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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by heartonmysleevey

  1. We all know exactly what weight gain is; the scale goes up in numbers' date=' our clothes start to get tight, it takes more effort to get out of a chair, the seat belt is tighter and we just don’t feel as well.<br />

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    We all know what weight loss is; the scale shows us a lower number, our clothes hang funny and fall off of us, people start complimenting us about the way we look, we feel better, and we need less medicine.<br />

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    But weight maintenance is something that we all have failed to understand. We have gone up and down in our weight our entire lives, struggling to keep the weight off, gaining weight over and over again. Gaining it has always been easy, I just look at brownies and I would gain two pounds. I never understood my neighbor who was always a perfect size 8 and ate everything in sight. We all know people like that.<br />

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    What has always been missing, is weight maintenance – it was something that I had never achieved. It was elusive to me. I was a constant yo yo. I would lose the weight and thought I could maintain my weight loss but those old habits would sneak back in and sabotage me one more time. The frustration grew every time that I would go down and then back up again and many times with a bonus extra pounds. Each time getting more and more frustrated.<br />

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    When you buy a new car you shop around to get the best deal and then you pick the one that best suits you and your lifestyle. When you pick it up, it comes with a manual, a set instructions and guidelines. You need to put gas into the gas tank to make the car move and every 3, 0000 mile change the oil. Then every once in a while you need to take it in to the dealer who opens it up and looks inside. They make some adjustments and then they give you a bill. You pay the bill and then you are on your way. You need to wash and wax your car so it always looks good.<br />

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    Well, if you think about this is the same as having Bariatric Surgery. The new car is the same as your new pouch. You decide what kind of surgery that is best for you and your lifestyle. You shop around for the best surgeon. You are given a set of instructions from your surgeon, just like you received with your car. You need to feed yourself Protein and Water to keep you going. Every few months you need to see the surgeon, to check under your hood to take sure your blood levels are good to keep you going in the best condition. You doctor will give you some suggestions to keep you running well and keep you on the right road to weight loss. You exercise and continually add more fuel. But then one day you stop checking the oil and washing the car. A rattle appears out of nowhere and you get used to the new noise coming from the right front of the car. A door ding shows up and you do not even notice the second or third one. You forget to check under the hood. For the bariatric patient this is the time that they start to stray from their doctors program, they start to gain a little weight, we go back to some of our old habits without even thinking about it. This is where we all start to get into trouble. We think we do not need support group anymore, after all we have lost a lot of weight and we think that we are doing just fine. Then all of a sudden we have a wreck, we got on the scale and it is up by 20 or 25 pounds.<br />

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    It is time to call the Auto club tow truck. We need to get towed back to the right road. The Maintenance Road. We all have heard the new Weight Watchers ad campaign, that diets do not work, every one of us know that diets do not work. We have tried them all and look where we ended up; heavier and more frustrated. The only thing that will have lasting effects on us is when we are ready to make lifestyle changes. These changes will make us not only lose the weight but to keep it off for life. To lose weight and keep it off, the best approach is to focus on lifestyle changes and develop an eating plan that's enjoyable, yet healthy and low in calories. This approach will result in weight loss that you can live with - that is, that you can maintain over a long period of time. We need to attend support groups and get a constant stream of positive motivation to keep us on the Maintenance Road. It is easy to get lost and to end up in a dead end; your support group can direct you back at anytime. We are here to help you achieve the goals that are important to you.<br />

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    We each need to learn to make it a Lifestyle that you can live with and enjoy day in and day out to continue to maintain your weight loss.<br />

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    Successful Make it a Lifestyle weight-maintenance strategies<br />

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    Now that you have lost the weight, you can't stop your hard work. Weight maintenance requires daily exercise, healthy eating, a long-term commitment and constant attention. The following habits are essential for you to develop to achieve long term weight maintenance:<br />

    [*']Healthy Snacks and meals - Focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Keep saturated fat low and limit sweets and alcohol. Remember that no one food offers all the nutrients you need. Choose a variety of foods throughout the day. Remember to eat two bites of dense Protein to one bite of anything else.<br />

    [*]Exercise program - One of the most important things you can do for weight maintenance is to continue a aggressive exercise program. Studies suggest that it only takes 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity daily to maintain weight loss. Moderately intense physical activities include swimming, fast walking, biking, and hiking.<br />

    [*]Know and avoid your food traps - Know which situations can trigger you’re out-of-control eating. The best way to identify these food traps and emotional eating is to keep a food journal. For as long as you find it helpful, write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you're feeling and how hungry you are. This will help you understand and stay in control of your eating behaviors.<br />

