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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FishingNurse

  1. FishingNurse

    If no NAIDS...then what?

    My doctor also allows them. I think that many sleeve rules just came straight from gastric bypass rules. My clinic hands out a binder with post op guidelines and they are the same for the bypass which is ridiculous. Since the surgery is becoming more popular I think that more sleeve particular guidelines will develop.
  2. Someone brought up this question in another thread, and It made me want to share my Mom's story. She had stomach/ esophagus cancer 19 years ago. They basically removed a small part of her esophagus and 70% of her stomach. She went from 195lbs to 105lbs. She has not been over 108lbs since. (she happened to be a yo-yo dieter too) She says sometimes she struggles swallowing bread. NO cancer since. This procedure she had to remove the cancer is much like the procedure we all are having. And this weight loss has lasted 19 years. And she is healthy to this day.
  3. FishingNurse

    One year ago today.

    Congrats ! You look fantastic
  4. FishingNurse

    Calling all 1 year sleevers

    Yes when you're healed you can incorporate some treats here and there. I'm a popcorn fan, and share when I go to the movies. I actually eat the 100 calorie bags a few days a week!
  5. I had NEVER been normal either! But you will Grace! I'm excited for you. Your goal is attainable!
  6. FishingNurse

    An odd question

    Hehe I thought about this 2, including the sip of wine. I waited 2 months. And then it was fine! But listen to your body, you'll know when you're ready.
  7. FishingNurse

    42 and pre-sleeve

    I'm just about 30 and pregnant. I'm not quite in your shoes but I wish you all the luck! You sound like a sensible sleever, and a good parent. Keep us posted!
  8. FishingNurse

    Any thought on sparkling water

    I drink 2-3 sparking waters per day. Everyday! I'm 18 months out. This has NOT stretched my sleeve or had any ill effects. I started drinking it around the 5 month mark again. I made my weight loss goal at 8.5 months and maintained within 5 pounds for almost a year now. I strongly believe the carbonation is not going to strech anyone's sleeve, and my surgeon agrees. I don't drink it with meals, I sip on it between meals.
  9. FishingNurse

    issues with Mirena

    It might be from any blood thinners you were given in te hospital. Did you have injections in your abdomen? (Heparin or Lovenox)....
  10. FishingNurse

    sneezing when full

    I'm 18 months out and to this day I still sneeze when I'm full!!
  11. Sure just wait until you're mostly healed up from the outside to avoid infection. (3-4 weeks) and you could just wear a cami or something over your incisions for a few months.
  12. FishingNurse

    High Risk?

    I am 18 months and and find myself pregnant and I was NOT trying! (I think we all turn super fertile after major weight loss) I think at 10 months out you are getting to a place where you can start to get pregnant and start nourish a baby. Ideal, probably not... High risk? probably not.. a little extra monitoring? yes, but that's ok! Good luck!
  13. FishingNurse

    down 225

    Omg that's amazing!!
  14. FishingNurse

    Losf 20.7% excess weight!

    You're right on track! Good job :-)
  15. FishingNurse

    Desperate for protien

    Best bets for high protien and mushy diet friendly are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, egg salad, refried beans, and even a softer cheese like baby bel. I did a lot if the above for the first 2 months. I would let the babybel get kind of warm and then it is nice and soft and actually more flavorful. Melts in your mouth.
  16. FishingNurse

    Desperate for protien

    I couldn't do protein drinks post op either. They made me gag. I had to wait until I could have cottage cheese and refried beans and other solid forms of protien. I turned out ok!
  17. FishingNurse

    Alcohol consumption.. Beware!

    Oh no! How far out are you ?
  18. FishingNurse

    Anyone from St Paul/MPLS, MN area?

    Welcome, I am in Bloomington too!
  19. FishingNurse

    How long until "real" food?

    My guess is she may have had beer and soda and gained due to the calories, not stretching her sleeve cause of this. But I totally understand where you are coming from, and respect that you don't want to take that risk.
  20. FishingNurse

    How long until "real" food?

    I am 18 months post op and I drink 2-3 sparkling waters per day and before I got knocked up about 3 beers per week. Its not against my surgeons guidelines I have no problems tolerating them and this has not and will not stretch my sleeve. I made goal in 9 months and maintained until now!
  21. FishingNurse

    starvation mode?

    I think that feeling will go away. I am happy everyday. My finance and I order pizza every Friday. Pre-op I would eat 6 slices easy. Post-op I eat 1 to 1.5 slices max. To me that is phenomenal. I get the same satisfied feeling. (I am 18 months out)
  22. FishingNurse

    Pregnancy after VSG

    hello! Congrats on the weight loss! I am 18 months out and about 6 weeks pregnant. I did not try to get pregnant. I was on birth control! I would be prepared to get pregnant soon after you start trying.. I think after weight loss you are more fertile! I was initially shocked by I am happy excited now. I know its soon to get too excited but I feel I can tell people here!
  23. FishingNurse

    Finally Pregnant & 6 mo post

    only 6, I know I shouldn't tell the whole world yet but I can't help it
  24. FishingNurse

    Anyone from St Paul/MPLS, MN area?

    Welcome! I basically live in Savage at well! officially moving there at the end of the month! (moving in with fiance)

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