion. And why did they search a car for a missing sticker, seems to much for a police stop.
  21. I wasn't even on a preop diet, just had to stop eating the 12 hours before and have absolutely nothing morning of surgery. Part of it is to get you used to post op diet. You are going to be on liquids for 2 weeks and mushies for another 2 weeks. If may be easier post surgery as some lose their hunger or don't want to see food. Forget worrying about carbs, you want to avoid fatty foods. You can eat a lot of things with low carbs and high fat. the weight comes from calories. Just hang in there, the date is in site, you can do it.
  22. Thomas CPA

    I'm the fat one

    Your daughter is your inspiration. Think to yourself how much more fun you can have with her if you lost weight and think that as you put food to your mouth. You typically have to lose 10% beforehand to reduce fatty liver and show you are committed to lifestyle eating change. I lost weight for my son's high school graduation and got sidetracked by before that happened. I am not letting that happen for college graduation next year, down 110 pounds and 15 to go. Your long term health is your inspiration. You want to live healthy to see daughter grow up, get married perhaps have grandchildren to play with. You can do it. Forget about your sisters, three months post surgery they will be wondering who you are as you walk around in a new you.
  23. Thomas CPA

    Hungry every 2 hours?

    Some people have hard time talking pills having it stick in your throat. If that is your problem just rub a little olive oil on it. Otherwise you should be able to take a full pill. Think as someone said also, it may be acid not hunger pangs. I feel hungry all the time and nibble here and there and still losing weight. Don't sweat it, it will pass.
  24. Thomas CPA

    In need of a buddy...

    anytime, just message me on this site and we can swap email addresses.
  25. Thomas CPA

    how many.....

    I go anywhere from 600 to 1,200 calories, 60 to 100 grams of Protein, 60 to 120 grams of carbs and still losing weight. I eat a few more calories to slow down weight loss. I am starting month three, lost 40 pounds and only 15 to go. Typical is 600 to 800 calories per day. Unless you have a carb ailment, don't worry about it. Losing weight is based on calories not carbs.

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