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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KellyL

  1. And please don't just judge your success by the scales alone. I know everyone does, and it's tempting, but how your clothes are fitting, and using a measuring tape are other ways to see changes when the scales are stubborn.
  2. KellyL

    Eating Out - Embarrasing???

    I have never noticed other people watching or staring at what I eat at a restaurant. But maybe it's because I am not self-conscious at all. I don't even really look around much, except at the people I am there with, because we're talking. I am there to enjoy a meal with family or friends. I order something that has a lot of protein and sounds yummy to me, knowing full well I will be asking for a go box. I actually enjoy getting to take some home and making numerous meals out of it. And I LOVE the sense of control I have now over food. I don't really like water, but it's free, so to not bring up any questions or looks over why I am not ordering something to drink, I go ahead and order a glass of water. It's there if i NEED a tiny sip to get something down, but generally it sits there, untouched. No one asks me why I didn't drink any of it. When I finish the portion I am going to eat, I go ahead and ask for a box and if they mention it or ask if I'd like dessert, I simply say the same thing normal people say when asked this question: No thanks....or no, I am so full....or no, I couldn't eat another bite. All of which are true. I have stopped worrying about what others think of what or how much I eat, it is no ones business and I don't owe anyone an explanation. This is coming from someone who used to care way too much about what others thought too.
  3. Yes, you do look pretty and healthy too.
  4. Good luck to you for an easy surgery and speedy recovery!
  5. KellyL


    I have no memory of them doing this to me when I had surgery. If they did it, it was removed before I woke up and I didn't even feel any soreness or scratchiness in my throat whatsoever.
  6. KellyL

    Gastric Sleeve Nightmare V.2.0

    DishDiva, I am so sorry you are going thru all this! How very scary and frustrating too. I know you are ready to be healed and move forward with your life. Sending you wishes for a complete recovery very soon!! *hugs* Kelly
  7. Congrats on being sleeved! I hope you continue to heal quickly and feel better every day!
  8. Wow Kimmes, congrats, you are absolutely stunning!! You are such an inspiration, thanks for sharing the before/after pics!! :cheer2:
  9. Congrats and welcome to Sleeveland!! Wishing you an easy and speedy recovery!! :cheer2:
  10. KellyL

    Sleeve size changing??

    Yes, seems true for me too. Mine can be different from day to day, and also the time of the day? Sometimes I can't eat much or don't even want much in the morning, but I am hungrier or can hold a little more early evening. It's weird, but I've seen a lot of people say the same thing.
  11. KellyL

    4 days out!

    Hi, congrats on being a Sleever!!! It sounds like you are doing very well. It is normal to have diarrhea for a while, cuz you are only taking liquids in. Try to get as much fluid in as you can to stay hydrated, but yes, it takes a while to build up to all your fluids and protein. You may be tired for a while, but again normal, you just had surgery and your body has to recover and heal. It takes a while to adjust to getting everything in, but you will have more room once the swelling goes down in your sleeve. Usually it takes about 4-6 wks. I hope you have a very easy recovery!
  12. KellyL

    7 months post-op With Pics

    Wow!!! You look absolutely fabulous!! Congrats on your amazing success! :cheer2:
  13. Wow, a normal BMI in 6 months, you have done so well!!!! Congrats! As far as your nagging fear, I have no idea where that is coming from either. I have seen a thread with this topic not too long ago, so you apparently are not alone in this fear that for some reason you may need your stomach. But you do still have a stomach, just way smaller. I could never find in my yrs of research, a reason why we would need a larger stomach vs. a smaller stomach. I know people have no problems getting pregnant or carrying their babies thru their full term pregnancy. So I just don't know, but I would venture to guess the emotions are coming from some where else too. Plus sometimes it's just hard to wrap our heads around being able to finally be successfull at losing the weight I think, so perhaps your fear is just not about needing your stomach, but also fear of the weight coming back, or just something negative to prevent you from experiencing your full happiness with your success. I hope you are able to identify the causes of your concerns and fears. Perhaps you can research it, and set your mind at ease. Also get in touch with the other feelings. I imagine you do get homesick on a job that keeps you traveling. It's difficult to deal with our emotions and find other ways to channel them sometimes, and it's a big adjustment. I am so thrilled for you, and you are such an inspiration!! You should definitely post some before/after pics!!
  14. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! How's the pre-op diet? You have less than a wk to your new Sleeved life! :)

