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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kansasgirl

  1. Thanks for sharing your photo's and experience.... can't wait to get there.. and have mine!!
  2. kansasgirl

    Im A May Sleever!

    Good luck to those going tomorrow.. i am starting my liquid only diet today...can't wait for thursday to hit.. i'm going to be so excited.. and i hope not starving and tired by that time.. i'm starting to put my suitcase together tonight.. my hubby and i are not checking any baggage just taking carry on's!!
  3. kansasgirl

    Any May Sleevers Yet?

    Good luck to those going tomorrow.. i am starting my liquid only diet today...can't wait for thursday to hit.. i'm going to be so excited.. and i hope not starving and tired by that time.. i'm starting to put my suitcase together tonight.. my hubby and i are not checking any baggage just taking carry on's!!
  4. I have my surgery with Dr. Ponce on Thursday and will also report back. I agree the top priority is the doctor in any decision you make.. but once you've decided who that may be to you.. .then the next thing i look at is how everything else will go as far as getting there safely and back since i have no idea what is safe vs not safe in mexico. It helps when people come back and let us know how their experience was for sure!!
  5. kansasgirl

    May 2012 Sleevers Group

    Thursday for me.. flying out at 2:25 having surgery same day at 8:30... starting liquid diet on Tuesday.. super excited.. .had my last girls night in.. had a blast.. and didn't eat too bad.. but i did have a strawberry cheescake that was superb.. that' s the end of that!! LOL
  6. I applied for my Passport On March 17th... just getting a passport card...and got a letter two weeks ago stating i didn't put in a form they needed ( i had a passport before but lost it) I swear i did i checked the paperwork like 3 times over before sending it in. My husband got his card in the mail about two weeks ago. So i checked their passport status page and all it says is your passport is being processed.. call here for more info if you are travelling within the next 14 days and havn't received your passport. So i call there and guess what they tell me? They have received my application and are processing it. I asked if there was anyways to find out when they would be mailing it or i could talk to someone that knew anything more than what the website was telling me. Nope not unless i wanted to pay 110.00 more to get the book and expidite it.. WHAT??? That is the only thing i can do to let them know that i am travelling soon and need my passport?? Anyone else have this problem? I'm 13 days away from travel... and their normal processing time is 4-6 weeks the 27th will make 6 weeks out.. I'm worried i won't get this in time... don't have the extra money to send for expiditing which i think is ridiculous anyhow. I asked them what the difference is why i couldn't talk to someone that was in the processing department and she said that they only have access to where passport books are made not the cards.. I'm just very frustrated because they also have my birth certificate and marriage license.. Anyone know anything else i can do?/ Thanks in advance Holly
  7. Aww wish you all were there when I was there guess I'll go first...on the third less than a week so excited..also just another thing trish told me is that dr ponce does 4 leak tests...2 while in surgery and 2 after
  8. So guess what got my 52 dollar birth certificate and two days later got my passport go figure lol
  9. I will be talking with my coordinator and surgeon tomorrow but tonight my nose is runny my head is stuffed up and my sore throat feels better than last night but still hurts. I'm a week away from surgery and don't want to take any medicine that i shouldn't be.. i know they said not to take any aspirin or anything that cause blood thinning for blod clot reasons.. what can i take tonight though.. i'd really love to take some benedryl and go to bed... any ideas???
  10. Yay they let me take some claritin.. Thank the lord I feel better
  11. kansasgirl

    Any May Sleevers Yet?

    May3rd here can't wait.. less than a week... already slimming down ... down 12 pounds since march 17th.. on to many more...
  12. kansasgirl

    Chewable Vitamins!

    I have been using the Opurity bypass optimized mulitvitamin from unjury.com I only have to take one a day and they taste good i have no problems taking them. You can get 100 pills for 35.95 and they are made with good ingredients. They have an orange berry taste.. and break down easily. i have my surgery on May 3rd so i can't say how they are afterwards but i really like them now.
  13. thank you I just ended up taking a throat losange....started home from work today so I can get over this quickly
  14. kansasgirl

    Any May Sleevers Yet?

    a friend from work gave me a herbalife best defense to take has lots of vitamin c and other things... I just hate feeling all clogged up
  15. kansasgirl

    Any May Sleevers Yet?

