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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Valentina

  1. Valentina

    Ummm, NSV?

    Ha! Sounds like a "fish" story I once heard...
  2. Great thread, Alex. I find that I have gained a better understanding of what's important and what is just narcissistic behavior of too many. Losing John the morning of my WLS taught me to stop and think before speaking by "knee jerk" reaction alone. Is what I am about to say important, meaningful, and considerate? Am I truly answering a question and thinking about the consequences of my words or just seeking attention for a "shockingly sexual innuendo, a sarcastic knee slapper, or an, "I've paid my dues, so now you must also prove you can tolerate my sharp and stinging wit " response? There are many that refer to their answers as, "tough love". Well, it's tough, but severely lacking anything resembling "love". I've learned that there is a way to "correct, advice, guide, and/or even scold", without belittling, shaming, being condescending, rude, abrupt or down right hurtful. That is where PATIENCE comes to my mind. Whether I'm answering a question for the first time or for the thousandth time, my verbiage needs to be helpful---never hurtful. If I don't feel it within myself to answer in such a manner, than I have to have the patience to wait until I do, or just leave the question for another to answer--who hopefully will the patience that I am lacking just then. "If you can't improve upon the silence---then don't". I've been responding to many PM's lately. I find that some members find that talking "privately" leaves them less likely to receive harshness and/or ridicule that they fear on the boards. I am delighted to receive PMs from those members. However I feel that they are losing some of the vast knowledge and insight of many of the members who would be patient with them and help them have a more joyful WLS journey. Patience is a truly a gift that has to be practiced each and every day in our lives. It is difficult sometimes, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Am I the patient responder that I aim to be? No, but I'm trying...
  3. Valentina

    Flip flopping family member(s)

    Take a deep breath and------------------THINK! You have to be committed enough, strong enough, informed enough and independent enough to travel your WLS journey ALONE to be truly secure in having a successful journey. When everything and every one around you collapses you only have yourself to rely upon. That/you should be enough to see you through to your new life style and healthier you. WLS is only part of the solution. The rest is up to your BRAIN. Start wrapping your head around that now. Many times a good bariatric therapist is the answer on just how to do that. You have to get any eating disorders/addictions under control and understood BEFORE surgery. And, NO, my friend. Food funerals are not bad. They are a meant to be a final farewell acknowledgement of your eating lifestyle that you are knowingly and gleefully leaving behind. FINAL farewell---just before you start your pre-op diet. ONCE done----not an excuse to binge every time you get stressed through out your 6month pre-op experience. You will have to learn different coping skills. Once again, a good bariatric friendly therapist can be a valuable asset for you. I had a food funeral. I will cherish the memories of that day for the rest of my life. My SO made it a very special event for me ---leaving me feeling much loved and much encouraged as I looked forward to my "new life". Don't let anyone talk you out of that experience. (MHO). Take time to be kind to yourself. Write down your "pros and cons" list of having WLS. Post the lists where you will see them everyday. Read them out loud to yourself. You will build up your self confidence to the level where no matter what ANYONE says, YOU will know that having WLS is the right move for YOU. I look forward to following your SUCCESSFUL and JOYFUL WLS.
  4. Really, Dub, feel free to tell us how you REALLY feel...
  5. Valentina

    Help! What did you bring?

    I took: My robe and slippers so I "felt pretty" walking the halls chap stick my lavender soap and body lotion--I wanted to smell like "home"=--not "hospital" my cell phone and charger tooth brush and paste My rosary---couldn't hurt, right?
  6. I'm six weeks post. Life changing, isn't it? I'm also have a loooonnnngggg vertical incision. No pictures will be posted. Hope you are feeling and healing well.
  7. Valentina


    Yes, and----yes. Time for an open and honest conversation with your bariatric team... MHO
  8. Valentina

    Flowers on hair?

    Well said, young man. Touché . I guess all the rumors about you aren't totally true after all... Rumors are usually just that. Not when I start them myself...
  9. Valentina

    Flowers on hair?

    Well said, young man. Touché . I guess all the rumors about you aren't totally true after all...
  10. Valentina

    Food Porn

    Why, now that you mention it-----yes, I do believe I am!...
  11. Valentina

    Food Porn

    If Bubba (from Forrest Gump) farmed Brussels sprouts instead of shrimp: Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', Brussels sprout is the fruit of the land. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, Brussels sprout-kabobs, Brussels sprout creole, brussel sprout gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple Brussels sprout, lemon Brussels sprout, coconut Brussels sprout, pepper Brussels sprout, Brussels sprout soup, Brussels sprout stew, Brussels sprout salad, Brussels sprout and potatoes, Brussels sprout burger, Brussels sprout sandwich. That- that's about it. Don't forget cold Brussel Sprouts and garlic marinated in Vinegar and oil. YUMMMMMY!You need to take 3 dollar store pregnancy tests and average them out cuz your either going to be craving pickles and ice cream or your totally, utterly nuts! I consider myself to be delightfully demented... If I were EVER to become pregnant at my age,, don't bother with any testing-----just take one of your rifles and shoot me in my head, OK??? Been there----done that---and have the T-shirt that says so. By the way, I also like Brussel sprouts, sautéed with onions then add ketchup .. ambrosia to the Gods!
  12. Valentina

