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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About AnneHB

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  1. Hi there - I am now 3+ weeks post op and have had a couple of things come up and was curious if this is normal. Yesterday I started to feel a little nauseous when I ate and then had severe diarrhea that now 24 hours later has not stopped. I kind of feel like I got a little stomach bug and I have a call into my dr. But the diarrhea is bad to the point of me not being sure I can leave the house tonight. Plus the feeling a little sick when I eat and drink has me concerned. I will say I have read some other posts and this can be normal I guess. Anyone experience this before?
  2. Just wanted to post some follow up comments now that I am 15 days out. I am THRILLED to be on mushies. However I take 3 bites and I am full. Definitely still feel hunger pains. I never heard this would go away. However, once I eat - literally two bites in - that feeling is gone. For me I do feel satisfied at least getting a taste of what I am craving. Having fish yesterday was heaven for me. Going into the surgery and the pre/post op diet were awful and much worse the second time around - but I have explained a little why (not being to go out, etc.) But my actual physical recovery and now integration into eating has been much easier than the band. I had pain and discomfort from the band right from the get go. I eventually had esophogas problems, slip, etc. So it was a very rocky road. Granted I am only 2 weeks out but right away not having pain when I eat was half my battle. The one side effect I have at this point that I plan on asking my Dr. about is that when I do eat my 3-4 bites of food, I get really super tired. Almost like someone has drugged me and all I want to do is sleep. Anyone else experience this? And I also was wondering the rate at which people lose weight with the sleeve. When are the expected "stalls"? With the band, I would lose 5-7 lbs and then not lose for a month or so - then sudden drop - then nothing for awhile - then drop. Is it the same with the sleeve?
  3. Thanks everyone! I had the removal and revision in one surgery and frankly don't know if I would have had the guts to go back and do two surgeries. I have the MOST amazing doctor in Orange County and it was because they kept me so informed that I was even as comfortable as I was. The second time around was for sure much more difficult emotionally and maybe even physically. Although I think the recovered as quickly as the band, I think the emotions of going into a second surgery and the pre-post op diets were very difficult for me. In addition, I am single and dating and it was hard to not date (because I cant eat) or explain that I had surgery to someone without really telling them what it was. So today I officially start mushy foods and really tried some small things over the weekend and so far so good. I started my morning with an egg and it was seriously the best egg ever! I have no discomfort but definitely am full after 4 bites. I am finding that I am hungry every 2-3 hours and cannot really eat around traditional meal periods. I am an official grazer! But I dont care. I would rather graze then have another protien shake which I literally have to gag down at this point. I am not a sweet person (totally a salt girl) so the shakes were like personal torture.
  4. Hi everyone, I am currently 10 days post op from my surgery and I have to say I am already sooooo happy I did this. I was very successful with the band for 2 years and then started to have some complications. I had a slip and esophogal dialation. So that is when I started to consider a revision. So going into this surgery was much more stressful - the pre op diet sucked, I was much more nervous and stressed . But it all went very well and I do not regret a thing. My recovery was about the same as the band but I do feel like I am losing more right away. As a side note - When they removed the band they found the tube had embedded itself into the middle of my liver and was literally cutting through it. The also said my liver was starting to grow around it. Crazy! So anyways I guess not life threatening but scary, very happy it is out. Pre Lap Band: 255 Post Lap Band: 210 Pre Sleeve: 223 10 days Post Op: 208 I feel great although still on liquids 4 more days. I cannot wait for mushies! But so far so good.
  5. Hi everyone, My surgery is this Monday (6/27) going from a band to the sleeve. I am a week into my pre op liquid diet but I now have a HOT DATE! Only the 3rd date, so Mr. Wonderful has no idea about the surgery. I am trying to think of a way to go out to eat without ruining my pre-op diet. I spoke with a friend who said that the diet is more important for you mentally (which I agree) then the actual physical shrinking of the liver and she said one meal shouldnt be a big deal as long as I am back on fulll liquids the next 3 days before surgery (which was her pre op diet). Since every pre op is different - I am thinking if I stick to fish (sashimi) and light veggies (which are part of my pre op anyways) that for one night I should be ok. Any thoughts or comments on this?
  6. Hi there - Just joined and posted under the revision section. I am going from Band to Sleeve on the 27th and mentally before the band I was excited. This time I am freaking out. Not settling with me well even though it has to be done. So as I sit here drinking a crappy Protein shake, I feel your pain. Hang in there and keep me updated!
  7. Hi everyone, Just switched over to this board. I had my lap band 3 years ago (almost to the day). After 2 years of initial success, I experienced 2 complications, a slip and espophogal dialation. At that point, I wasnt happy with the band anyways. So last October I started exploring revision surgery going from the Band to the Sleeve. I want to hear from people who have done this revision in the last couple of years because already there are noticeable differences. For starters, I am not happy about the pre-op diet even though I know it has to happen. Just don't feel as positive mentally about it as much as I did the first one. Maybe because I have had complications with the band, I dont know. What I really want to know was physically speaking how were the recoveries different? I am not sure what to expect from my stomach in comparison to the band. But I have been told the actually recovery time is somewhat the same. Anyways, just wanting to hear some positive reinforcement as I head into my second (and please god my last) surgery on Monday. Thanks everyone!

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