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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Valentina

  1. Valentina

    Need support

    Alone??? NO WAY!!! Not as long as you have US. ----and now that you have found us------you have us and we have you ! Welcome, my new friend. Post any concern, brag or bitch. There will be someone here that has shared your experience and will be will to "share" with you. We may spit and sputter once in awhile, but above all else-----WE CARE.
  2. Some people go to Mexico. There are clinics there that do "assembly line" WLS. IF you have no complications, and have a job that isn't too physical you could POSSIBLY get your WLS done and be back to work within your time off guidelines. Would I have WLS under that those conditions? No way! Be kind to yourself. Take the time to prepare, have the surgery and then recover. WLS is NOT a miracle cure for obesity. There's much to learn. I drove myself home from the hospital and continued with my life as if I never had WLS to begin with----in the hospital, had WLS, did swallowing test, drove home, got on with my life. ​I do NOT recommend you do the same. Take the time. You deserve to do this the right way. Be kinder to yourself-----you deserve it.
  3. Do you have a therapist that can help you through this? My, unprofessional opinion? For tonight----wallow in your tears. Cry, wale, rant, kick something---not the family pet!. Really, let it out tonight----have a good cry. I've always thought that I felt more "myself and in control" after I've let myself have the freedom to allow myself to just let go of my fears and tears. THEN: Until you find a job, your job IS LOOKING FOR A JOB. Spent as much time and effort looking for a job as you do actually working at a job. If you're eligible of disability or unemployment, wonderful. If not, get busy. You don't have your WLS date yet, so in the meantime, work at working. I bet everything will fall into its proper place by the time your surgery date comes. Post often, please and let us know all about your new job and your surgery date. Rooting for you!
  4. Valentina

    Let's hear it for the girls

    ​From 'Granny" to "Grammy" and from one "Upstater" to another-----you come from stern stock if you can survive in Upstate NY! ​You got this, Friend. Now go and ROCK IT!!!!!! ​Woot! Woot ! for your BODACIOUS TAATAAS!!!!
  5. THINK: T=Is it TRUE?? H=is it HELPFUL? I=Is it INSPIRING? N=Is it NECESSARY? K=Is it KIND?

    1. ShelterDog64
    2. kmorri


      Good one!! I love acronyms……I learned a new one today right here on BP in another thread. “F O C U S” F… Off Cuz Ur Stupid………….knowing that one makes me miss working in the office!! I can’t imagine how much fun I could have had telling several folks to FOCUS!!! It almost makes me want to give up my working from home…….. nah, nothing could be that much fun!!! hahaha

  6. Valentina

    NSV: Massage

    Eeeewwww! No thank you. With my Fibro, just the idea of some one laying their hands on me and applying pressure makes me hurt. I realize that massage is wonderful of some people and helpful. It's just not for me. I guess I'll just have to keep searching for my pleasure NSV. It's out there somewhere. In the meantime, Enjoy ISG! You've certainly earned your "massage moments". Enjoy, my friend.
  7. Valentina

    In ONE WORD...

  8. When you're ready, you will know. When you're brain finally convinces your fears to "see reason", then you will be ready. After you have researched more, read more, watched more videos, talked with more post ops, listened to more speakers, listed all of the pros/cons over and over and over, then prayed more and then some more, then and only then will you be ready-----at your own pace---in your own time. Be patient with yourself, Grasshopper. You will know---when the time is right.
  9. Valentina


    I know just what you're talking about. I was on the NJ Parkway when all traffic was stopped----completely stopped. I was fuming because I was hot, late and eager to get to the pier to go fishing. Last year as I was griping to myself about sitting in traffic - a Ride 2 Recovery Bike Ride drove past. 100's of disabled vets riding adapted bicycles. It was overwhelming to watch and I sat there and cried. Here I was bitching about the inconvenience of traffic. THEN: The ground shoot and the sky roared. "The Rolling Thunder" Came through. There were HUNDREDS of motorcycles traveling down the Parkway as they do every year in support of our troops--past and present. Many of them on adapted bikes for amputee riders. Just the sight and sound of them sent shivers up my spine and tears to my eyes. The sight brought back a very potent memory for me... I remember when I picked up my brother at Newark Airport when he came back from his third tour in Viet Nam. He was in a wheelchair because he had both of his legs broken. He wanted to surprise our mother with his homecoming. That is why I (at 16yr and not supposed to be driving out of NY state) pick him up. Anyway, as I wheeled him through the airport, the Viet Nam protestors SPIT on him and called him, "baby killer" and other foul obscenities. I stopped to "address" these insults, but my brother stopped me by reaching out and grabbing my arm. When I looked at him I noticed tears in his eyes that matched my own. What did he say? "I want to go home, Sis. Please, just take me home". We never told our mother what happened that day.
  10. Valentina

    Blood thinner shot Rash

    So glad to hear you are getting treated for the two rashes. They just never looked like a typical rash to me. That is why I really wanted you to be seen by a doctor's eye. Take care, friend, and keep posting so we can keep an eye on you.
  11. Valentina

    Pre-op liquid diet: crashed!