  15. What another great post from Mr Pasquini, and I agree wholeheartedly! I have to remind myself daily, I am in this for life, it's not just a diet. Those days are behind me forever, now on to the healthier lifestyle!! My Sleeve is helping me to incorporate healthier choices and eating into my daily life. I am also definitely on the slow loser train, but I will get there just the same. I must be on the scenic route!! haha But I am just happy and thankful to be on the journey, going in the correct direction for a change. The Sleeve is a wonderful tool that will help keep me on the straight and narrow path. I am very grateful and I love my sleeve!
  16. KellyL

    Just Checking In...

    Hey girl!! It is absolutely wonderful that you are getting that kind of support from your mom and sis!! mani-pedi celebration, that is the way to celebrate and pamper yourself! And the ninja blender and new scales, wow, what great ideas for bday gifts and to begin your journey with! I am so happy for you! Happy early birthday, but I am sure I will be messaging you too. You're surgery date is SO CLOSE!!! It's very exciting. Thanks for the shout out, and I'm so glad I can help someone, as others have helped me. Take care and I'll be messaging you soon.
  17. KellyL

    Alice in Onderland!

    Nina, Hooray!!!!! Congrats on doing so well on your weight loss, and wow, Onederland already?? I am so looking forward to that, seems like my scales just don't like to cooperate with me lol. Although I am seeing changes in my clothes sizes still so I can't complain and I feel so much better! I am very happy for you, I know it must feel GR8!!!!!!! :cheer2:
  18. Congrats on being Sleeved, and glad things are improving for you on your healing. Welcome to the losers bench!
  19. KellyL

    Is Medicare really covering VSG? or not?

    It depends on which State you live in I think? At least it is that way for Medicaid. I have seen some states have begun covering it under Medicaid, but a lot still haven't. I would try to find out from the Surgeons office you are interested in or contact your States Medicaid/Medicare office.
  20. Yes, I am an emotional person anyway, commercials can make me cry. I mean silly ones lol. But I did have more of an emotional rollercoaster ride immediately post op. Part of it is hormones, but part of it is just adjusting to all the changes. It's definitely not easy in the beginning to channel our emotions without the use of food if you have done that previously and for a long time. But it gets much better and levels out. And yes, I do get teary eyed even now when I think of how grateful I am at finally being given a fighting chance against obesity and becoming healthier. The Sleeved life is quite amazing!
  21. KellyL

    I live in So Ca

    Sorry you are going through all this frustration with your insurance company. It is truly ridiculous and many of us have made the choice to go to MX. I paid under $6000 for my surgery, stay, and flight. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey, I hope it all works out well for you and you are able to have the Sleeve. The best thing I have ever done for myself, and I am very happy.
  22. KellyL

    Hit goal!

    Alexis, you look amazing!!! Congrats to you on reaching goal. Your hard work has paid off and the boots look great by the way. I love boots lol. You're success is very inspiring. The pics are great, and you are just beautiful. :cheer2:
  23. KellyL

    Protein Counting?

    3 oz of turkey breast is around 21g of protein. It can be a little different depending on if it's turkey breast, turkey deli meat, ground turkey, etc. I use myfitnesspal too, it's super easy and has a huge database and also a scan function that you can scan any bar-code of a food product. It keeps up with your protein carb and calorie grams and much more. You can add your exercise and water intake also. And as others have said you can add friends. It has a website and app too. I love having it on my iphone cuz I always have my phone with me everywhere i go.
  24. Don't worry they will begin to notice soon. They may have actually noticed and just have commented out loud yet, not knowing how you would feel about your weight being brought up. But as you become smaller and smaller, people will notice more and will probably comment more. Congrats on the weight loss, you are doing great!!
  25. Kim, That's so fabulous, you are truly rocking your sleeve!!! Congrats to you on your weight loss and your wedding. How exciting to get to be married at a much more healthy and slim weight! It will make the memories so much more special and happy for you, not to mention the pics!! I'm very happy for you! :cheer2:

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