    [*]Regularly monitor your weight - People who weigh themselves at least once a week are more successful in keeping off the pounds. Monitoring your weight can tell you whether your efforts are working and can help you become aware of small weight gains before they become larger.<br />

    [*]Be consistent - Sticking to your new lifestyle plan during the week, on the weekends, and amidst vacation and holidays increases your chances of long-term maintenance.<br />

    [*]Attend Support Group - Getting support is critical, whether through a friend, family member, trained professional or support group, can ultimately mean the difference between your success and failure.<br />

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    Click here to view the article

  2. Don't worry! Your time will come. I was supposed to have mine in march. Was denied and had to take a 26 weeks class after 6 month with a dietician. Was totally misinformed by my pcp. I finish it all in October and maybe will have my date in the new year (fingers crossed). After all is said and done, it will be 21 months. Your so close and it will happen.

    Hang In there :)

  3. Good for you! You will be successful now and after surgery! Your body will recover so much faster with the weight loss. Use all of your wonderful tools to the max. Use your sleeve as a tool as well. We are all in this together.

    I just might start a challenge too. I'm praying for surgery in the new year/jan. I want to loose 30lbs before.

    Best wishes to you! Keep it up.

  4. I write or do something for my self. Find a hobby. Sounds corny, but stress eating is what got me here today. If i dont tame my stress eating beast I think I would be a failure at this.

    Best of luck

  5. How did everything go? I'm a band to sleeve revision, and have my consult with him in a few weeks.

    What does he require before the surgery? How quick is his scheduling?


    Well, I went to my consult and it went great. His nurse is really nice but a little pushy for the Rny By pass. Dr. Suh said the sleeve is great and I would be perfect for it.

    I did all my pre op and then he required a 6 month bariatric program class for me.:( Im really bummed but after that class its pretty mucha guaranty.

    According to my medical group, its a requirement. No way around it. Not everyone has to do it.

    Im not quite done yet.

    Best of luck to you :)

  6. Trust me. It goes by so fast. In may it will be a year and I'm still working on my pre op tests. Hoping for a april/may surgery date

    Use this time to mentally and physically prepare yourself. Research and ask all the questions you want. Don't ever give up.

    I feel so ready and all of my questions have been answered.

    Best of luck :)

  7. Hey Everyone!!

    So, I have a minor dilemma. I have my consult on the 28th. I know that my surgeon will ask for pre op test like blood work, ekg U/S of my abdomen and EKG. That means I have to go to my PCP and request all of those. Well, she isn't very cooperative with anything I ask for. ( really really long story). Then I would have to go back to my surgeon for my pre Op appointment.

    Now, my question is, Do I need another referral to go back to my surgeon for my next appointment? On my referral paper it say it is for a consult only. But if my surgeon asks for all of these test and they all come back clear and he believes this surgery is medically nessacery do I have to got through the referral process all over again. ( i was first denial by my medical group for a consult. Then I sent a appeal to aetna with all records and papers and they approved my appeal and I won for a consult)

    Second question is, for all of my pre op testing should I or can I go to another pcp within my medical group and ask for these tests? I dont want to jeopardize any chances or timing with all of this. Im affraid the my now PCP will give me a hard time about these test. Can I get a written request from my surgeon for these tests?

    SO far I have done:

    6 month supervised Diet


    support group

    Psych evaluation

    Upper GI

    What I have left:

    Full panel blood work


    U/s of abdomen

    chest xray

    Thank you guys so much for your responses and advice. With what I have went through, I am traumatized but everything my medical group has put me through. So scared to make any wrong moves.

    Thanks again xoxo

    natasha :)

  8. Yay! I have him too. My consult is feb. 28th I believe after you consult you have pre op testing (which I proactively started). Then they get a pre auth for surgery and schedule your pre-op appointment. He also wants you to go to a support group meeting and a seminar. I'm going this coming Monday to his seminar. I already did the support group meeting. I hope there isn't a lot of time between the consult and the pre-op appointment. I'm praying for a march surgery date. :)

    Hope this helps.

  9. Hi Nadashad,

    OK here is my opinion, honestly what I would do is send the letter to the president/vice-president or better yet, the supervisor of the individual who is denying your request. This is what I call an (Exception to Current Policy). I would make a personal plea and explain your situation in detail to them. For example, you discussed the shift work and child care situation, the fact that you are a stay at home mom, the condition of your car and the price of gas to commute to and from the meetings. Discuss the hardship that this will cause you and how let down and disapointed you feel about them changing the rules for approval after you have done what was required. Explain that your condition is worsening and the fhe fact that it is just unfair to treat you in this manner. Coming from an HR professional your letter sounds combative and demanding and dosen't contain the details to make the decision you are seeking. Recommend to tone it down a little and put more of your personal feelings and how their decision has affected you and what they can do to assist you in achieving your goal of surgery. :aureola:

    If you have a PPO and a great Bariatric Surgeon they can get the pre auth without any PCP.