    Hahaha this certainly made me smile - thank you I will inform him he needs to start working on his stamina (I'm still laughing!). So much support from the forums today, I've almost forgotten how miserable I was this morning! Thanks again Sent from my iPod touch using the BariatricPal App You are very welcome. My job here is done...
  12. Valentina

    Pre-op liquid diet: crashed!

    Just a thought to think about during the "blah" and "brain dead" moments: You and Hubby are going to be soooo delighted and "excited" when your hormonal flushing starts! Woot! Woot! Hint that he may want to rest up now. I just wanted to peek in on your thread and give you something to smile about and let you know that "good times are coming". You're going to be just fine. Accept this liquid pre-op as a challenge. You're up to it or you wouldn't have made it this far. Wishing YOU the strength to stay the course. Wishing your HUBBY stamina...
  13. Valentina

    What Is Your Biggest Guilty Pleasure? (Food or Not)

    You again??????? OMG!!! Get a room!!! ----and some Pop rocks! (I'm just envious )
  14. Valentina

    This is a TMI moment...

    First: you really must come up with a better name for your beloved. Lord only knows, she has earned a better one.....just say'n! Second: Always remember: "Happy wife--Happy life". AND "If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy". Good luck, my friend. So far, so good!
  15. Valentina

    This is a TMI moment...

    Ooohhhh, I get it now. It's like a "junk YARD"...
  16. Cleaned my closet over the weekend to get ready for Fall. Well, now I either have to go shopping--(which I hate unless it's for fishing tackle) or I have to remain in my PJs for the winter. None, and I do mean none, of my winter clothes fit to where I would wear them outside of the house. I guess this is a NSV, but it's upsetting. I really have some beautiful Fall and Winter clothes from when I used "high end" entertain with John and his diamond jewelers' circle. How times are "achanging". Moving on isn't always all smiles and sunshine, I guess, but moving on is what I am determined to do.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daisee68


      Wow. That is tough - much more so than many of us. You hang on to those clothes friend and to the memories. HUGS!!

    3. Unbridled


      Valentina, I'm so glad to read this... your difficulty parting with clothes that don't fit. I'm not to that stage my a long shot, but have already walked into my closet and walked out shaking my head. I feel like I've given up a lot. So not ready to give up the clothes too.

      Gosh girl... just so proud of you. And so glad you are better. You sound like your old self again.

    4. Valentina


      @Unbridled: Same old self? yep. Like it or not, I'm bbbbaaaaaccccckkkkkkk! :)


      PS: easy on the "old" remarks.... ;)

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Valentina

    Name your fave Football snacks

    Peanuts, popcorn and cracker jacks. No wait!!!! That's BASEBALL!!!! All by myself with my beloved Yankees. Oh well, at least I don't have to share my prize I found in my box of Cracker Jacks. Soooo there...
  18. Yes it is a safe place. You have friends here who really care about YOU. We are here and ready to listen whenever you're ready... Be kind to yourself getting back on track. You are much cared for.
  19. Valentina

    Final Count Down

    Now it starts to get real. Start each day fresh. Don't lose sight of your goal, but don't lose yourself obtaining it. Nice and slow and easy. Approach each day with a "new day" spirit. Try not to get overwhelmed by the pre-op menu. Thousands of folks have done it---some more graciously than others , but they did it. You can too. The pre-op diet has its purpose. Stick to it. Integrity: doing what you know is the right thing to do even when no one is watching. We are here if you need support, need to rant, or just need a virtual kick in the arse.
  20. Remember that anything you can crockpot, you can eat during the soft stage. Take left overs to work the next day. Sometimes you should strain the crockpot creation if it's too "lumpy" for your eating stage. How about tuna salad in a tomato---if you can have the tomato. Every plan is different... cottage cheese Soups greek yogurt pack of hot cereal---once again, if allowed egg salad/egg drop soup pate' I always thought that the soft stage was "fun" because it lets us use our imagination. Let it go! Think outside the box! Go for it!!!! Happy exploring.
  21. Valentina

    Protein soups

    What's a serving size for that much protein? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Two Tablespoons. Sorry I forgot to mention that. Silly me
  22. Valentina

    On a happy note-

    Will you adopt me?
  23. Valentina

    What Is Your Biggest Guilty Pleasure? (Food or Not)

    Hot food---not spicy---just hot food. I find eating so slowly my food gets cold before I can finish my meal. I know I can "nuke" it, but I just don't think food tastes as good and fresh once it's reheated. AND of course those "Demon inspired" crunchy Cheetoes. I can't even have them in the neighbors' house!!!! I can smell them out like a hound dog treeing a raccoon.
  24. I wish I had known that my Fibromyalgia would make my "nerve pain" increase ten fold. WLS recovery pain was NOTHING compared to the nerve pain I had for the first two weeks. I've had a total knee replacement and even that pain did not come close. I just wish I had known, so I could have mentally prepared myself.
  25. Valentina

    2 questions

    These questions are best answered by your bariatric team. Give them a call. Personally speaking: "No" to the gum "Yes" to the tea Wishing you a joyful journey.

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