    Oh sure so i got a sore throat yesterday and today my nose is stuffed and i'm congest.. yeah just what i want a week before i go.. I know i can't take aspirin but what can i take?? I wish i could just take nightquil and go to bed... Anyone have any suggestions for me.. i can't call my surgeon at the moment.
  16. I finally made my first youtube video.. It's not a very long one.. i was just talking off the top of my head.. now i see why people write down the points they want to talk about.. hopefully they will be better.. i'm just excited to see myself get smaller and smaller on the screen. I will make my hubby take video of me when we go to Mexico and in the hospital... .. Are you all getting excited.. may is just around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!! yipeeeeeee!!! Holly
  17. I have been on my preop diet now for 4 days.. and at first i was soooooooooooo hungry.. and now that has really faded and i'm not starving all the time.. although i do if i don't keep schedule with eating at the same times... I even had a bacon ranch salad with the vinegrette dressing from mcd's last night and though.. wow i never realized how huge this salad is.. i always just plowed through it and though i was still hungry before!!! (i know i havn't gone to any fast food but we were in a real hurry last night to get dinner so we could build our box garden.) I've been rereading dr. alvarez's book and love it.. since we are going to Mexico and won't have alot of doctor advice.. his is such a good step by step what to do.. I've also been stalking up on alot of Protein drink powder and been trying to get my house in order.. since my senior will be graduating on May 19th.. lot's going on in the month of May for me. I'm Eleven days out!!!!!!!!! I'm just so excited and i know this next week is going to fly by.. it's packed with lots of stuff to do!! Hope y'all are as excited as me!!!! Holly Here's the last time i was in Mexico October 2011 ughh looking so fat
  18. I hope to make some while i'm there and will try to capture videos of the hospital and the aftermath now if my throat would quit hurting.. seriously i start to get a sore throat today??? uggg... Hope it's only allergies but it sure feels real sore.....
  19. Oh i already have one of those still on my bed.. i love mine.. it auto shuts off.. but after ten hours..I was thinking some people said they brought small heating pads for their tummy area but i don't know what kind to get... Got some more unjury today in the mail and ordered two more canisters of the chicken soup broth... think i'm ready tomorrow i go into single digits till surgery.. 9days unbelievable.. so ready!!!
  20. wow looks like you are ready..now just need the days to fly by.. i need to try my sample pack of unjury's chicken broth.. see if i like it...so i can order it here.. i already have the unflavored protein.. what kind of heating pad did you buy? That's a good idea
  21. So I had been waiting and waiting for my dad to maybe help me out a few months ago with financing my surgery .. i would write him and he would think about it or not write back at all. Giving me some false hope that he might be able to help me out. So finally last month i just took the reins and decided to see if i could do it myself and went and applied at a couple of banks.. low and behold i got approved and am now set for surgery on May third. Sooo anyhow I had emailed my father back to let him know to never mind i didn't need his help and that i was going to have surgery.. he never replied. He hadn't replied when i had asked him for help the last time either... Then after trying to call him a few times finally getting ahold of him.. i tell him that i'm excited i'm going to have this surgery and he tells me he wouldn't be excited he doesn't see why i would need to go and do something like that. He would never go have surgery from something he can do himself. Telling me he doesn't understand why i can't eat healthy and excercise... you know how tired i am of hearing this from people who just don't understand??? They've never been MORBIDLY OBESE in their lives yet they seem to know what we should be able to do ourselves. I told him if that is all it took i should have been able to do it by now. I just don't get it.. Why must those in our lives who know us best be so closed minded and think they know what we should be able to do based on what they know. I had to change the subject quick because i could tell it was headed one direction.. which made me think.. all those months that he said maybe he was never going to help me anyways.. so I'm really proud of myself and putting my foot down to do this for me and not let anything get in my way. Thinking of it now i wish i would have done this sooner and not been waiting on him to decide my future.. it just makes me sad to think my dad can't even see the vision i see when i think of having this surgery and the effect it will have on my life. How much of my life has been wasted on wishing and wondering what it'd be like if i could just lose the weight.. it has consumed me mostly and i'm ready to be done with it. So to those of you who have loved ones who just can't see why you are wanting to do this.. Just do it and be proud of yourself.... they will only see the true value of this further down the road. I am so grateful my mother is behind me along with my hubby.. Thanks for listening to my vent.. feels great to have it off my chest!! Holly
  22. kansasgirl

    Im A May Sleever!

    wowwwwwwwwww can't believe eleven days... are you all getting so super excited????????? I know i am! Any may sleevers that want to be my friend on myfitnesspal my email is holly.wilson2011@gmail.com
  23. Garage sales... we have so many of them this summer that's how i plan to stock my clothes.. i'm gonna go hit up alot of them this summer that is the cheapest way to get newer clothes most times barley worn ones.. and thrift shops too... Good luck on your journey
  24. Thank you all for your marvelous support, i am touched by all your kind words!! You are all right this is a journey we have to take ourselves and do what's right no matter what anyone thinks! I can't wait to be on the other side of this and on to a better healthy me! With my busy life this is what's right for me, it will be my tool even when i've lost the weight If you like to follow me on youtube i have started up a journal... thanks gals again for your support it's so nice to come back and see so many wonderful responses!!! Have a fabulous Sunday!!!

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