    It is all in the packaging and your surgery should be approved if your BMI is off as well. I had my surgery completed and authorized in 4 days!

    Don't be upset grab the bull by the horns and welcome the new change!!

    thank you both for your replies. I want a fast response. I feel this may be my only option. I just wonder if my medical group only calls the shots. I bought a health plan from aetna. Just so confusing. :/

  10. Hey everybody!

    I havent been around for while because of how sad I have been. But today my big sister told be to get off my butt and take care of business.

    I have been doing my supervised diet with my pcp since May. As of November 6th my 6 months is up and all of my qualifications have been met. Last minute my pcp said I need to go to more classes for 6 months to another medical group that is 45 minutes ( one way) away. Classes are once a week for the first 3 months then twice a month for the last 3. At first I was shocked and mad. I have posted about this issue before. But now I have more details.

    After being upset, I came around. But I still couldn't get to the classes. I have a 5 year old and a 1year old. My husband comutes and I have a hunk-o-junk car. Plus, gas money. oh yeah, Im a stay at home mom. So, now im not upset about the time. Im upset that I can do the classes. So I told that to my PCP. I said if classes were local I would have no problem.

    Next problem, I asked for a referral to see the surgeon that I picked so maybe they could push the surgery. ( i have met and exceeded all of my AETNA *** requirements.) My pcp said that the medical group has denied that request as well. WTH!!! If i had a referral to see my surgeon , they could submit all of my paper work and I would have a date. Im %100. I have read Aetna obesity policy bulletin 10 times! I never received a denial letter for my referral. I feel like my PCP does not want me to have surgery and that she never EVEN submitted a referral request.

    This is where my sister come into play. She know Doctors and has work in doctors offices for years. She thinks the medical group wants to drag it out to the new year. Every year I believe they get a lump sum of money for me being with there medical group.

    I wrote a letter that I am mailing certified tomorrow to my pcp. All i want in this world is a referral to my surgeons office!

    Here is the letter:

    To whom it may concern;

    This is a formal request in writing. To my understanding, I have been denied a request for a referral to see Dr. J******. I do not know the reasons for the denial. This is my second attempt in receiving a referral.

    Based on Aetna, I have met and exceeded ALL of the policy bulletin requirements.

    I have contacted Aetna and they don’t understand why your office is WITHOLDING my referral.

    In addition, I was told that Dr. **** was not contracted with ***** Physician’s. I have verified with Aetna and **** Surgery’s contract manager that Dr. J***** IS in fact contracted.

    I personally feel my condition worsening and need to see a specialist. This is urgent and I would appreciate a prompt written response for my referral to See Dr. J********.

    Attached is a copy of Aetna’s Obesity Surgery Policy Bulletin.

    Kind regards,

    What are the laws about medical groups and them making up there own rule and completely ignore Aetnas policys?

    Where is my denial letter?

    thank you all for reading this and your responses :smile1:

  11. Sorry you are going through all this frustration with your insurance company. It is truly ridiculous and many of us have made the choice to go to MX. I paid under $6000 for my surgery, stay, and flight. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey, I hope it all works out well for you and you are able to have the Sleeve. The best thing I have ever done for myself, and I am very happy.


    Thanks so very much and CONGRATS!

    I cant wait to say the same things you all say. Can't wait to feel it too!


  12. I am seeing Dr. Kelly (who is very well reviewed and has 11+ years experience, as well as US training in trauma) for closer to 6000$.

    I made this choice after massive, extensive research for 2 years. There are many doctors in Mexico who perform this surgery far more often than doctors in the US, with little to no major complications. I don't consider Mexico the best option because it's less expensive or requires less paper work, I consider it the best because of the level of experience some of the surgeons have. If I won the lotto, I'd likely still be set on Dr. Kelly, and from my research Aceves is a great surgeon as well.

    Best of luck to you!

    Thanks for you reply. Haha Thats what I always say, if i was super rich I would still go overseas or mexico. You're in better hands and its a speedy process.


  13. Thank you all so much for your replies. It means a lot to me. my doctor never disclosed any of this. I have seen a dietician, got psych clearance and was getting ready for X-rays and such. Why did she allow the referrals to those things if I still have EIGHT months tom even see a surgeon? Just weird and bizarre.

    I have to have a chat with DH before I can make a final choice.

    Thanks again


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