    Food Porn

    If Bubba (from Forrest Gump) farmed Brussels sprouts instead of shrimp: Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', Brussels sprout is the fruit of the land. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, Brussels sprout-kabobs, Brussels sprout creole, brussel sprout gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple Brussels sprout, lemon Brussels sprout, coconut Brussels sprout, pepper Brussels sprout, Brussels sprout soup, Brussels sprout stew, Brussels sprout salad, Brussels sprout and potatoes, Brussels sprout burger, Brussels sprout sandwich. That- that's about it. Don't forget cold Brussel Sprouts and garlic marinated in Vinegar and oil. YUMMMMMY!
  13. Valentina

    Food Porn

    EWWWW!! I don't want to sleep under YOUR covers tonight. You were not invited. I actually brought home most all of them so will be eating them for a few days... I love to sprinkle nutritional yeast on them along with some freshly crushed garlic and roast them in the oven----425 degrees for 20-25min. YUMMMMMMYYYYY!!!! Sometimes I'll put lemon or hot sauce at the table. Even my grandsons will eat them.
  14. Valentina

    New Question- FUN

    "Old Time Rock N Roll" ----Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band
  15. Starting PT following my skin surgery. No pool or fishing for another 6wks. I hope the striped bass run late this year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. highfunctioningfatman


      We would love to explore the northeast. My sister and brother in law still have a house in Warsaw, NY . One of my life plans is to watch the leaves turn color up there and have a Maine lobster in Maine, New England clam chowder in a New England state and spend time in Boston, and D.C..

    3. Valentina


      It so strange to go to "tag sales" in Maine. Every house has a cooler full of lobsters for sale. The dog shows that I had entered in Maine had lobsters boiling for lobster rolls and lobster chowder. Most dog shows are hamburgers, hot dogs and fries. The leaves are starting to turn now. Hurry!!!! :)

    4. highfunctioningfatman


      We would love to! 20k out of pocket for medical expenses says that we are keeping our happy butts at home for awhile.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Valentina


    I'm lik'n the "trashy, nasty, sucky" Quest bars. Each to their own, right? The formula that Quest is using is the same one they started---after consumer request. That's being responsive , don't you think? I like their numbers and I like the fact that they do NOT taste like candy bars. I got to be obese by eating (in part) candy bars. NEVER AGAIN!
  17. Valentina


    I'm rather surprised that she isn't "Widow Fat Man". Be NICE to your baby's mamma. It's not easy pulling a Rottweiler through a knothole.
  18. Valentina


    Don't you have any fish out there??? You could join Dub and myself for surf fishing 101. When? don't know. Where? haven't a clue. Just knowing that he knows NOTHING about surf fishing makes if fun to think about ...
  19. Valentina


    Crying??? Hell, I've gone way beyond that!!! I'm weeping and waling!!!!! You gave the knives over to your wife while you're still calling her, "Mrs Fat Man"? Too bad you two fisherpeople live on the "wrong" side of the country.
  20. Valentina


    My next striped bass, I want smoked. Yummy!
  21. Valentina


    I like the lemon and the cinnamon bun. But what do I know? I like the brownie one too. I prefer a Protein bar that does NOT taste like a candy bar. That is asking for trouble where I am concerned. Keep experimenting. Happy hunting!
  22. Oh my! Please post and let us know what you find out. Oh my!
  23. Valentina

    Surgery on Wednesday & I have a cold!

    Call your surgeon's office on Monday and let them know what's going on. They will be able to give you guidance and advice. What will be will be. If your surgery has to be postponed, then that's what is best for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  24. That's kind of like asking, "will my child's teacher not pass him/her because of failing tests"? It's not the teacher fault if your child gets held back, just as it will not be your surgeon's fault if your surgery has to be cancelled/postponed. Yes, the pre-op diet is to try and shrink the liver , but it is also to demonstrate YOUR commitment to WLS. Are your really ready? Are you fully committed to all of the life changes that have to happen if you are to be successful? Those are questions that only YOU can answer and demonstrate. One thing is for sure. You MUST tell your surgeon what you have done. He/she deserves to know what to expect. I wish you well. We are all here to help when we can, but you have to be willing to help yourself. Please keep posting and letting us know how you are doing. I for one, would enjoy following your successful and joyful WLS journey.

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